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10.1145/3534678.3539117acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageskddConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Learning Sparse Latent Graph Representations for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series

Published: 14 August 2022 Publication History


Anomaly detection in high-dimensional time series is typically tackled using either reconstruction- or forecasting-based algorithms due to their abilities to learn compressed data representations and model temporal dependencies, respectively. However, most existing methods disregard the relationships between features, information that would be extremely useful when incorporated into a model. In this work, we introduce Fused Sparse Autoencoder and Graph Net (FuSAGNet), which jointly optimizes reconstruction and forecasting while explicitly modeling the relationships within multivariate time series. Our approach combines Sparse Autoencoder and Graph Neural Network, the latter of which predicts future time series behavior from sparse latent representations learned by the former as well as graph structures learned through recurrent feature embedding. Experimenting on three real-world cyber-physical system datasets, we empirically demonstrate that the proposed method enhances the overall anomaly detection performance, outperforming baseline approaches. Moreover, we show that mining sparse latent patterns from high-dimensional time series improves the robustness of the graph-based forecasting model. Lastly, we conduct visual analyses to investigate the interpretability of both recurrent feature embeddings and sparse latent representations.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File
This video contains a high-level description of the paper "Learning Sparse Latent Graph Representations for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series", which has been accepted for publication at the Applied Data Science Track of KDD 2022. The authors propose Fused Sparse Autoencoder and Graph Net (FuSAGNet), which jointly optimizes reconstruction by Sparse Autoencoder and forecasting by Graph Neural Network, to detect anomalies in noisy, high-dimensional time series generated from sensors in water treatment plants. Note that the content in the presentation video does not touch upon all technical details of the proposed method and the authors kindly refer anyone interested in further details to our full paper.


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KDD '22: Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 2022
5033 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 14 August 2022


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  1. anomaly detection
  2. graph neural network
  3. joint optimization
  4. multivariate time series
  5. sparse representations


  • Research-article

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  • IITP by Korean MSIT (Artificial Intelligence Innovation Hub)
  • Basic Science Research Program through NRF by Korean MSIT
  • IITP by Korean MSIT (Graduate School of Convergence Security at Sungkyunkwan University)
  • IITP by Korean MSIT (Self-directed Multi-Modal Intelligence for solving unknown, open domain problems)
  • IITP by Korean MSIT (AI Platform to Fully Adapt and Reflect Privacy-Policy Changes)
  • IITP by Korean MSIT (AI Graduate School Support Program at Sungkyunkwan University)


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