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10.1145/3411764.3445162acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageschiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Soloist: Generating Mixed-Initiative Tutorials from Existing Guitar Instructional Videos Through Audio Processing

Published: 07 May 2021 Publication History


Learning musical instruments using online instructional videos has become increasingly prevalent. However, pre-recorded videos lack the instantaneous feedback and personal tailoring that human tutors provide. In addition, existing video navigations are not optimized for instrument learning, making the learning experience encumbered. Guided by our formative interviews with guitar players and prior literature, we designed Soloist, a mixed-initiative learning framework that automatically generates customizable curriculums from off-the-shelf guitar video lessons. Soloist takes raw videos as input and leverages deep-learning based audio processing to extract musical information. This back-end processing is used to provide an interactive visualization to support effective video navigation and real-time feedback on the user's performance, creating a guided learning experience. We demonstrate the capabilities and specific use-cases of Soloist within the domain of learning electric guitar solos using instructional YouTube videos. A remote user study, conducted to gather feedback from guitar players, shows encouraging results as the users unanimously preferred learning with Soloist over unconverted instructional videos.

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          1. Audio Processing
          2. Converting Videos to Interactive Tutorials
          3. Intelligent Tutoring System
          4. Mixed-Initiative Learning
          5. Music Learning
          6. Soloist
          7. Video Learning
          8. Waveform Navigation


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