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View all- Champion KHill B(2024)Life Histories of Taboo Knowledge ArtifactsProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36870448:CSCW2(1-32)Online publication date: 8-Nov-2024
For peer production communities to be sustainable, they must attract and retain new contributors. Studies have identified social and technical barriers to entry and discovered some potential solutions, but these solutions have typically focused on a ...
Communicating about some vital topics---such as sexuality and health---is treated as taboo and subjected to censorship. How can we construct knowledge about these topics? Wikipedia is home to numerous high-quality knowledge artifacts about taboo topics ...
Productive and dedicated members are critical to the success of online production communities like Wikipedia. Many communities organize in subgroups where members voluntarily work on projects of shared interest. In this paper, we investigate how members'...
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