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10.1145/3544548.3580892acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewFull TextPublication PageschiConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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Olfactory Wearables for Mobile Targeted Memory Reactivation

Published: 19 April 2023 Publication History


This paper investigates how a smartphone-controlled olfactory wearable might improve memory recall. We conducted a within-subjects experiment with 32 participants using the device and without (control). In the experimental condition, bursts of odor were released during visuo-spatial memory navigation tasks, and replayed during sleep the following night in the subjects’ home. We found that compared to control, there was an improvement in memory performance when using the scent wearable in memory tasks that involved walking in a physical space. Furthermore, participants recalled more objects and translations when re-exposed to the same scent during the recall test, in addition to during sleep. These effects were statistically significant, and, in the object recall task, they also persisted for more than one week. This experiment demonstrates a potential practical application of olfactory interfaces that can interact with a user during wake as well as sleep to support memory.
Figure 1:
Figure 1: Bursts of scent are released through an olfactory wearable while the user walks around a physical space. 20 objects were placed in 10 locations (2 objects with their English name and Spanish translation in each location); e.g, location n.4: “teapot/tetera” and “comb/peine”. Memories of these object-locations were targeted by releasing odor stimuli associated with the spatial learning experience. The same scent was reactivated during sleep as well as during recall.

1 Introduction

The hippocampus is an essential part of the brain responsible for encoding, consolidating, and retrieving memories. It is widely acknowledged as a critical player in navigation and spatial memory processing [11] and is crucial for long-term episodic memory [7]. This type of memory contains information about space and time and is commonly known as "autobiographical" memory made of personal events experienced (shown in Figure 2). In addition, these memories might trigger strong emotions linked by the amygdala, which is sensitive to novel or arousing stimuli and helps tag salient cues in the environment [67]. The amygdala and hippocampus are intimately connected to the olfactory system, which is responsible for our sense of smell (more details about the relationship between the sense of smell and memory can be found in Section 2.1). A recent study found that there is direct evidence about how spatial memories and olfactory identification are intrinsically related and share neural substrates and that the medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) (also involved in olfaction) plays a critical role in spatial memory formation [17].
Figure 2:
Figure 2: Taxonomy of the human memory.
Interestingly, spatial learning has been demonstrated by many researchers within the fields of Neuroscience and Psychology to benefit from sleep [21, 52, 53], particularly from slow-wave sleep (SWS). Previous studies found that the presentation of the same odor during learning and sleep (a.k.a “Targeted Memory Reactivation" or “TMR") might be an approach particularly suitable for reactivating hippocampus-dependent memories [54]. However, due to the challenges of conducting studies in a more naturalistic setting, the physiological effects of olfactory TMR at home have not yet been studied. Moreover, whether Mobile TMR (TMR during a spatial-navigation, cognitive–sensorimotor task) benefits memory consolidation remains unknown.
In this paper, we present the results of a study that aims to shine a light on how olfactory wearables could be used for HCI applications around memory augmentation. More specifically on how Targeted Memory Reactivation could be used in a mobile setting for language learning and object memorization in two types of spatial-memory tasks. We discuss the effect of odor using an olfactory necklace on memory performance, subjective user experience, sleep, and physiology. Additionally, we describe a set of envisioned scenarios that aimed to provide a foundation for HCI researchers to further explore memorization applications with mobile olfactory technologies for spatial memories. Thus, we primarily focus on HCI applications that will benefit from involving the hippocampus and amygdala. Ranging from using mTMR in schools, at home, and during test anxiety, all the way to using olfactory wearables outdoors to make routes more memorable, for sports, dementia, tourism, or dance.
In the following section, we discuss previous work and background in this area of research and how our work differs.
Figure 3:
Figure 3: Visual representation of the internal pathways of the olfactory system for a person smelling lavender. The odorant molecules go through the nostrils to the nasal cavity by sniffing (orthonasal pathway). The volatile odor compounds bind to the olfactory receptors and navigate to the brain through the olfactory bulb and the olfactory track, which connects to the amygdala and hippocampus.

2 Related Work

The following subsections discuss related work in three areas: first, we provide some background in multiple research fields on the physiology of olfaction and report on the connections between the sense of smell and memory. Second, we discuss HCI systems for scent delivery methods used in the literature and multi-sensory learning. Finally, we present prior research aiming to study Targeted Memory Reactivation beyond controlled laboratory studies.

2.1 Odor and memory

Scent-related information is the only sensory data not relayed by the thalamus into the cerebral cortex. This might be why the sense of smell is so successful at triggering emotions and memories: it is the only sense that is closely connected to the brain’s primary emotion and memory areas of the brain (as shown in Figure 3), [12, 28]. Moreover, this particularity of not being routed through the thalamus is one of the reasons why olfactory stimuli during sleep are unlikely to cause awakenings (unlike other modalities).
Previous work has demonstrated that odor-evoked memories also produce stronger emotional arousal than events triggered by other sensory modalities [29, 30]. Humans can even smell happiness and feelings of fear and disgust through sweat and then experience the same emotions [18, 19]. Hence, a growing body of research in Neuroscience and Psychology has looked into the behavioral and physiological effects of essential oils and fragrances for memory consolidation, anxiety and stress reduction, depression, pain, and improved sleep quality [37, 39, 40, 56]. For example, researchers administered Heliotropin (a vanilla fragrance) to patients undergoing cancer treatment and showed a decrease in anxiety by 63 % compared to a placebo [56]. Others have examined the effects of aromatherapy on users’ mental states: EEG activity, alertness, and mood were assessed before, during, and after math computations. The results of this study suggest that users subjected to lavender scent performed math computations faster and more accurately and reported feeling more relaxed [20].
Scientists have also shown how the sense of smell influences behavior and improves well-being [1, 31, 62]. For example, researchers have demonstrated that scent can influence respiration [5, 25] and improve relaxation and sleep quality [26]. Moreover, scent can also reduce stress and anxiety [41, 48], increase performance, and reduce pain [69].

