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10.1145/3422392.3422486acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessbesConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A Tool for Software Ecosystem Models: An Analysis on their Implications in Education

Published: 21 December 2020 Publication History


Software Engineering (SE) is a discipline that deals with aspects of software production. Often, only the technical aspects are taught in the classes, and the economic and social aspects involved in software development are not reinforced in the classroom. In this context, the concept of a Software Ecosystem (SECO) emerged, defined as a set of actors acting as a unit interacting with a market distributed between software and services, with relationships supported by a technological platform or a common market, carried out by exchanging information, artifacts and resources. SECO teaching is not common in SE classes. However, when adding this knowledge, it is possible to have the benefit of a more global vision of SE, with the relationships between suppliers, technological platforms and customers. Moreover, there is a lack of SECO models and examples in the literature, making its study difficult. This article presents the ARIEL tool, with the aim of mitigating this gap and supporting the teaching of SECO in SE. For this, an user experience evaluation was projected using the DECIDE framework as a reference, with undergraduate and graduate students. As a result of this work, the participants stated it was easy to use the tool and they made few mistakes, most of them felt satisfied when using the tool, and the level of mental effort to carry out the activities is low.


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  • (2022)Teaching software processes from different application domainsProceedings of the XXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality10.1145/3571473.3571488(1-10)Online publication date: 7-Nov-2022

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  1. A Tool for Software Ecosystem Models: An Analysis on their Implications in Education



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    SBES '20: Proceedings of the XXXIV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
    October 2020
    901 pages
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    • SBC: Brazilian Computer Society


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 21 December 2020


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    1. Models
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    3. Software Ecosystems
    4. Software Engineering
    5. Teaching
    6. Tool


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    • (2022)Teaching software processes from different application domainsProceedings of the XXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality10.1145/3571473.3571488(1-10)Online publication date: 7-Nov-2022

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