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Detecting Risk of Biased Output with Balance Measures

Published: 23 November 2022 Publication History


Data have become a fundamental element of the management and productive infrastructures of our society, fuelling digitization of organizational and decision-making processes at an impressive speed. This transition shows lights and shadows, and the “bias in-bias out” problem is one of the most relevant issues, which encompasses technical, ethical, and social perspectives. We address this field of research by investigating how the balance of protected attributes in training data can be used to assess the risk of algorithmic unfairness. We identify four balance measures and test their ability to detect the risk of discriminatory classification by applying them to the training set. The results of this proof of concept show that the indexes can properly detect unfairness of software output. However, we found the choice of the balance measure has a relevant impact on the threshold to consider as risky; further work is necessary to deepen knowledge on this aspect.

1 Introduction

The large availability of data, in conjunction with the widespread use of predictive, classification, and ranking models, has fueled the ongoing mass digitization of organizational processes in our societies [3]. This is especially true for decision-making processes, which are rapidly turning into automated data-driven decision-making systems in a variety of sectors, both in private and public organizations. Such processes range from predicting debt repayment capability to identifying the best candidates for a job position, from detecting social welfare frauds to suggesting which university to attend; just to mention a few cases [4]. Advantages for using these systems concern scalability of the operations and consequent economic efficiency, as well as the removal of human subjectivity and errors. Though the benefits materialize only if the underlying data are of high quality, otherwise errors could lead to relevant extra costs [18] and also give rise to serious ethical issues: several studies showed that automated data-driven processes replicate or even amplify the same bias of our society, producing systematic discrimination against the weakest people, and exacerbating existing inequalities [16]. A recurring cause for unintended but nevertheless dramatic consequence is the use of biased data. From a data engineering perspective, this means imbalanced data, i.e., the condition of uneven distribution of data among the classes of a given attribute, which causes highly heterogeneous accuracy across the classifications [11]. Imbalance can origin from errors or limitations in the data collection, design, and operations, or simply from the reality that the data itself reproduce. When the objects of automated decisions are individuals, such disparate performance of the algorithm represents in practice a systematic discriminatory behavior that causes relevant social, legal, and ethical issues [2].
In this article, we investigate whether, and to which extent, it is possible to assess the risk of unfairness in software output by measuring the imbalance of protected attributes in training data. We describe the design of the proof of concept in Section 2 and results in Section 3. Then, we position our work in the literature in Section 4, and we highlight the limitations of the study in Section 5; we conclude with a few final remarks in Section 6.

2 Proof of Concept

On the basis of the motivations presented above we formulated the following research question:
RQ: Is it possible to measure the risk of bias in a classification output by measuring the level of (im)balance in the protected attributes of the training set?
The research question relies on the following definitions:
we consider software systems as biased when they “systematically and unfairly discriminate against certain individuals or groups of individuals in favor of others [by denying] an opportunity for a good or [assigning] an undesirable outcome to an individual or groups of individuals on grounds that are unreasonable or inappropriate” [7];
we refer to protected attributes as those identified by the characteristics provided in “Article 21 - Non- discrimination” of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights [6]: Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, and age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.
With the goal of exploring the research question, we set up a method to deliver a proof of concept:
we took into account five large datasets, available in the literature;
using a mutation technique, we generated a number of derived synthetic datasets having different levels of balance;
we measured the balance of such derived datasets through four different widely used balance measures;
we then trained a new ML model for each dataset, and we applied three distinct fairness criteria to the classifications obtained from the model, for a total of five unfairness measures on each output.
To explore our RQ and check whether lower levels of balance—as detected by the selected measures—correspond to higher unfairness levels, we finally assessed the relationship between the unfairness measures and the balance measures.