2.2 HCI systems for scent delivery and multi-sensory learning

New memorization and learning techniques have been researched for a very long time in various age groups. For example, multi-sensory interactions have been studied for a small group of seniors with dementia and have provided findings indicative of positive recollection of memories [24]. Multi-sensory technologies have been shown to support embodied and enactive pedagogical approaches [65]. For example, Norooz et al. explored tangible wearable-based learning with children through BodyViz [50] while introducing a new approach to body learning. Other researchers have explored the use of multi-sensory technology for impaired individuals [46], such as MapSense, that uses multi-sensory maps for visually impaired children [10]. While audio-visual based techniques are most common, Covaci et al. discuss how the introduction of olfaction in a multi-sensory educational game improves users’ learning performance, engagement, and experience [16].
Unlike audio and visual, olfactory feedback is relatively challenging owing to the lack of spatio-temporal control over the scent using delivery devices. Despite these challenges, researchers continue to develop scent delivery devices for improved olfactory user experience. Scent has been increasingly used as a less disruptive notification interface to minimize reduction of attention from the primary task. One of the early articles that introduced notifications through olfaction was AROMA [8]. AROMA used stationary scent diffusers with directional funnels to release scent based notifications with two different scents. Recently, it has been used for in-car notification, using a scent delivery device attached behind the steering wheel to release a variety of scents, without compromising focus on driving while improving mood and well-being [22, 23]. Yongsoon Choi et al. also designed “Sound Perfume" to direct scent through glasses to improve communication in face-to-face interpersonal interactions by activating memory using a combination of sound and scent [14, 15]. Other researchers also experimented with scent wearables for improved social interactions [45].
Scent delivery has proven to alter cognitive and emotion-related responses to audio-visual stimuli and odor. For example, a viewing experience is rated more arousing with odors than without [57]. In the area of multi-sensory research, Metatla et al. [47] found evidence of cross-modal and emotional associations between tangible shapes and odor-based sensory inputs. In Augmented and Virtual Reality technology, scent devices can easily be attached to head-mounted displays to provide the users with a more holistic experience. Nakamoto et al. designed a head-mounted display-attached olfactory device made of multiple micro scent dispensers and surface acoustic waves for quick delivery and odor dispersion to study odor’s effects in virtual environments [55]. Yanagida et al. explored the space of head-mounted displays (HMDs) for delivering scents through a projection-based system [68]. Brooks et al. engineered a wearable device attached to a HMD that releases thermal scents directly to the users’ nose. Some head-mounted scent-delivery devices are also now commercially available (Feelreal, Inc.). However, although these HMDs based devices may provide a high-quality sensory experience, XR headsets might still be too heavy and challenging to use for longer durations or in a mobile manner while performing other tasks in a physical space.
Yuxuan et al [42] have extensively explored the scent delivery mechanisms and present O&O, a DIY toolkit for designing olfactory interfaces using scent generators kit and module construction kit. They demonstrate five prototypes using the O&O kit including: Aromatic mask, Scent-notification watch, Scent-enhanced coffee cup-holder, Olfactory augmented VR headset and Desktop olfactory displays. Brooks et al [9] proposed a novel olfactory device that renders readings of external odor sensors as trigeminal sensations using electrical stimulation of the user’s nasal septum. Seah et al [59] presented a chrono-sensory mid-air display system that generates scented bubbles to deliver information to the user. SensaBubble uses different frequencies, sizes and scents to deliver information. A final category of scent delivery devices are jewelry-like or accessory-based [3, 66] and are compact, simple, lightweight, and easy to use. They can subtly trigger bursts of scent in the periphery while performing other cognitively or physically demanding tasks. Therefore, they might be suitable for learning tasks requiring mobility and can be used for longer duration of time and for applications that require use in different spaces (e.g. at home or the office).

2.3 Targeted Memory Reactivation

Targeted Memory Reactivation (TMR) is a method used for improving memory consolidation which consists of cueing an odor or sound while a person is learning and reactivating the same stimulus during sleep. TMR is essentially classical/Pavlovian conditioning during sleep. This relatively new technique was pioneered in 2007 [54], and has been gaining traction over the years [33, 51, 58].
Previous work has used this technique effectively in laboratory settings using both sounds and scents. For example, researchers used audio stimuli to unlearn implicit bias during sleep [32] and memories have been strengthened by releasing scent paired with the content of 2D card object locations and reactivating the same odor during sleep [38, 54]. Other studies have shown how a foul odor coupled with the smell of a cigarette (presented only for one night of sleep) reduces smoking behavior the following days [4].
Researchers have shown how memories consolidate during sleep and can be experimentally manipulated to be strengthened or weakened using odor or sound cues. If these stimuli are associated with prior learning and presented during certain sleep stages, memory performance will improve by “reactivating" the content learned through association. TMR has been effectively employed in scenarios where the learning tasks do not require the user to move when learning. However, whether Mobile TMR (mTMR for short), benefits of memory consolidation remains unknown. We define Mobile TMR as a Targeted Memory technique that might require the user to move in space such as during a spatial-navigation, cognitive–sensorimotor task. Thus, the learning task is spatial and requires the user to walk/move in a space, which is likely to occur in a naturalistic setting. Due to the challenges of conducting studies in a mobile and naturalistic setting, the physiological effects of olfactory TMR at home (as opposed to a lab-based sleep setting) have not been reported. In summary, state-of-the-art technologies that were tested to provide olfactory feedback for TMR did not allow for mobility. Therefore, most of these studies are conducted with devices that are not mobile or wearable, and the tasks are performed in supervised settings such as sleep laboratories. However, a slowly growing community of researchers is interested in conducting these studies in an unsupervised manner or “in the wild". Recent studies in the fields of Psychology and Neuroscience were successful at demonstrating this concept using audio [27] and odor cues [49] in a stationary, but unsupervised setting. In their study, odor cues were applied via conventional commercially available incense sticks; thus, scent release was not automatized, and instead the tasks were conducted while the user was sitting. However, these researchers successfully demonstrated that TMR is an effective tool that can also be used in unsupervised scenarios while the user sleeps in their home. This supports the primary motivation and contribution of this paper for using TMR in an unsupervised manner to further explore its effects on mobile memory tasks where the user is required to move in a physical space while learning.

2.3.1 The gap between traditional TMR and HCI: Mobile memorization tasks.

. To date, no study on TMR or on learning using smell has been conducted in any type of mobile learning setting (e.g., while walking). The main reason behind this is that current TMR scent-delivery methods are difficult to transport, mainly because studies in psychology and neuroscience (not HCI) include the use of nasal masks/cannulas connected to large/stationary olfactometers, or analog forms of scent release such as using incense sticks. Thus, we believed that there was a unique opportunity for HCI researchers to study the effectiveness and how to improve the user experience of customized, wearable scent release where the user can move freely while learning in a mobile setting.
One of the main motivations behind this research is to evaluate the effect of odor stimuli in a visuospatial learning task that maximizes the use of spatial navigation and hippocampus-activated memory. We thus designed an intervention using an automated mobile technology that is non-invasive and can be used/worn during the learning tasks so that the user can move around in a physical space. In addition, we also were interested in testing this technology for memory augmentation in an unsupervised manner so that users could comfortably use it at night in their homes, as opposed to a sleep laboratory setting.
For these reasons, this paper investigates the use of a previously developed olfactory wearable for the novel application of unsupervised mTMR. The device has previously been shown to support home-based, unsupervised sleep studies without nasal masks [2]. Their paper reports that participants were satisfied wearing the device and found it easy to use. In addition, researchers also explored the use of this technology using water as a control condition compared to scent and found that those in the experimental condition reported better mood and sleep quality the following morning. However, compared to our work, they did not evaluate its effect on memory performance; furthermore, the results reported were only subjective and did not include sleep patterns nor physiological data.
In the following section we report on our study’s experimental design and methods, as well as the subjective and objective results of using an olfactory wearable for memory performance and its effect on physiology and sleep.
Figure 4:
Figure 4: Participants received olfactory stimulation during the memorization tasks at the research laboratory, recall tests as well as during sleep in the subsequent night at home (∼ 8 hours) - only on days 1 and 2 or 8 and 9 (according to the order that they were assigned on the first day of the study). All participants wore a Fitbit and an Empatica E4 wristband to track their physiological signals on days 1,2,8 and 9 (both in the control and experimental conditions). Their memory performance was evaluated right after the memorization tasks (on days 1 and 8), and the following morning after sleep (days 2 and 9). Between one to three weeks after the first experimental night, participants filled out a test to recall the content learned on day 1 to observe their memory retention. This time difference was the same for all participants (tested on day 15 and day 22).

