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CPU-free Computing: A Vision with a Blueprint

Published: 22 June 2023 Publication History


Since the inception of computing, we have been reliant on CPU-powered architectures. However, today this reliance is challenged by manufacturing limitations (CMOS scaling), performance expectations (stalled clocks, Turing tax), and security concerns (microarchitectural attacks). To re-imagine our computing architecture, in this work, we take a more radical, but pragmatic approach and propose to eliminate the CPU with its design baggage from data center computing. We integrate three primary pillars of computing, i.e., networking, storage, and computing, into a single, self-hosting, unified CPU-free Data Processing Unit (DPU) called Hyperion. The elimination of the CPU from computing necessitates re-thinking our computing, networking, and storage abstractions, and tackle the associated challenges which we sketch in this paper. We share the blueprint of our work-in-progress, Hyperion's hardware and software stack, and seek feedback.


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  • (2024)vFPIOProceedings of the 2024 USENIX Conference on Usenix Annual Technical Conference10.5555/3691992.3692063(1167-1184)Online publication date: 10-Jul-2024



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  • (2024)vFPIOProceedings of the 2024 USENIX Conference on Usenix Annual Technical Conference10.5555/3691992.3692063(1167-1184)Online publication date: 10-Jul-2024

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