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Conceptualizing Augmented Reality Television for the Living Room

Published: 17 June 2020 Publication History


We examine the concept and characteristics of “Augmented Reality Television” (ARTV) using a four-step investigation method consisting of (1) an analysis of commonly-accepted perspectives on Augmented and Mixed Reality systems, (2) a literature survey of previous work on ARTV, (3) relevant connections with other areas of scientific investigation from TVX/IMX, such as Ambient Media, Interactive TV, and 3-D TV, and (4) by proposing a conceptual framework for ARTV called the “Augmented Reality Television Continuum.” Our work comes at a moment when the excitement and hype about the potential of AR for home entertainment has overlooked rigorous analysis and clear-cut examinations of the concepts involved, which should be the hallmark of any exact science. With this work, our goal is to draw the community’s attention toward fundamentals and first principles of ARTV and to tease out its salient qualities on solid foundations.


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IMX '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences
June 2020
211 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 17 June 2020

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  2. Interactive Television.
  3. Mixed Reality


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