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A Survey of Unsupervised Generative Models for Exploratory Data Analysis and Representation Learning

Published: 09 July 2021 Publication History


For more than a century, the methods for data representation and the exploration of the intrinsic structures of data have developed remarkably and consist of supervised and unsupervised methods. However, recent years have witnessed the flourishing of big data, where typical dataset dimensions are high and the data can come in messy, incomplete, unlabeled, or corrupted forms. Consequently, discovering the hidden structure buried inside such data becomes highly challenging. From this perspective, exploratory data analysis plays a substantial role in learning the hidden structures that encompass the significant features of the data in an ordered manner by extracting patterns and testing hypotheses to identify anomalies. Unsupervised generative learning models are a class of machine learning models characterized by their potential to reduce the dimensionality, discover the exploratory factors, and learn representations without any predefined labels; moreover, such models can generate the data from the reduced factors’ domain. The beginner researchers can find in this survey the recent unsupervised generative learning models for the purpose of data exploration and learning representations; specifically, this article covers three families of methods based on their usage in the era of big data: blind source separation, manifold learning, and neural networks, from shallow to deep architectures.

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  1. A Survey of Unsupervised Generative Models for Exploratory Data Analysis and Representation Learning



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    ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 54, Issue 5
    June 2022
    719 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 09 July 2021
    Accepted: 01 February 2021
    Revised: 01 December 2020
    Received: 01 December 2019
    Published in CSUR Volume 54, Issue 5


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    1. Blind source separation
    2. explainable machine learning
    3. exploratory data analysis
    4. manifold learning
    5. neural networks
    6. representation learning
    7. unsupervised deep learning


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    • Università degli Studi di Milano
    • NVIDIA Corporation
    • EC within the H2020 Program under projects MOSAICrOWN and MARSAL
    • Italian Ministry of Research within the PRIN program under project HOPE
    • JPMorgan Chase & Co


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