We examined five datasets coming from four distinct sources—summarized in Table 1—belonging to two different application domains. All the datasets include a binomial target variable that we predict with a binary classifier. More specifically, we trained a logistic regression model on a training set composed of 70 \(\%\) of the original dataset (randomly selected), and we used the remaining 30 \(\%\) as the test set. We observe that in real datasets we can often find missing values (NA), which we decided to include in the analysis by treating them as a separate category.
Table 1.
DatasetSizeDomainTarget variableSource
Default of credit cards clients (Dccc)30,000 \(\times\) 29Financialdefault payment next monthhttps://www.kaggle.com/uciml/default-of-credit-card-clients-dataset
Statlog1,000 \(\times\) 23Financialcreditworthinesshttps://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+(German+Credit+Data)
Income32,561 \(\times\) 16Welfareincome brackethttps://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/adult
Student mathematics Student portugueseMath. 395 \(\times\) 37 Port. 649 \(\times\) 37Welfarefinal grade (separate for Mathematics and Portuguese)https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Student+Performance
Table 1. Summary of the used Datasets and their Main Characteristics

Mutation Technique.

The target for the mutation is the Sex protected attribute, the reasons being that (i) it is present in all five datasets and (ii) it is one of the most common sources of imbalance and consequent discrimination [16]. In order to generate a variant of an original dataset (mutant) w.r.t Sex attribute, we adopted a widely used re-balancing technique—ROSE [15]—that works specifically with binary attributes. We used the ROSE-package in R1 In particular the ovun.sample function that generates samples with different level of balance through a combination of over- and under-sampling of the set of records whose Sex attributes belong to distinct classes. The generated mutated datasets have the same number of rows as the original ones. The mutation is driven by a parameter p that represents the probability of resampling from the rare class. In our mutations, we adopted nine different values for such parameter: p \(\in \lbrace\) 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 \(\rbrace\) . Since the Sex attribute has two classes, setting p \(=0.5\) means aiming for the maximum balance, while smaller values correspond to less balance.
In order to increase the variability—and reliability–of our method, given the random nature of the resampling, we generated 100 different mutations (for each value of p) using distinct seeds. Overall, we applied this technique to the five datasets described above obtaining:
5 datasets \(\times\) 9 levels of p \(\times\) 100 seeds = 4,500 synthetically mutated datasets.

Balance Measures.

In this study, we limited our attention to categorical attributes, and we selected four indexes of data balance, retrieved from the literature of different disciplines, as reported in Table 2. We normalized the measures to satisfy two criteria: (i) range in the interval \([0,1]\) ; (ii) share the same interpretation, that is, the closer the measure to 1 and the higher the balance (i.e., categories have similar frequencies), vice-versa, values closer to 0 indicate an imbalanced distribution (e.g., male 90% \(-\) female 10%). An attribute is a discrete random variable with m classes, each with frequency \(f_i\) , i.e., proportion of the ith class w.r.t. the total.
Table 2.
Gini \(G = \frac{m}{m-1} \cdot \left(1-\sum _{i=1}^{m} f_i^2 \right)\) Simpson \(D = \frac{1}{m-1} \cdot \left(\frac{1}{\sum _{i=1}^{m} f_i^2}-1 \right)\)
Shannon \(S =-\left(\frac{1}{\ln {m}} \right) \sum _{i=1}^{m} f_i\ln {f_i}\) Imbalance Ratio \(IR = \frac{\text{min}(\lbrace f_{1..m}\rbrace)}{\text{max}(\lbrace f_{1..m}\rbrace)}\)
Table 2. The Balance Measures with the Respective Formulas

Fairness Assessment.

