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A Survey of Needs and Features for Augmented Reality Collaborations in Collocated Spaces

Published: 22 April 2021 Publication History


In this paper we contribute a literature review and organization framework for classifying the collaboration needs and features that should be considered when designing headset-based augmented reality (AR) experiences for collocated settings. In recent years augmented reality technology has been experiencing significant growth through the emergence of headsets that allow gestural interaction, and AR designers are increasingly interested in using this technology to enhance collaborative activities in a variety of physical environments. However, collaborative AR applications need to contain features that enhance collaboration and satisfy needs that are present during the group activities. When AR designers lack an understanding of what collaborators need during an interaction, or what features have already been designed to solve those needs, then AR creators will spend time redesigning features that have already been created, or worse, create applications that do not contain necessary features. While much work has been done on designing virtual reality (VR) collaborative environments, AR environments are a relatively newer design space, and designers are lacking a comprehensive framework for describing needs that arise during collaborative activities and the features that could be designed into AR applications to satisfy those needs. In this paper we contribute a literature review of 92 papers in the areas of augmented reality and virtual reality, and we contribute a list of design features and needs that are helpful to consider when designing for headset-based collaborative AR experiences.


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  1. A Survey of Needs and Features for Augmented Reality Collaborations in Collocated Spaces



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