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GIO: Generating Efficient Matrix and Frame Readers for Custom Data Formats by Example

Published: 20 June 2023 Publication History
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    Data Scientists deal with a wide variety of file data formats and data representations. Probably the most difficult to handle are custom data formats that liberally define their own particular flat or nested structure with multiple custom delimiters, multi-line records, or undocumented semantics of attribute sequences, co-appearances, and repetitions. As a prerequisite for exploratory ML model training, data scientists need to map these data representations into regular frames or matrices. Unfortunately, existing tools and frameworks provide only limited support for aiding this process, which causes redundant manual efforts and unnecessary data quality issues. In this paper, we initiate work on automatic matrix and frame reader generation by example. A user provides a sample of raw text data and its mapped matrix or frame representation. Our GIO framework then first identifies the mapping rules from raw to structured data, and subsequently generates source code of an efficient, multi-threaded reader for reading full raw datasets of this format. In order to facilitate manual improvements, both the mapping rules, and generated reader can be modified as needed. Our experiments show that GIO is able to correctly identify the mapping rules for basic text formats like CSV, LibSVM, MatrixMarket; custom text formats from publishing, automotive, and health care; as well as various nested formats such as JSON and XML. Additionally, the automatically generated readers yield competitive performance compared to hand-coded readers and tuned libraries like RapidJSON.

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    Data Scientists deal with a wide variety of file data formats and data representations. Probably the most difficult to handle are custom data formats that liberally define their own particular flat or nested structure with multiple custom delimiters, multi-line records, or undocumented semantics of attribute sequences, co-appearances, and repetitions. As a prerequisite for exploratory ML model training, data scientists need to map these data representations into regular frames or matrices. Unfortunately, existing tools and frameworks provide only limited support for aiding this process, which causes redundant manual efforts and unnecessary data quality issues. In this paper, we initiate work on automatic matrix and frame reader generation by example. A user provides a sample of raw text data and its mapped matrix or frame representation. Our GIO framework then first identifies the mapping rules from raw to structured data, and subsequently generates source code of an efficient, multi-threaded reader for reading full raw datasets of this format. In order to facilitate manual improvements, both the mapping rules, and generated reader can be modified as needed. Our experiments show that GIO is able to correctly identify the mapping rules for basic text formats like CSV, LibSVM, MatrixMarket; custom text formats from publishing, automotive, and health care; as well as various nested formats such as JSON and XML. Additionally, the automatically generated readers yield competitive performance compared to hand-coded readers and tuned libraries like RapidJSON.
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    Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 1, Issue 2
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    Published: 20 June 2023
    Published in PACMMOD Volume 1, Issue 2


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