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Small but Powerful: A Learning Study to Address Secondary Students’ Conceptions of Everyday Computing Technology

Published: 06 February 2020 Publication History


Enabling students to recognize and evaluate the ubiquitous impact of computing technology on society is an internationally proclaimed goal of a K-12 computing education. To that end, students need to actually engage with their computing knowledge in concrete everyday situations. From the perspectives of learning transfer and variation theory, we conducted three iterations of a classroom intervention and qualitatively analyzed students’ learning processes. As a result, we propose a model of four so-called critical aspects of everyday computing technology in that context. We present various classroom situations and learning experiences in relation to those aspects, and discuss what seems to have enabled or prevented meaningful learning. In particular, we found that several students had difficulties in conceiving of computing technology as simultaneously economical and powerful, thus limiting its potential ubiquity. We discuss our findings in the context of contemporary theories of learning transfer and argue that they suggest specific issues that may seriously inhibit students to appropriately engage with their computing knowledge in the context of everyday technologies.


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  1. Small but Powerful: A Learning Study to Address Secondary Students’ Conceptions of Everyday Computing Technology



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    ACM Transactions on Computing Education  Volume 20, Issue 2
    June 2020
    174 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 06 February 2020
    Accepted: 01 January 2020
    Revised: 01 August 2019
    Received: 01 February 2019
    Published in TOCE Volume 20, Issue 2


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    Author Tags

    1. K-12 computing
    2. Naturalistic inquiry
    3. learning study
    4. student conceptions
    5. transfer of learning


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    • (2024)Learning an Explanatory Model of Data-Driven Technologies can Lead to Empowered Behavior: A Mixed-Methods Study in K-12 Computing EducationProceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research - Volume 110.1145/3632620.3671118(326-342)Online publication date: 12-Aug-2024
    • (2022)Development and Use of Domain-specific Learning Theories, Models, and Instruments in Computing EducationACM Transactions on Computing Education10.1145/353022123:1(1-48)Online publication date: 29-Dec-2022

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