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Opportunities for Human-AI Collaboration in Remote Sighted Assistance

Published: 22 March 2022 Publication History


Remote sighted assistance (RSA) has emerged as a conversational assistive technology for people with visual impairments (VI), where remote sighted agents provide realtime navigational assistance to users with visual impairments via video-chat-like communication. In this paper, we conducted a literature review and interviewed 12 RSA users to comprehensively understand technical and navigational challenges in RSA for both the agents and users. Technical challenges are organized into four categories: agents’ difficulties in orienting and localizing the users; acquiring the users’ surroundings and detecting obstacles; delivering information and understanding user-specific situations; and coping with a poor network connection. Navigational challenges are presented in 15 real-world scenarios (8 outdoor, 7 indoor) for the users. Prior work indicates that computer vision (CV) technologies, especially interactive 3D maps and realtime localization, can address a subset of these challenges. However, we argue that addressing the full spectrum of these challenges warrants new development in Human-CV collaboration, which we formalize as five emerging problems: making object recognition and obstacle avoidance algorithms blind-aware; localizing users under poor networks; recognizing digital content on LCD screens; recognizing texts on irregular surfaces; and predicting the trajectory of out-of-frame pedestrians or objects. Addressing these problems can advance computer vision research and usher into the next generation of RSA service.


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          cover image ACM Conferences
          IUI '22: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
          March 2022
          888 pages
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          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

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          Published: 22 March 2022


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          1. 3D maps
          2. RSA
          3. artificial intelligence
          4. augmented reality
          5. blind
          6. camera
          7. computer vision
          8. conversational assistance
          9. navigation
          10. people with visual impairments
          11. remote sighted assistance
          12. smartphone


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          • (2024)A Simulation and Training Platform for Remote-Sighted AssistanceSensors10.3390/s2423777324:23(7773)Online publication date: 4-Dec-2024
          • (2024)Human–AI Collaboration for Remote Sighted Assistance: Perspectives from the LLM EraFuture Internet10.3390/fi1607025416:7(254)Online publication date: 18-Jul-2024
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