3 Methods

3.1 Participants

Thirty-two healthy subjects with a mean age of 27 ± 6.7 years old (18-43), 14 female, 16 male, one non-binary, and one transgender female were recruited by e-mail and other forms of advertisement. Participants were non-smokers and did not suffer from any respiratory problems, odor allergies, or anosmia. Additionally, they reported not knowing any Spanish. Seven participants reported being native English speakers. Other participants spoke Hindi, Chinese, French, Japanese, Russian, Greek, Korean, Arabic, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Indonesian, German, Finnish, Marathi, Turkish, Estonian, Sinhalese, Dutch and Bangla. Six participants were native Hindi speakers, four Chinese, two French, and one native speaker for every language mentioned above. All participants also spoke English.
The study was conducted at the research laboratory as well as at participants’ homes and was approved by the institutional review board (IRB) at the home institution. All subjects signed a consent form before participating in the experiment and were compensated with a 30$ voucher at the end of the study.

3.2 Experimental design and procedure

A within-subjects experiment was designed with a balanced order across subjects, with one week in between the two experimental nights. The total duration of the study for each participant was 22 days. Participants met with the experimenters at the laboratory to learn about the study and sign the consent form. They were randomly assigned to one of the following orders: Order 1/A: control on days 1 and 2, odor on days 8 and 9; or Order 2/B: odor on days 1 and 2, control on days 8 and 9 (see Figure 4). Unlike other sleep experiment studies, participants slept at home and there was no adaptation night. They were given instructions to connect to the Empatica E4 and Fitbit devices and set up the olfactory delivery through a smartphone that they kept during the study. At the time of sleep, participants simply went home and slept with the device and physiological sensors the whole night, nothing else required.

3.3 Memory tasks

The study consisted of two different memory tasks. The first was a 3D memorization task where the user had to walk around a real-world, large lab-based space with objects placed around various locations. The second, a 2D memorization task with cards placed in a two-dimensional grid, was inspired by a previously conducted 2-D card memory task [54]. The memorization tasks had time constraints (5 and 10 minutes), but the tests did not. As depicted in Figure 4, participants would start with a 10-minute walk-around memorization task (for each object location and its Spanish translation) and proceed with the test. Then, they continued with a 5-minute memorization task in-situ for a 2D grid card in Spanish and another test.

3.3.1 3D Memorization Task (walking around task).

During the first day of the study, half of the participants wore the device with scent, and the rest did not wear it. That same day, each participant walked quickly with the experimenter along the lab space to the 10 locations where objects were placed, spending approximately 5 seconds in each one. Their interaction was minimal, it was timed and was conducted in both conditions and both orders to counterbalance any potential interaction bias the researchers might have had with the participants, which could have influenced performance in the different conditions. The goal for this walk around was for the subjects to be aware of the space so they could go back by themselves to start the memory task without requiring the researcher’s supervision. Every location had two objects (between 1 meter and 3 meters apart), and each object had attached to it with velcro a card that was initially facing down. On the other side of the card, the name of the object and its translation were written in Spanish (as depicted in Figure 1).
The participant was then instructed to revisit each of the 10 locations by themselves and spend approximately one minute per location (they had 10 minutes to memorize all the object-locations and their words in Spanish). Each participant was given a pair of noise cancelling headphones to avoid external distractions as well as a smartphone with a 10 minute timer so that they would keep track of the time spent so far. Before the participant proceeded to go to the first location, the experimenter went through each object and turned each card to face up (so that the translation would be visible). After this, the researcher stayed in a separate room, started the timer and 10 minute alarm in the user’s phone and instructed the user to start the task.
This memory task was inspired by the method of loci (or memory palace mnemonic technique), where the items to remember are mentally associated with specific physical locations. Participants were asked to visit the the locations in same order as demonstrated by the experimenter starting with location “1" to location “10”. They were also encouraged to focus on the object and its location while memorizing its translation. Moreover, they were told that the test would consist of writing down the object with its respective Spanish translation in the correct location (e.g., Lab Location 1, word 1: Write down the English word....... and Spanish translation:.......)
Figure 5:
Figure 5: A total of 40 different English words and its Spanish translations were used in the study (group A and B was randomized). The same cards were used for both memorization tasks. The images showcase the geometrically ordered cards in a (5x4) matrix used during the 2D memorization task.

3.3.2 2D Memorization Task.

Participants had 5 minutes in total in task 2 to memorize the location of 20 Spanish words placed in a grid, like in Figure 5 (A) or (B). During the test afterwards, they were asked to select the Spanish word that corresponds to the appropriate row and column from a list of the 20 words (e.g., Row 1, Column 1: Pinzas). They did not receive feedback on whether they were correct or not during the testing phase.

3.3.3 Words selected.

The words/objects used in both 2D and 3D memorization tasks were obtained by looking for a pair of emotionally equivalent (neutral) words. Moreover, their Spanish translation had the same character length and Levenshtein distance, therefore the length and distance were matched between the words reactivated with olfactory wearable and those without. The Levenshtein distance was calculated with the English word as the “source”, and the Spanish translation as the “target”. A list of 20 pairs of words (hence 40 in total) was collected. From each pair, one word and its translation were assigned to control, and the other to the odor condition. Hence, a total of 20 words per condition because we had two different orders (e.g., group B starting on day 1 with odor, group A with control, as seen in Figure 5). In summary, the list of words from groups A and B had the same average length of words, Levenshtein distance, and valence, and the order was also randomized. As in valence we refer to the hedonic tone of the words related to the affective quality (e.g, “good"-ness (positive valence) or averseness/“bad"-ness (negative valence)). Sixteen participants (out of 32) were assigned group A of words while in the odor condition and group B words for control and vice versa (please find a list of the words in the appendix Table 7).

