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Internalization of Privacy Externalities through Negotiation: Social costs of third-party web-analytic tools and the limits of the legal data protection framework

Published: 16 August 2022 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Tools for web-analytics such as Google Analytics are implemented across the majority websites. For most cases, the usage is free of charge for the website-owners. However, to use those tools to their full potential, it is necessary to share the collected personal data of the users with the tool-provider. This paper examines if this constellation of data collection and sharing can be interpreted as an externality of consumption in the sense of welfare economic theory. As it is shown that this is the case, the further analysis examines if the current technical and legal framework allows for an internalization of this externality through means of negotiation. It is illustrated that an internalization through negotiation is highly unlikely to succeed, because of the existence of information asymmetries, transaction cost and improper means for the enforcement of rights of disposal. It is further argued that even if some of those issues are addressed by data protection laws, the legal framework does not ensure a market situation necessary for a successful internalization. As a result, the externalities caused by the data collection through third-party web-analytic tools continue to exist. This leads to an inefficient high usage of third-party tools for web-analytics by website-owners.


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    1. Internalization of Privacy Externalities through Negotiation: Social costs of third-party web-analytic tools and the limits of the legal data protection framework



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