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Body Follows Eye: Unobtrusive Posture Manipulation Through a Dynamic Content Position in Virtual Reality

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


While virtual objects are likely to be a part of future interfaces, we lack knowledge of how the dynamic position of virtual objects influences users' posture. In this study, we investigated users' posture change following the unobtrusive and swift motions of a content window in virtual reality (VR). In two perception studies, we estimated the perception threshold on undetectable slow motions and displacement during an eye blink. In a formative study, we compared users' performance, posture change as well as subjective responses on unobtrusive, swift, and no motions. Based on the result, we designed concept applications and explored potential design space of moving virtual content for unobtrusive posture change. With our study, we discuss the interfaces that control users and the initial design guidelines of unobtrusive posture manipulation.

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