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10.1145/3491140.3528312acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesl-at-sConference Proceedingsconference-collections

How Much and for Whom?: A Multi-Wave Study of the Impact of Self-Regulated Learning Scaffolds on MOOC Student Academic Performance

Published: 01 June 2022 Publication History


With an effort to ameliorate the high dropout rates and the low performance in the massive open online courses (MOOCs), this paper presents multi-wave, experimental studies with a longitudinal intervention of self-regulated learning scaffolds on 24 MOOCs for 2650 learners. The self-regulated learning user interface (SRLUI) is designed based on Zimmerman's SRL cyclical model with a learning dashboard, interactive user interface, nudging effect. SRLUI is designed with two goals: 1. manifesting learner self-regulated learning behavior 2. enhancing learning outcomes. In this study, our primary research question is, "What is the marginal effect of SRLUI on learning as evidenced by final course grade?" To answer the research question, we employed a multilevel Bayesian beta regression modeling approach, first to each intervention and then across all three interventions in the aggregate. Our findings were mixed. We found some evidence of enhanced learning for passing and non-passing students across some of the individual interventions. On the whole, we determined that there was no statistical evidence of positive impacts on learning for students who pass a given course, though there is evidence of a small positive impact on learning for students who did not ultimately pass a given course. We discuss potential reasons for this differential impact and its implication for future course design and research.


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Index Terms

  1. How Much and for Whom?: A Multi-Wave Study of the Impact of Self-Regulated Learning Scaffolds on MOOC Student Academic Performance



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Other conferences
      L@S '22: Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale
      June 2022
      491 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 June 2022


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      Author Tags

      1. bayesian regression
      2. learning analytics
      3. moocs
      4. multilevel modeling
      5. self-regulated learning


      • Short-paper


      L@S '22
      L@S '22: Ninth (2022) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale
      June 1 - 3, 2022
      NY, New York City, USA

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