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Fuzzy Multi-task Learning for Hate Speech Type Identification

Published: 13 May 2019 Publication History


In traditional machine learning, classifiers training is typically undertaken in the setting of single-task learning, so the trained classifier can discriminate between different classes. However, this must be based on the assumption that different classes are mutually exclusive. In real applications, the above assumption does not always hold. For example, the same book may belong to multiple subjects. From this point of view, researchers were motivated to formulate multi-label learning problems. In this context, each instance can be assigned multiple labels but the classifiers training is still typically undertaken in the setting of single-task learning. When probabilistic approaches are adopted for classifiers training, multi-task learning can be enabled through transformation of a multi-labelled data set into several binary data sets. The above data transformation could usually result in the class imbalance issue. Without the above data transformation, multi-labelling of data results in an exponential increase of the number of classes, leading to fewer instances for each class and a higher difficulty for identifying each class. In addition, multi-labelling of data is very time consuming and expensive in some application areas, such as hate speech detection. In this paper, we introduce a novel formulation of the hate speech type identification problem in the setting of multi-task learning through our proposed fuzzy ensemble approach. In this setting, single-labelled data can be used for semi-supervised multi-label learning and two new metrics (detection rate and irrelevance rate) are thus proposed to measure more effectively the performance for this kind of learning tasks. We report an experimental study on identification of four types of hate speech, namely: religion, race, disability and sexual orientation. The experimental results show that our proposed fuzzy ensemble approach outperforms other popular probabilistic approaches, with an overall detection rate of 0.93.


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Published: 13 May 2019


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  1. Cyberhate detection
  2. Fuzzy classification
  3. Machine learning
  4. Multi-task learning
  5. Text classification


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  • (2023)Exploring Automatic Hate Speech Detection on Social Media: A Focus on Content-Based AnalysisSage Open10.1177/2158244023118131113:2Online publication date: 17-Jun-2023
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