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Ok Google, What Am I Doing?: Acoustic Activity Recognition Bounded by Conversational Assistant Interactions

Published: 30 March 2021 Publication History


Conversational assistants in the form of stand-alone devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home have become popular and embraced by millions of people. By serving as a natural interface to services ranging from home automation to media players, conversational assistants help people perform many tasks with ease, such as setting timers, playing music and managing to-do lists. While these systems offer useful capabilities, they are largely passive and unaware of the human behavioral context in which they are used. In this work, we explore how off-the-shelf conversational assistants can be enhanced with acoustic-based human activity recognition by leveraging the short interval after a voice command is given to the device. Since always-on audio recording can pose privacy concerns, our method is unique in that it does not require capturing and analyzing any audio other than the speech-based interactions between people and their conversational assistants. In particular, we leverage background environmental sounds present in these short duration voice-based interactions to recognize activities of daily living. We conducted a study with 14 participants in 3 different locations in their own homes. We showed that our method can recognize 19 different activities of daily living with average precision of 84.85% and average recall of 85.67% in a leave-one-participant-out performance evaluation with 30-second audio clips bound by the voice interactions.


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  1. Ok Google, What Am I Doing?: Acoustic Activity Recognition Bounded by Conversational Assistant Interactions



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 5, Issue 1
    March 2021
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    Published: 30 March 2021
    Published in IMWUT Volume 5, Issue 1


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    1. Activities of Daily Living
    2. Audio Processing
    3. Conversational Assistants
    4. Deep Learning
    5. Environmental Sounds
    6. Google Home
    7. Human Activity Recognition
    8. Smart Environment
    9. Smart Speaker
    10. Voice Assistants


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