We assessed the unfairness of automated classifications relying on three criteria formalized by Barocas et al. [1]. We consider a binary sensitive categorical attribute A that can assume the values \(a_1\) or \(a_2\) , a target variable Y and a predicted class R where Y is binary (i.e., \(Y=0\) or \(Y=1\) and thus \(R=0\) or \(R=1\) ). In our case, A corresponds to Sex; hence, we checked whether the predictions systematically disadvantaged males or females. The unfairness measures range in the interval \([0,1]\) , where 0 is a perfect fairness.
Independence. It requires the acceptance rate to be the same in all groups, i.e.,
\begin{equation*} \mathfrak {U}_I(a_1,a_2) = | P(R = 1 \mid A = a_1) - P(R = 1 \mid A = a_2) |. \end{equation*}
Separation. It requires the equivalence of True Positive Rate and False Positive Rate for each level of the protected attribute under analysis, i.e.,
\begin{equation*} \mathfrak {U}_{Sep\_TPR}(a_1,a_2) = | P(R = 1 \mid Y = 1 \wedge A = a_1) - P(R = 1 \mid Y = 1 \wedge A = a_2)|, \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \mathfrak {U}_{Sep\_FPR}(a_1,a_2) = |P(R = 1 \mid Y = 0 \wedge A = a_1) - P(R = 1 \mid Y = 0 \wedge A = a_2)|. \end{equation*}
Sufficiency. It implies calibration of the model for the different groups, that is, Parity of Positive/Negative predictive values across all groups:
\begin{equation*} \mathfrak {U}_{Suf\_PP}(a_1,a_2) = | P(Y = 1 \mid R = 1 \wedge A = a_1) - P(Y = 1 \mid R = 1 \wedge A = a_2)|, \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \mathfrak {U}_{Suf\_PN}(a_1,a_2) = |P(Y = 1 \mid R = 0 \wedge A = a_1) - P(Y = 1 \mid R = 0 \wedge A = a_2)|. \end{equation*}

3 Results and Discussion

Before addressing the main research question, we performed a sanity check by observing the behavior of the balance measures as the mutation parameter p varies. Figure 1 reports the average values for different balance measures and datasets. We observe an increasing trend of all the balance measures w.r.t. increasing p, in all training sets and test sets. More in detail, Gini and Shannon indexes have a super-linear increase; Simpson index is closer to a linear trend; finally, IR index has a sub-linear increase until \(2/3\) of the course and then it turns to have a slight super-linear increase. This observation confirms the ability of the mutation approach to generate synthetic datasets that spread the whole range of conventional balance measures.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Values of balance measures vs. mutation parameter p.
Figure 2 reports the variation of the five fairness criteria (Y-axis) w.r.t. the increase of balance measures (X-axis). The lines are smoothed regression of the individual mutations. For sake of legibility, we omitted Gini since it is very similar to Shannon. We can observe from the curves that very low levels of balance—roughly in the range \([0, 0.15]\) and up to 0.50 in a few cases—correspond to higher levels of unfairness. As shown in the preliminary results, the indexes react slightly differently to different levels of balance: as a consequence, the distinct unfairness criteria reflect different levels of balance in a slightly different way. By looking at the single fairness criteria, as well as at the specific trend lines in Figure 2, we observe that:
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Trends of the fairness criteria as a response to the balance measures.
the trend of unfairness with respect to IR is often not monotonic: Independence, Separation-TP, and Sufficiency-PP, after an initial decreasing phase, they slightly increase within the range \([0.15, 0.25]\) before stabilizing; Separation-FP slightly increases in the range \([0.5, 1]\) for Student_port; Sufficiency-PN is much less regular among datasets, and the correlation between high unfairness and low balance holds only partially;
modest final surges in correspondence of maximum levels of the balance—around the range \([0.9, 1]\) —are observable above all for Separation-FP, Sufficiency-PP, and Sufficiency-PN;
overall, the datasets Dccc and Income have lower levels of unfairness even with an extremely low balance; therefore, the correlation high unfairness–low balance is much less pronounced for Separation-TP and Sufficiency-PP, and absent for Indepencence, Separation-FP, and Sufficiency-PN.
in general, Sufficiency-PN presents the most irregular trends especially in the dataset Student_port: It increases within \([0, 0.2]\) , then it decreases till around 0.8 and it surges again in the final range; a similar behavior can be observed for Sufficiency-PN in Student_math. However, a follow-up analysis on Sufficiency-PN w.r.t. p showed that Sufficiency-PN tends to slightly decrease as p increases (i.e., as balance increases): the reason for such irregular behavior should be further investigated and we cannot rely on the current results of Sufficiency-PN.
On the basis of these observations and within the limits of this proof concept, we positively answer our initial research question. Moreover, we can identify tentative thresholds of balance measures and the following practical recommendation:
Values of indexes Shannon \(\lt 0.5\) , Gini \(\lt 0.4\) , Simpson \(\lt 0.3,\) and IR \(\lt 0.15\) indicate a relevant risk of unfairness—which increases as the values of the balance measures decrease till 0—in terms of Independence, Separation and Sufficiency-PP.

