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CrossTalk: Intelligent Substrates for Language-Oriented Interaction in Video-Based Communication and Collaboration

Published: 29 October 2023 Publication History


Despite the advances and ubiquity of digital communication media such as videoconferencing and virtual reality, they remain oblivious to the rich intentions expressed by users. Beyond transmitting audio, videos, and messages, we envision digital communication media as proactive facilitators that can provide unobtrusive assistance to enhance communication and collaboration. Informed by the results of a formative study, we propose three key design concepts to explore the systematic integration of intelligence into communication and collaboration, including the panel substrate, language-based intent recognition, and lightweight interaction techniques. We developed CrossTalk, a videoconferencing system that instantiates these concepts, which was found to enable a more fluid and flexible communication and collaboration experience.

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      UIST '23: Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 29 October 2023

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