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Bridging Storage Semantics Using Data Labels and Asynchronous I/O

Published: 14 October 2020 Publication History


In the era of data-intensive computing, large-scale applications, in both scientific and the BigData communities, demonstrate unique I/O requirements leading to a proliferation of different storage devices and software stacks, many of which have conflicting requirements. Further, new hardware technologies and system designs create a hierarchical composition that may be ideal for computational storage operations. In this article, we investigate how to support a wide variety of conflicting I/O workloads under a single storage system. We introduce the idea of a Label, a new data representation, and, we present LABIOS: a new, distributed, Label- based I/O system. LABIOS boosts I/O performance by up to 17× via asynchronous I/O, supports heterogeneous storage resources, offers storage elasticity, and promotes in situ analytics and software defined storage support via data provisioning. LABIOS demonstrates the effectiveness of storage bridging to support the convergence of HPC and BigData workloads on a single platform.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)An Asynchronous Parallel I/O Framework for Mass Conservation Ocean ModelApplied Sciences10.3390/app13241323013:24(13230)Online publication date: 13-Dec-2023
  • (2023)I/O Access Patterns in HPC Applications: A 360-Degree SurveyACM Computing Surveys10.1145/361100756:2(1-41)Online publication date: 15-Sep-2023
  • (2023)Research on Vehicle Network Analytic System Based on Ethernet Protocol Parsing2023 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA)10.1109/ICAICA58456.2023.10405477(205-209)Online publication date: 28-Nov-2023



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cover image ACM Transactions on Storage
ACM Transactions on Storage  Volume 16, Issue 4
Special Section on Computational Storage and Regular Papers
November 2020
185 pages
  • Editor:
  • Sam H. Noh
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 14 October 2020
Accepted: 01 August 2020
Revised: 01 July 2020
Received: 01 January 2020
Published in TOS Volume 16, Issue 4


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Author Tags

  1. Label-based I/O
  2. datalabels
  3. elastic storage
  4. energy-aware I/O
  5. exascale I/O
  6. heterogeneous I/O
  7. storage bridging
  8. task-based I/O


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed

Funding Sources

  • National Science Foundation


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  • (2023)An Asynchronous Parallel I/O Framework for Mass Conservation Ocean ModelApplied Sciences10.3390/app13241323013:24(13230)Online publication date: 13-Dec-2023
  • (2023)I/O Access Patterns in HPC Applications: A 360-Degree SurveyACM Computing Surveys10.1145/361100756:2(1-41)Online publication date: 15-Sep-2023
  • (2023)Research on Vehicle Network Analytic System Based on Ethernet Protocol Parsing2023 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA)10.1109/ICAICA58456.2023.10405477(205-209)Online publication date: 28-Nov-2023

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