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10.1145/3570361.3613302acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmobicomConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Towards Generalized mmWave-based Human Pose Estimation through Signal Augmentation

Published: 02 October 2023 Publication History


The unprecedented advance of wireless human sensing is enabled by the proliferation of the deep learning techniques, which, however, rely heavily on the completeness and representativeness of the data patterns contained in the training set. Thus, deep learning based wireless human perception models usually fail when the human subject is conducting activities that are unseen during the model training. To address this problem, we propose a novel wireless signal augmentation framework, named mmGPE, for Generalized mmWave-based Pose Estimation. In mmGPE, we adopt a physical simulator to generate mmWave FMCW signals. However, due to the imperfect simulation of the physical world, there is a big gap between the signals generated by the physical simulator and the real-world signals collected by the mmWave radar. To tackle this challenge, we propose to integrate the physical signal simulation with deep learning techniques. Specifically, we develop a deep learning-based signal refiner in mmGPE that is capable of bridging the gap and generating realistic signal data. Through extensive evaluations on a COTS mmWave testbed, our mmGPE system demonstrates high accuracy in generating human meshes for unseen activities.


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            ACM MobiCom '23: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
            October 2023
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            Association for Computing Machinery

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            Published: 02 October 2023


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            1. wireless sensing
            2. mmWave
            3. human mesh estimation
            4. signal augmentation
            5. generative neural network


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