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A Dozen Stickers on a Mailbox: Physical Encounters and Digital Interactions in a Local Sharing Community

Published: 05 January 2021 Publication History


Many non-profit peer-to-peer exchange arrangements and profit-driven, multi-sided online marketplaces leverage underutilized resources, such as tools, to optimize their use to capacity. They often rely on a digital platform in pursuit of their social aspirations and/or economic objectives. We report on a field study of a local sharing community that employs a set of stickers illustrating different household items, typically placed on community members' mailboxes, along with complementary digital tools. The stickers are used to communicate the availability of resources among neighbors to facilitate social encounters and to encourage sustainable use and re-use of shared resources. Through in-depth qualitative interviews with sixteen participants, we describe the opportunities and limitations of this approach to peer-to-peer exchange. We offer insights for designers of resource sharing communities into facilitating face-to-face encounters and the online interactions needed to support them.


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    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 4, Issue CSCW3
    December 2020
    1825 pages
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    Published: 05 January 2021
    Published in PACMHCI Volume 4, Issue CSCW3


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    Author Tags

    1. community informatics
    2. interaction design
    3. peer-to-peer exchange
    4. qualitative study
    5. reciprocity
    6. resource sharing
    7. sharing economy
    8. trust


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    • University of Zurich
    • Swedish Research Council
    • COST Association


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