3.4 Odorants and delivery

Olfactory stimulation was delivered using a mobile olfactometer worn as a necklace. The device was worn during the tasks and the tests at a distance of ∼ 23 cm from the nose. During sleep, the device was placed over the participant’s nose at a distance of ∼ 40 cm following the guidelines of previous work [2]. The essential oil used was commercially sourced [61] and was chosen due to its high pleasantness ratings and minimal trigeminal activation [6, 43]. The ingredients contained lavender, clary sage, and copaiba and were diluted using odorless Isopar H (20% oil, 80% Isopar). We conducted a hedonic test were participants ranked the pleasantness and strength of smell on a 7-point Likert Scale (3.5 is neutral, and 7 is very much). They found the smell pleasant (M = 5.66 ± SD = 0.22) and not strong (M= 3.25 ± SD = 0.19).
The duration of the olfactory stimulus used in the memorization tasks and tests was customized based on the user’s preferences and their olfactory thresholds to ≥ 10ms and ≤ 90ms every ∼ 15 seconds. Thus, each participant had a unique setting during the day. On average, they chose 53ms bursts during the memory tasks, and 55ms burst during the test. At night, the interstimulus interval was 60 seconds for durations of 10ms that were repeated overnight (approximately 8 hours). For the control condition, no olfactory device nor odor was used.

3.5 Data Collection

For our study we focused on mainly two types of data as our core contribution: 1) Language & Object Memorization and 2) Subjective Experience. In addition, we also collected physiological information as our exploratory outcome to gain preliminary insights and relationship with memory and sleep.
We collected some of the data through Google forms designed to test memory and request the subject experience with and without the device. While the physiological data points were mainly collected using two commercially available wristbands: Fitbit Inspire HR and Empatica E4. Fitbit was used to collect the data associated with sleep stages and Empatica E4 was used to monitor Electrodermal activity and heart rate activity throughout the study. Additionally, the olfactory wearable was used to track heart rate and respiration in real time from the built-in accelerometer during the memorization tasks and tests.

3.5.1 Memorization & Subjective data.

Each experimental condition (odor and control) had three test questionnaires for the in-lab experiment, at-home post-sleep, and one week after the study. Each of these questionnaires had 3 parts: a 2D memorization test, and a 3D memorization test followed by a survey requesting the participant’s experience of the memorization and recall. The 3D memorization test was designed to evaluate object memorization and language memorization in numerically ordered locations. The 2D memorization test required the participant to match the locations with their translations. The user experience survey aimed to evaluate the Task Load Index in addition to stress, focus, and relaxation levels.

3.5.2 Physiological recordings.

The Empatica E4 streams raw data in real-time from a variety of sensors; it has a PPG (Photoplethysmography) sensor that measures Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) to track continuous Heart Rate, a 3-axis Accelerometer, temperature, and electrodermal activity (EDA) sensor to track skin conductance. The Fitbit does not provide real-time raw data from its embedded sensors, but it estimates sleep stages (light, deep, and REM) using a combination of body movement and heart-rate patterns (including HRV). Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the time difference between consecutive heartbeats (R-R intervals), also known as beat-to-beat variability. HRV is typically used to measure autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity, and it reflects the balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is often associated with calmness while the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is with stress. Hence, a lower HRV is often found during stressful situations and increased sympathetic activation during recovery [36]. In this study, HRV is calculated from the data obtained from the E4 PPG Sensor from which heart rate variability can be derived.

3.6 Data analysis

3.6.1 Memory performance analysis.

Two parametric tests —Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and paired t-test—were conducted to analyze the results of the memorization tasks. First, a repeated measure ANOVA was calculated with two within-subject factors and one cross-experimental factor. The two within-subject factors were: one for odor/control and another within-subject factor for pre-sleep/post-sleep. The cross-experimental factor was calculated between pre/post-sleep and scent/control to observe the effects of the olfactory stimulation and sleep (hence four values were calculated for each participant). Further, a t-test for paired samples (odor/control) for pre-sleep as well as post-sleep was used and plotted as the percentage score (each participant could score a maximum of 100% (10 out of 10 correctly) when at least one of the words per location was correct).
The 3D memorization test scores were obtained by calculating the similarities between the word written by the participant (source) and the original word (target). The scores were computed both for English and Spanish words using the Levenshtein distance (LD). E.g, if the participant wrote cabesas instead of cabeza, the LD = 2, while a score of LD = 0 would be no mistakes. The score was normalized based on the length of the target word; hence the final score was calculated as follows: score = LD(source, target)/maxlength(source, target). If score ≤ 0.5 it was considered a +1, otherwise 0. Synonyms of the English words were also counted as positive (e.g., candy for sweets). One participant warned during the test on the first day that he only memorized the objects and their translation but did not pay attention to the location. Thus, for this participant, the only data analyzed was their object-translation score for both conditions. The analysis was not manually scored, it was generated through code with the same algorithm for both conditions. This analysis was performed at the end of the study and researchers were blinded to the condition during the scoring.
Each participant could score one or two correct objects and their correspondent translation at each location. The memory was counted at each location as correct (1 or 2 answers) or incorrect (0 answers), the reason being that there might be a stronger association with the two objects/translations the participant has to remember at one location; hence each location was just counted as correct or incorrect. The odor might have no substantial impact on whether one or two answers are recalled, but it may impact whether an answer is retrieved at all.
Therefore, the object-location score was marked correct if any of the two objects corresponded to the correct location, and the translation score was marked as correct if the translation corresponded to the correct object, no matter the location. For the 2D memorization task, a score of 1 was assigned if correct and 0 if incorrect.
Table 1:
Source∑ of SquaresdfM. SquareFSignificance
Cond. (odor > control)6.125316.1253.225P = 0.041 **
Time (post > pre-sleep)7.031317.0319.490P = 0.002 **
Condition x Time0.781310.7811.591P = 0.108 ns
Table 1: Memory performance for translated words: Results of the two within-subject factor ANOVA (one-tailed): a significant difference for Condition (odor > control with a P-value < 0.05) and Time (post-sleep > pre-sleep, P-value < 0.005) is found. No interaction is observed between the two factors (Condition x Time).
Table 2:
Source∑ of SquaresdfM. SquareFSignificance
Cond. (odor > control)11.6453011.6453.015P = 0.046 **
Time (post > pre-sleep)0.290300.2900.392P = 0.267 ns
Condition x Time2.065302.0652.889P = 0.049 **
Table 2: Memory performance for recalled object locations: Results of the two within-subject factor ANOVA: a significant difference is observed with a P-value < 0.05 (one-tailed) for Condition (odor > control) but no significance for Time (post-sleep > pre-sleep). There is a significant interaction between the two factors P-value < 0.05.

3.6.2 Subjective data analysis.

Paired t-tests were used to analyze the subjective sleep quality and workload during memory tasks and tests. Participants reported their experience on a Likert scale (1-7). A modified version of the NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) with five factors instead of six was used to measure the workload during the memorization task. The five factors included: mental demand, temporal demand, effort, performance, frustration level. The physical demand factor was excluded due to the study’s nature involving minimal or no physical demand.
Participants ranked the following: how mentally demanding were the memorization tasks; how successful did they feel in accomplishing what they were asked to do (performance), how hurried or rushed were the paces of the memorization tasks (temporal), how hard did they have to work to accomplish their level of performance (effort) and how insecure, discouraged, irritated, stressed, and annoyed were they (frustration). Furthermore, they were also asked how stressed they felt during the test and how focused and relaxed they were during the memorization tasks.