4 Related Work

Our contribution can be located in the main corpus of researches on algorithmic bias and fairness. While most of the literature focus on the outputs of ADM systems, we focus on the inputs and processes, following a direction suggested by several recent studies (e.g., [5, 17] and [8]). Our approach has its theoretical and methodological foundations in the ISO/IEC standards on data quality measurement [9] and on risk management [10]: for space reasons, we can not analytically report on all the relations between our proposed approach and the two ISO/IEC standards, which can be found in [19]. This study expands the research reported in [20]: herein, we introduced a mutation technique to generate a number of derived synthetic datasets having different levels of balance, instead of relying on a few exemplar distributions as done in the previous study. We applied a similar technique also in [14], but not specifically to binary attributes as done here. A further novelty in this article is the computation of the Sufficiency criterion of fairness, in addition to Independence and Separation.
An approach similar to ours and with a wider scope is the work of Matsumoto and Ema [13], who proposed a risk chain model for risk reduction in Artificial Intelligence (AI) services, named RCM. The authors consider data imbalance as a risk factor; however, they do not indicate measures for it: as a consequence, our quantitative approach to measure (im)balance can reasonably fit into their framework. Our work is also complementary to the existing toolkits for bias detection and mitigation [12], since therein the proposed measures of balance are not taken into consideration yet.

5 Limitations

The limited number of datasets that has been taken into account, as well as the set of balance measures constitute notable limitations to our study. More datasets and more metrics are necessary to generalize the findings of this exploratory work, also by including measures for non-categorical data. In addition, as the choice of the balance measure has a relevant impact on the threshold to consider as risky, in-depth sensitivity analyses on the thresholds should improve the reliability of the findings presented here.
Furthermore, as we ran the binomial logistic regression, all the limitations of this classification model hold, most notably the two assumptions of limited or no multi-collinearity between independent variables, and of linearity between the dependent variable and the independent variables. Applying more classification algorithms (each with different parameters) would improve the external validity of the relationship we found between balance and unfairness in the classification output, and would help to identify how the different types of classification algorithms propagate the imbalance from the training set to the output. Concerning the mutations of the datasets used, the set of values of parameter p could be enriched with further entries, to track the relationship with unfairness in a more granular way. In addition, other kinds of mutation techniques could be also considered by adopting different pre-processing methods.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this article, we evaluated whether imbalanced distributions of a binary protected attribute in the training data can lead to discriminatory output of ADM systems. We selected four balance measures (the Gini, Simpson, Shannon, and Imbalance Ratio indexes, normalized to share the same range of values and semantics), we applied them to training sets, and tested their ability to detect unfairness occurring in classification tasks. Overall, the results showed that our approach is suitable for the proposed goal; however, the choice of the balance measure has a relevant impact on the threshold to consider as risky. Hence, further work shall be devoted to thorough and systematic investigation of the thresholds to be used, also in combination with different prediction models and mutation techniques.



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Cited By

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  • (2023)Measuring Imbalance on Intersectional Protected Attributes and on Target Variable to Forecast Unfair ClassificationsIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2023.325237011(26996-27011)Online publication date: 2023
  • (2022)Identifying Imbalance Thresholds in Input Data to Achieve Desired Levels of Algorithmic Fairness2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)10.1109/BigData55660.2022.10021078(4700-4709)Online publication date: 17-Dec-2022



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cover image Journal of Data and Information Quality
Journal of Data and Information Quality  Volume 14, Issue 4
December 2022
173 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 November 2022
Online AM: 05 August 2022
Accepted: 05 April 2022
Revised: 18 February 2022
Received: 02 July 2021
Published in JDIQ Volume 14, Issue 4


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  4. algorithm fairness


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  • (2023)Measuring Imbalance on Intersectional Protected Attributes and on Target Variable to Forecast Unfair ClassificationsIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2023.325237011(26996-27011)Online publication date: 2023
  • (2022)Identifying Imbalance Thresholds in Input Data to Achieve Desired Levels of Algorithmic Fairness2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)10.1109/BigData55660.2022.10021078(4700-4709)Online publication date: 17-Dec-2022

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