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Knowledge Transfer for Entity Resolution with Siamese Neural Networks

Published: 13 January 2021 Publication History


The integration of multiple data sources is a common problem in a large variety of applications. Traditionally, handcrafted similarity measures are used to discover, merge, and integrate multiple representations of the same entity—duplicates—into a large homogeneous collection of data. Often, these similarity measures do not cope well with the heterogeneity of the underlying dataset. In addition, domain experts are needed to manually design and configure such measures, which is both time-consuming and requires extensive domain expertise.
We propose a deep Siamese neural network, capable of learning a similarity measure that is tailored to the characteristics of a particular dataset. With the properties of deep learning methods, we are able to eliminate the manual feature engineering process and thus considerably reduce the effort required for model construction. In addition, we show that it is possible to transfer knowledge acquired during the deduplication of one dataset to another, and thus significantly reduce the amount of data required to train a similarity measure. We evaluated our method on multiple datasets and compare our approach to state-of-the-art deduplication methods. Our approach outperforms competitors by up to +26 percent F-measure, depending on task and dataset. In addition, we show that knowledge transfer is not only feasible, but in our experiments led to an improvement in F-measure of up to +4.7 percent.


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Journal of Data and Information Quality  Volume 13, Issue 1
On the Horizon, On the Horizon and Experience Papers
March 2021
104 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 13 January 2021
Accepted: 01 July 2020
Revised: 01 May 2020
Received: 01 December 2019
Published in JDIQ Volume 13, Issue 1


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  1. Entity resolution
  2. data quality
  3. duplicate detection
  4. metric learning
  5. neural networks
  6. similarity learning
  7. transfer learning


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