3.6.3 Physiological data analysis.

The overnight total duration spent in each sleep stage was obtained from the Fitbit data of the 22 participants (some forgot to wear the device at night or reported having problems with it). The number of minutes spent in Light sleep, Deep Sleep and REM were compared between odor and control condition using a paired t-test.
In addition, paired t-tests were used to compare Heart Rate (HR), Electrodermal Activity (EDA), and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) from the Empatica E4 data in the control and odor conditions. Prior to conducting the significance tests, various signal processing techniques were used to filter out noise and obtain all relevant data. The data was collected at a sampling frequency of 4Hz for EDA (non-customizable) and 1Hz for HR. Non-Causal Variable Threshold filter ([64]) with a factor = 0.3 was used to filter the noise from the physiological signals. NCVT ensures that there is no noise by checking the adjacent points; if the adjacent point varies more than 30%, and varies by 30% from the mean of the data, it interpolates the value using the previous point and the mean. A moving average window of 100 seconds was used for daytime data and 500 windows for sleep.
Empatica E4 data was only available for a few subjects due to problems with connection. In total, E4 data from 18 subjects was available during the memorization tasks and tests, and from 11 subjects for the E4 sleep-related data. Of those 18 subjects, we had to exclude two participants for HRV analysis ahead of time because during the hedonic tests they reported that the scent was unpleasant and or strong. Previous researchers demonstrated that the presence of unpleasant odors causes an increased sympathetic nervous system (SNS) through the SDNN (Standard deviation of normal to normal RR intervals) and nLF features (Normalized component of the power spectral density of the ECG signal at low frequency) [63], both indicators of the ANS functioning that affects HRV (see [60]). One more participant was excluded because he had a problem setting up the olfactory device at night and could hear a sound; hence, leaving us with E4 data to analyze from 15 subjects (all subjects are in both control and scent conditions, 7 in order 1/A, 8 in order B).
HRV was computed 1 using RMSSD, a standardized measure that calculates the root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats ([34] and [60]). The heartbeat data was obtained from the Empatica E4 (HR and BVP signals). HRV, HR, and EDA were analyzed, subject-wise, activity-wise, and time-wise.
Figure 6:
Figure 6: Memory performance for translated words (3D, mobile): A significant difference in the scent condition with respect to control condition after sleep was found t(31) = 2.0945, P < 0.05 but not prior to sleep (t(31) = 1.0705, P > 0.05), neither one to three weeks after (t(27) = -0.3781, P > 0.05).
Figure 7:
Figure 7: Memory performance for recalled objects-locations: No significant difference between control and odor was found pre-sleep: t(30) = 2.409, P > 0.05, but a significant difference was found for the object memorization post-sleep: t(30) = 0.8745, P < 0.05, and after one to three weeks (t(27)=1.8820, P < 0.05).

4 Results

4.1 Memory performance

The results suggest that unsupervised, Mobile Olfactory Targeted Memory Reactivation benefits memory consolidation in a spatial-navigation, cognitive, sensorimotor task and that the effect persists for at least one week.

4.1.1 3D Memorization (walking around task).

Table 1 and 2 show the results of the memory performance for translated words and object-locations, respectively. Odor had a positive effect on memory performance, both for object recall and translations. The recall of translated words was significantly higher for odor than control (P = 0.041) and this effect was also observed when comparing pre and post-sleep (P = 0.002). No additional effect was found between their interaction (combined effects of sleep and odors), please refer to Table 1 for more details.
Table 2 shows that the memory performance results for recalled objects in the correct locations was significantly higher for odor than control (P = 0.046), but not between pre and post-sleep. There was a significant additional effect on the recalled object-locations when the effects of sleep and odors were combined (the interaction had a P = 0.049), indicating a TMR effect on object-location memory.
The results suggest that object-location and object-translation tasks benefit from using odor during daytime learning. In addition, the translation task benefits more from sleep than the object-location task, but when the odor is reactivated during sleep, it benefits the object-location task more than the translation one. Thus, while both conditions benefit from odor, the TMR effect (reactivating the odor at night) occurs in the object-location task but there is no evidence of an effect of TMR on translation. The results suggest that memory performance is overall better with odor (please refer to the Discussion section below for additional details).
Further analyses were conducted (see post-hoc analysis in Figure 6 and 7). These results confirm that there is a general effect of odor compared to control, both for recalled objects and correctly translated words. Participants that received olfactory stimuli during learning and were re-exposed during sleep and the test significantly recalled more objects and were able to translate more words than those that did not receive odor during sleep (P < 0.05, as seen in Figure 7 and 6). Therefore, an improvement in memory performance was found when using odor compared to control, highlighting the positive effect of using the olfactory device for a mobile memory task. This effect persisted between 1 ∼ 3 weeks in the case of object-location but not for translation.
Figure 8:
Figure 8: Memory performance for recalled 2D card locations (stationary task): The performance in 2D memorization task both for pre and post sleep was around 20% for control and scent with P > 0.05. One to three weeks after, the overall performance of subjects in the two conditions was similar (∼ 13%) and no significant difference was observed between odor and control.
Table 3:
Source∑ of SquaresdfM. SquareFSignificance
Cond. (odor > control)0.125310.1250.005P = 0.471 ns
Time (post < pre-sleep)318.78131318.78153.644P = 1.520 × 10− 8 **
Condition x Time4.500314.5000.946P = 0.169 ns
Table 3: Memory performance for 2D Memorization Task: Results of the two within-subject factor ANOVA (one-tailed): a significant difference for Time (post-sleep < pre-sleep, P-value < 0.005) is found. No significant difference for Condition (P-value > 0.05) and Interaction between the two factors (Condition x Time) is observed.

4.1.2 2D memorization (stationary task).

Figure 8 shows that the overall performance of the subjects for the 2D memorization task was low (< 50%), indicating that the memorization task was difficult. Table 3 shows that there is a significant difference between post-sleep and pre-sleep, but not between odor and control conditions. As expected, there is no difference either 1 ∼ 3 weeks after the first test.

