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Near-optimal Distributed Triangle Enumeration via Expander Decompositions

Published: 13 May 2021 Publication History


We present improved distributed algorithms for variants of the triangle finding problem in the model. We show that triangle detection, counting, and enumeration can be solved in rounds using expander decompositions. This matches the triangle enumeration lower bound of by Izumi and Le Gall [PODC’17] and Pandurangan, Robinson, and Scquizzato [SPAA’18], which holds even in the model. The previous upper bounds for triangle detection and enumeration in were and , respectively, due to Izumi and Le Gall [PODC’17].
An -expander decomposition of a graph is a clustering of the vertices such that (i) each cluster induces a subgraph with conductance at least and (ii) the number of inter-cluster edges is at most . We show that an -expander decomposition with can be constructed in rounds for any and positive integer . For example, a -expander decomposition only requires rounds to compute, which is optimal up to subpolynomial factors, and a -expander decomposition can be computed in rounds, for any arbitrarily small constant .
Our triangle finding algorithms are based on the following generic framework using expander decompositions, which is of independent interest. We first construct an expander decomposition. For each cluster, we simulate algorithms with small overhead by applying the expander routing algorithm due to Ghaffari, Kuhn, and Su [PODC’17] Finally, we deal with inter-cluster edges using recursive calls.


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  1. Near-optimal Distributed Triangle Enumeration via Expander Decompositions



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    Journal of the ACM  Volume 68, Issue 3
    June 2021
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    Publication History

    Published: 13 May 2021
    Accepted: 01 December 2020
    Revised: 01 September 2020
    Received: 01 November 2019
    Published in JACM Volume 68, Issue 3


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