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Rethinking safe consistency in distributed object-oriented programming

Published: 13 November 2020 Publication History


Large scale distributed systems require to embrace the trade off between consistency and availability, accepting lower levels of consistency to guarantee higher availability. Existing programming languages are, however, agnostic to this compromise, resulting in consistency guarantees that are the same for the whole application and are implicitly adopted from the middleware or hardcoded in configuration files. In this paper, we propose to integrate availability in the design of an object-oriented language, allowing developers to specify different consistency and isolation constraints in the same application at the granularity of single objects. We investigate how availability levels interact with object structure and define a type system that preserves correct program behavior. Our evaluation shows that our solution performs efficiently and improves the design of distributed applications.

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Auxiliary Presentation Video (oopsla20main-p249-p-video.mp4)
This is the presentation for our paper "Rethinking Safe Consistency in Distributed Object-Oriented Programming" in the research track. In this paper, we propose to integrate availability in the design of an object-oriented language, allowing developers to specify different consistency and isolation constraints in the same application at the granularity of single objects. We investigate how availability levels interact with object structure and define a type system that preserves correct program behavior.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 4, Issue OOPSLA
November 2020
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 13 November 2020
Published in PACMPL Volume 4, Issue OOPSLA


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