4.2 Subjective and qualitative reports

Most users (21 out of 32) rated the odor as “very pleasant" and additionally used “relaxing,” “calming,” “pleasant,” “nice,” “feeling of being awake” to describe the effect of the scent. Two participants marked the odor pleasantness very low (2 and 3), and were very explicit about disliking the fragrance. They also disagreed on improved focus, relaxation, and sleep quality and were the only ones out of 32 who reported not wanting to use the device again. This highlights the importance of customizing the type of fragrance based on the user’s preferences and evaluating the odor’s strength and pleasantness prior to the tasks.
These findings coincide with the general comments given by participants around the importance of letting users customize their scent frequency; for example, one participant noted: “During the memorization tasks I am not sure if it helped me or not, I was focused on learning and did not notice it too much. Helped a lot during the recall tests, scent was very calming and helped me focus. When I first fixed the frequency and burst duration it was too often and too strong, was a little overwhelming. However I was able to adjust it to my own preference and then it was an enjoyable experience.".
Other participants might have needed more time to customize their preferences, for example one user mentioned that “I believe it was good during the memorization task, when I was just mildly aware of it, but a bit annoying during the recall test. Maybe because of the width of my neck which puts the scent device very close to my nose, or maybe because of the frequency I chose".
Participants felt significantly less stressed while using odor in the memorization 3D tasks than in control (see Figure 9). In the case of the 2D task, there was no significant difference between the two conditions (scent and control). The average stress level in the 2D task was higher than the 3D recall, suggesting that the 2D task was harder (see Figure 9).
Figure 9:
Figure 9: From left to right: Focus and relaxation ratings during the memorization tasks at the laboratory. A significant difference was found for relaxation (t(31) = 2.5052, P = 0.02), but not for focus (t(31) = 1.6031, P = 0.165). Stress was significantly higher in the case of control than odor condition for the 3D memorization task: t(31)=2.2463, P < 0.05, but not for 2D: t(31)=0.5490, P > 0.05. The difference between sleep quality in the previous month before the study, and the ratings with or without the experimental odor night are shown in the last graph. A significant difference was found between control and scent t(31)=2.8055, P < 0.05, suggesting that participants improved their self-reported sleep quality.
Several users found the scent to be helpful during memorization, whereas others claimed that it helped them in the recall tasks. These reports are also reflected in Figure 9, where participants ranked feeling significantly more relaxed with scent than in the control condition P < 0.05, and reported being more focused. Several participants perceived learning with the device to be easier, which also correlates with the findings shown in Figure 10 and the NASA Task Load Index results, depicting a significantly lower perceived temporal demand and workload.
“I found it easier to memorize the words while wearing the device and I felt more relaxed." and “It felt easier to remember the words when I was wearing the scent prototype", and “Scent stimulation with scent device I felt memorizing a bit easier."
Other subjects noted that the device was subtle and unobtrusive, some were not even aware of it: “the smell was not distracting during the tasks, and helped with the relaxation during the tasks" and “I did not notice the scent while doing the test. I am unfamiliar with the scent. It would be more interesting if I am allowed to choose my favorite scent.", some even compared it to body odor or perfume: “I didn’t feel like I was wearing the device at all cause I was too focused on the task, it felt like the smell was my own body odour (perfume)"
Some participants were more aware of the fragrance, but still found it helpful: “It wasn’t very intrusive and I could clearly smell the scent being released.", “The scent kept refreshing my focus to task & test, and gave me better feeling of being awake."
Some users reported on the difference between learning with odor for translation versus object-locations “without scent, took longer to recall. felt like I mixed up letters in spanish word. the english words in both cases were equally easy to remember but the translations without scent were a bit harder to focus on.".
Figure 10:
Figure 10: Cumulative and individual effects of the five factors from the NASA Task Load Index (including Mental demand, Temporal demand, Effort, Performance, Frustration level). The results suggest that the overall TLX Index was significantly higher in the scent condition (P-value < 0.05). In the individual analysis of each factor, the temporal demand factor was the only one that showed a statically significant difference compared to control, thus based on the Likert-scale results, subjects perceived that they required less time to do the memorization task when wearing the olfactory necklace with odor.
Figure 11:
Figure 11: Plot of all the sleep stages (REM, Light Sleep and Deep Sleep). Participants spent significantly more time in Deep Sleep in the case of the scent condition than in the control condition.

4.2.1 User experience at at night.

Several users mentioned that they found the scent very pleasing when going to sleep and did not feel its presence: “Very pleasant, makes sleep more enjoyable due to the nice scent", “The experience was fantastic when I was awake. I did not feel it when I was in the sleep.", “very good. It helped me to sleep.", “Very easy to use, absolutely no pressure. I just set up the prototype and then went to sleep very easily. It also was a little bit calming because of the scent as well.", “The scent was subtle and not disturbing the sleep at all.", “It was easy to install and use. The App may need a better UI. The scent did not interrupt me at all during sleep.". Ten users described their experience with scent as calming, enjoyable, comfortable, good, and pleasant. Two users also noted that they would have liked more scent, and eight said they did not notice anything different due to the odor. One participant said that he had more dreams than usual. Two users mentioned that they felt some level of discomfort due to the E4 and Fitbit wristbands. Overall, participants showed improved subjective sleep quality the night they had olfactory stimulation (see Figure 9).

4.3 Physiological effects

4.3.1 Heart rate, electrodermal activity, and heart rate variability.

Excluding the 3 participants that reported unpleasant or too strong of a scent, there was a general trend on heart rate being, on average, lower in the odor condition than in control for memorization tasks and tests. The opposite was observed for HRV, both in the case of sleep and daytime (see Figure 12 and 13). These findings coincide with the widely accepted association of lavender and relaxation. Lavender has sedative effects and has been found to increase HRV (decreasing HR, increasing HF, SDNN, and RMSSD)[13]. Other researchers like [63] demonstrated how an increased PNS activity and decrease SNS was found with pleasant odors (e.g., with Yuzu fruit by [44] and Ylang-Ylang by [35]). This effect was found by a lowering of both pNNx (the percentage of adjacent N-N or R-R intervals that differ from each other by more than x ms) and nHF (a normalized component of the power spectral density of the ECG spectrum at high frequency).
As seen in Table 5, 6 and 4, only HR was significantly lower in the case of odor during the day, not at night (in part because of the limited physiological data available).
Table 4:
Feature (M ± SD)Memo 3D3D TestMemo 2D2D Test
HR (control)89 ± 1081 ± 1080 ± 9.977 ± 11
HRV (control)71 ± 2467 ± 2172 ± 2567 ± 26
EDA (control)1.28 ± 1.721.09 ± 1.380.88 ± 0.950.70 ± 0.90
HR (odor)86 ± 979 ± 7.78 ± 676 ± 9
HRV (odor)70 ± 2069 ± 2271 ± 2588 ± 28
EDA (odor)1.420 ± 2.1341.218 ± 1.7900.954 ± 1.4651.197 ± 2.969
Table 4: Average HR, HRV and EDA for control and odor during each one of the memorization tasks and tests.
Figure 12:
Figure 12: EDA, HR and HRV of ∼ 6 hours of sleep data averaged for all participants.
Table 5:
Feature (Mean ± SD)ControlOdort(14)Significance
HR (bpm)82.8 ± 9.15180.9 ± 7.54-2.071P = 0.028 **
HRV (RMSSD)66.5 ± 17.3969.8 ± 17.81.047P = 0.156 ns
EDA0.98 ± 1.1871.04 ± 1.580.204P = 0.420 ns
Table 5: Average HR, HRV and EDA for control and odor during the memorization tasks and test. The results of the paired t-test suggest that HR was significantly lower for odor than control, but not HRV and EDA.
Table 6:
Feature (M ± SD)ControlOdort(10)Significance
HR (bpm)67.298 ± 10.12267.645 ± 8.7280.4600P = 0.327
HRV (RMSSD)56.303 ± 18.77456.900 ± 17.4510.1955P = 0.424
EDA1.045 ± 0.79311.041 ± 0.6980.0118P = 0.495
Table 6: Average HR, HRV and EDA for control and odor during ∼ 7 hours of sleep.
Figure 13:
Figure 13: EDA, HR, and HRV graphs obtained from participants during the memorization tasks and tests. The curve for EDA in the scent condition is similar to the curve for the control condition with a peak around the 3D memorization task and starts decreasing slowly with the 2D task. This effect could be due to the physical activity (walking) involved in the 3D memorization task, hence increasing micro sweat gland activity. HR showed a similar trend to EDA; however, unlike EDA signals that are slower to show changes, a peak can be seen at the beginning of the task (probably due to the stress at the beginning of the task). In both HR and EDA, the values obtained in the scent condition are lower, although not significantly. Finally, on average, HRV is slightly higher (which, as mentioned before, is associated with relaxation), although it is not significantly higher, and the data fluctuate over time.

