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A Survey on Exotic Signatures for Post-quantum Blockchain: Challenges and Research Directions

Published: 02 March 2023 Publication History


Blockchain technology provides efficient and secure solutions to various online activities by utilizing a wide range of cryptographic tools. In this article, we survey the existing literature on post-quantum secure digital signatures that possess exotic advanced features and that are crucial cryptographic tools used in the blockchain ecosystem for (1) account management, (2) consensus efficiency, (3) empowering scriptless blockchain, and (4) privacy. The exotic signatures that we particularly focus on in this work are the following: multi-/aggregate, threshold, adaptor, blind, and ring signatures. Herein the term ”exotic” refers to signatures with properties that are not just beyond the norm for signatures, e.g., unforgeability, but also imbue new forms of functionalities. Our treatment of such exotic signatures includes discussions on existing challenges and future research directions in the post-quantum space. We hope that this article will help to foster further research to make post-quantum cryptography more accessible so that blockchain systems can be made ready in advance of the approaching quantum threats.


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  1. A Survey on Exotic Signatures for Post-quantum Blockchain: Challenges and Research Directions



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    ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 55, Issue 12
    December 2023
    825 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 02 March 2023
    Online AM: 01 December 2022
    Accepted: 08 November 2022
    Revised: 04 November 2022
    Received: 06 February 2022
    Published in CSUR Volume 55, Issue 12


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