4.3.2 Sleep stages and duration.

There seems to be a trend in the sleep data, where during the first part of the night, the HRV for scent condition is particularly high in comparison to control. These findings coincide with a significantly increased time spent in deep sleep in the case of odors, as seen in Figure 11. We observed that the duration of sleep was higher in the scent condition for all the sleep stages, however, data showed that subjects slept significantly more time in deep sleep in the scent condition w.r.t to the control condition (P<0.05), even when told to sleep for the same duration in both the conditions. Scent also increased the proportion of deep sleep among the subjects leading to better sleep quality as indicated by the subjective sleep quality data as shown in Figure 9.

5 Discussion

5.1 Summary of study findings

This experiment was conducted with the hypothesis that using a wearable olfactory device during a spatial navigation task and reactivating the same odor throughout an entire night at home could boost memory consolidation. This research sheds light on the potential of wearable olfactometers for experiments that require mobility. Portable olfactometers can bring new opportunities to conduct mobile research at scale and from the comfort of participants’ homes.
In this study, olfactory stimulation using a mix of lavender, clary sage, and copaiba essential oils during a spatial navigation task and overnight sleep induced memory reactivations and boosted the consolidation of hippocampus-dependent declarative memories. Furthermore, participants significantly improved their memory performance during the experimental condition compared to control, and the effect lasted more than one week. The results suggest a significant effect of odor compared to control during the encoding of spatial memory tasks. Moreover, during spatial memory tasks involving the recollection of object locations, Targeted Memory Reactivation using odor significantly improved memory performance compared to the control condition. However, this study does not provide evidence of TMR in translation tasks; instead, it demonstrates that sleep significantly impacted memory performance for this particular task type in the odor condition. It is unclear why; even though odor benefits the encoding during daytime learning, perhaps the effect was only significant after a delay; thus, the results shown are only significant after sleep. Another hypothesis is that the improved sleep quality we observed using odor might have influenced this type of memory more than object location.
The effects of the olfactory device on memory performance for other types of odors or tasks are yet unknown. An earlier study showed that using this device with a water odor vehicle did not cause significant effects on the perceived quality of sleep [2]. Therefore, the study described in this paper aimed to understand if, by using a mobile olfactometer with odor, memory consolidation could be boosted in comparison to not using the device. The memory performance results might differ if the device used for olfactory stimulation were different and varied in form factor, weight, size, comfort, etc. For example, a heavier device worn around the neck might cause discomfort; similarly, a non-controllable wearable might cause habituation. Memory performance might vary if using olfactometers that require nasal masks or nasal cannulas, which are more likely to cause an uncomfortable night of sleep and are less socially acceptable.
Finally, the current physiological and sleep results are limited and need to be further evaluated with a larger number of participants and demographics and standardized sleep staging methods.

5.2 Insights on designing memory aiding olfactory tools

To design tools for catalyzing memorization that allows for mobility using olfactory technologies, several independent variables must be taken into account such as 1) the form factor of the olfactory device, 2) individual’s preferences towards odor 3) odor settings (frequency and amount), 4) speed, friction, and interaction between the olfactory device and the environment, 5) cognitive-sensory techniques.

5.2.1 Form factor, preferences & customization.

We used a necklace based olfactory device that is modular as it is easy to use in an unsupervised home while sleeping setting too. It can be adjusted to a suitable custom length based on the users’ preferences. Depending on the audience and mobile TMR application researchers can use the wearable olfactory device in different form factors such as specs, nasal masks, and earrings also explored by previous HCI olfactory researchers. It is also important to use an odor that aligns with the liking of the user as unpleasant odors can trigger negative responses. Strong odors or high-frequency bursts might be distracting for participants, particularly during memorization tasks that require focus. Similarly, it might also irritate eyes or skin. An overpowering smell that is released constantly might cause discomfort, habituation, and linger in the space. Thus, we believe that it is important to always accompany the design of the olfactory release with software that allows for customization as the preferences will greatly vary amongst users based on their demographics, past memories and culture. In the current study, users changed their settings through a smartphone app, however, a potential improvement for the design of future mobile olfactory wearables that could use a smartwatch or voice-user interface instead.

5.2.2 Environment & memory techniques.

Last but not least, a key insight to take into account for the future study of olfactory mTMR, are the settings used to release scent based on the type of activity and environment. More specifically, the delta between the settings selected and the amount smelled by the user based on their walking speed and friction with the air. E.g, if the mobile task is indoors and the user is slowly walking, the settings will be very different than if they are outdoors in a windy forest, or if they are at home sleeping in a small room, versus outdoors while running. Further research needs to be conducted to address this, particularly in outdoor environments and high friction scenarios.
To conclude, researchers could also design experiments using a combination of odors for different sub-tasks yielding different results. While we designed our experiment to have spatial-navigation tasks enabling users to create a memory palace for enhanced memorization, researchers could explore several other cognitive-sensory memorization or mnemonic techniques suitable for their application. It could also be interesting to study the effects of audio queues in combination with olfactory triggers for memorization applications. Our study was designed for object memorization and language learning applications, however, in the following section we describe some other envisioned applications such as episodic memories related to personal life events experienced.

5.3 HCI Applications and envisioned scenarios

In this section, we describe a set of envisioned scenarios that aimed to provide a foundation for HCI researchers to further explore memorization applications with mobile olfactory technologies for spatial memories. We divide these into three areas: 1) workplace & school 2) tourism, entertainment & outdoors 3) well-being, health & exercise.

5.3.1 Workplace & School.

Olfactory wearables and mTMR could be used during classes, seminars, or presentations and re-activated at home to strengthen the learned content. Children in schools could use a personalized scent delivery necklace indoors/outdoors for improved learning. It could be used both during learning/encoding and for retrieval during tests, interviews, and speeches. For example, an olfactory wearable could automatically adjust the frequency, intensity, and type of odor based on the topic of the class, the location, the type of meeting, or the context based on the users’ telemetry data or calendar. The same settings would then be re-activated every time the user is in that scenario (according to the original memory). The system might automatically trigger these odors during commuting time (walking, public transport, etc), to debrief the memories encoded during the day.

5.3.2 Tourism, Entertainment & Outdoors.

mTMR with odor could be used for a variety of applications related to travel and entertainment, such as during museum tour visits. In addition to memories associated with indoor events, these systems could also be used outdoors to make routes more memorable as well as for sports, dementia, or tourism by activating certain odors at specific GPS locations driven by the smartphone or smartwatch. Indoor GPS tracking could also be used to release a burst of scent associated with specific locations to navigate or use as a mnemonic technique. For example, it could be used to help actors memorize their lines, by thinking of the spatial relationships of their lines to the physical space and odors.

5.3.3 Well-being, Health & Exercise.

Leveraging insights from the study presented, we believe that mTMR using olfactory wearables could also be further explored to help users cope with memorization and anxiety during competitions or tests. mTMR could also be used for autobiographical memories, for example, to help users cope with maladaptive memories by actively rehearsing positive recollections with a pleasant odor, thus, decreasing the retention period and vividness of the traumatic event. The effects of this technique could also be studied for physical activities such as sports and exercise by reactivating an odor that has been present during a long day of training or before a competition or game. The same odor that has been used during training could be used during or before sleep to aid relaxation and recovery while re-activating the memory. Last but not least, other envisioned scenarios could be explored to help older adults cope with short-term memory loss and disorientation for Alzheimer’s and dementia to tackle some of their earliest symptoms.

6 Conclusion

This study suggests that Mobile Targeted Memory Reactivation (mTMR) using an olfactory feedback is a successful technique for boosting memory performance for spatial-navigation tasks. Our study suggests that using an olfactory wearable during learning, helped with memory encoding and recall. Nevertheless, only one type of memory task involving object locations in a physical space seems to benefit from reactivating the odor during sleep (TMR as traditionally defined - an interaction effect between pre and post-sleep time and condition). Therefore, one takeaway from this research is that this type of odor feedback can benefit memory through TMR and non-TMR mechanisms.
In addition to boosting memory performance one day after encoding, we showed how these effects last for at least one week. We demonstrated these results in a mobile task that required the user to walk while wearing the device and memorize a set of object locations in a physical space and only one night of olfactory reactivation at home and no adaptation night. The sleep study was unsupervised and conducted outside the research laboratory, in the comfort of the users’ homes. Finally, we showed the preliminary effects of mTMR on physiology and sleep. There was a general trend in heart rate and EDA being lower in the odor condition than in control; however, only HR was significantly lower during the day. We also observed improved objective and subjective sleep quality, including more time spent in deep sleep. In addition, subjective mental workload and self-reported relaxation and focus improved when using the wearable olfactory device during the memory tasks.
To conclude, we demonstrated that automated scent-delivery systems used close to the body or worn as a necklace can be a powerful and novel type of memory aid that additionally helps ease cognitive workload and stress while improving subjective performance. We hope this paper encourages the further study of mTMR and the development of novel mobile, olfactory memory enhancement technologies as alternative to traditional audio-visual feedback and stationary learning tasks.


We want to thank the study participants for their time and feedback as well as Mary Czerwinski and Nathan Whitmore for their help with proofreading this paper. Last but not least, we would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers who gave their time and expertise to review this manuscript and provide valuable feedback that helped this paper to further its contribution.

A Appendices

Table 7:
Location IDWord SourceWord TargetLevenshtein DistanceCondition
10DrinkBebida5A (control day 1, scent day 8)
10DrawersCajones6A (control day 1, scent day 8)
10TrashBasura5B (scent day 1, control day 8)
10WindowVentana6B (scent day 1, control day 8)
9MakeupMaquillaje8A (control day 1, scent day 8)
9GlassVidrio6A (control day 1, scent day 8)
9MarkerRotulador8B (scent day 1, control day 8)
9TweezersPinzas6B (scent day 1, control day 8)
8SkullCalavera8A (control day 1, scent day 8)
8NecklaceCollar6A (control day 1, scent day 8)
8ChopsticksPalillos8B (scent day 1, control day 8)
8DrawingDibujo6B (scent day 1, control day 8)
7FountainFuente5A (control day 1, scent day 8)
7ForkTenedor6A (control day 1, scent day 8)
7SawSierra5B (scent day 1, control day 8)
7ElevatorAscensor6B (scent day 1, control day 8)
6FlowerFlor2A (control day 1, scent day 8)
6BagBolsa4A (control day 1, scent day 8)
6HandMano2B (scent day 1, control day 8)
6TeapotTetera4B (scent day 1, control day 8)
5WallPared4A (control day 1, scent day 8)
5SweetDulce5A (control day 1, scent day 8)
5SheetsHojas4B (scent day 1, control day 8)
5TableMesa5B (scent day 1, control day 8)
4ScissorsTijeras6A(control day 1, scent day 8)
4PotMaceta5A (control day 1, scent day 8)
4SoilTierra6B (scent day 1, control day 8)
4CandleVela5B (scent day 1, control day 8)
3BulbBombilla6A (control day 1, scent day 8)
3ChairSilla5A (control day 1, scent day 8)
3BrushPincel6B (scent day 1, control day 8)
3CoinsMonedas5B (scent day 1, control day 8)
2HeadCabeza5A (control day 1, scent day 8)
2BookLibro4A (control day 1, scent day 8)
2CombPeine5B (scent day 1, control day 8)
2HornCuerno4B (scent day 1, control day 8)
1KeyboardTeclado6A (control day 1, scent day 8)
1MugTaza4A (control day 1, scent day 8)
1StapleGrapadora6B (scent day 1, control day 8)
1GlassesGafas4B (scent day 1, control day 8)
Table 7: Group A: Control on days 1 and 2, scent on days 8 and 9. Group B: Scent on days 1 and 2, control on days 8 and 9. Total Levenshtein Distance: Group A = 106, Group B = 106. Total characters: Group A = 123, Group B = 123.
Figure 14:
Figure 14: On the left, gathering of some of the objects used for the memorization task. On the right, physiological sensors, smartphone and olfactory wearable device used for the study.


Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3544548.3580892-talk-video.mp4)
Pre-recorded Video Presentation


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