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An Investigation on Hardware-Aware Vision Transformer Scaling

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


Vision Transformer (ViT) has demonstrated promising performance in various computer vision tasks, and recently attracted a lot of research attention. Many recent works have focused on proposing new architectures to improve ViT and deploying it into real-world applications. However, little effort has been made to analyze and understand ViT’s architecture design space and its implication for hardware costs on different devices. In this work, by simply scaling ViT’s depth, width, input size, and other basic configurations, we show that a scaled vanilla ViT model without bells and whistles can achieve comparable or superior accuracy-efficiency trade-off than most of the latest ViT variants. Specifically, compared with DeiT-Tiny, our scaled model achieves a ↑ 1.9% higher ImageNet top-1 accuracy under the same FLOPs and a ↑ 3.7% better ImageNet top-1 accuracy under the same latency on an NVIDIA Edge GPU TX2. Motivated by this, we further investigate the extracted scaling strategies from the following two aspects: (1) can these scaling strategies be transferred across different real hardware devices? and (2) can these scaling strategies be transferred to different ViT variants and tasks?. For (1), our exploration, based on various devices with different resource budgets, indicates that the transferability effectiveness depends on the underlying device together with its corresponding deployment tool. For (2), we validate the effective transferability of the aforementioned scaling strategies obtained from a vanilla ViT model on top of an image classification task to the PiT model, a strong ViT variant targeting efficiency as well as object detection and video classification tasks. In particular, when transferred to PiT, our scaling strategies lead to a boosted ImageNet top-1 accuracy of from 74.6% to 76.7% (↑ 2.1%) under the same 0.7G FLOPs. When transferred to the COCO object detection task, the average precision is boosted by ↑ 0.7% under a similar throughput on a V100 GPU.

1 Introduction

Transformer [52], which was initially proposed for natural language processing (NLP) and is a type of deep neural network (DNNs) mainly based on the self-attention mechanism, has achieved significant breakthroughs in NLP tasks. Thanks to its strong representation capabilities, many works have developed ways to apply Transformer to computer vision (CV) tasks, such as image classification [12], object detection [6], semantic segmentation [55], and video classification [5]. Among them, Vision Transformer (ViT) [12] stands out and demonstrates that a pure Transformer applied directly to sequences of image patches can perform very well on image classification tasks, e.g., achieving a comparable ImageNet [11] top-1 accuracy as ResNet [22]. Motivated by ViT’s promising performance, a fast growing number of works follow it to explore pure Transformer architectures in order to push forward its accuracy–efficiency trade-off and deployment into real-world applications [20, 25, 36, 50, 56], achieving an even better performance than EfficientNetV1 [49], a widely used efficient convolutional neural network (CNN).
The success of recent ViT works suggests that the model architecture is critical to ViT’s achievable performance. Therefore, in this work we explore ViT architectures from a new perspective, aiming to analyze and understand ViT’s architecture design space and real hardware cost across different devices. Despite the recent excitement towards ViT models and the success of model scaling for CNNs, little effort has been made into exploring ViT’s model scaling strategies or hardware cost.
Note that directly applying the scaling strategies for CNNs [48, 49] or Transformer on NLP tasks [23, 30] will lead to suboptimality, as discussed in Section 3.2. Furthermore, scaling strategies targeting one device/task might not be transferable to another device/task. Interestingly, we find that simply scaled ViT models can achieve comparable or even better accuracy–efficiency trade-off than dedicatedly designed ViT variants, as shown in Figure 1. Motivated by this, we further explore the transferability of our scaling strategies (1) across different real hardware devices and (2) to different ViT variants and tasks. In particular, we make the following contributions:
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Our scaled ViT models achieve comparable or better accuracy–efficiency trade-off as compared with some recent dedicatedly designed ViTs and widely used CNNs.
We show that simply scaled vanilla ViT models can achieve comparable or even better accuracy–efficiency trade-off as compared with dedicatedly designed ViT variants [7, 9, 25, 36, 50, 51, 56, 61, 65], as illustrated in Figure 1. Specifically, as compared with DeiT-Tiny, our scaled model achieves a \(\uparrow 1.9\%\) higher ImageNet top-1 accuracy under the same FLOPs and a \(\uparrow 3.7\%\) better ImageNet top-1 accuracy under the same latency on an NVIDIA Edge GPU TX2.
We study the transferability of the scaled ViT models across different devices and show that the transferability effectiveness depends on the underlying devices and deployment tools. For example, scaling strategies targeting FLOPs or the throughput on a V100 GPU [42] can be transferred to the Pixel3 [18] device with little or even no performance loss, but those targeting the latency on TX2 [28] may not be transferred to other devices due to the obvious performance loss. Additionally, we provide ViT models’ cost breakdown and rank correlation between their hardware cost on different devices for a better understanding of it.
We show that our scaling strategies can also be effectively transferred to different ViT variants and recognition tasks to further boost the achieved accuracy–efficiency trade-off, e.g., achieving a \(\uparrow\) 2.1% higher accuracy under a similar FLOP when being transferred to the PiT model and \(\uparrow\) 0.7% higher average precision under a similar inference throughput when being transferred to an object detection task.

2 Related Works

Vision Transformers. Transformer was first proposed for machine translation [52]. Motivated by its state-of-the-art performance in NLP tasks, there has been a growing interest in applying the Transformer/self-attention mechanism to CV tasks, e.g., by proposing novel attention mechanisms for CNNs [27, 34, 64], fusing Transformer and CNN designs within the same model [4, 6, 55], or designing pure Transformer models [8, 12]. Among them, ViT [12] has achieved state-of-the-art performance by directly applying the Transformer architecture for NLP tasks to the input raw image patches of vision tasks. Nevertheless, ViT’s powerful performance largely depends on its pre-training on JFT-300M [48] (a giant private labelled dataset). As such, DeiT [50] further develops an improved training recipe (i.e., the setting of optimization hyper-parameters), including a distillation setup and stronger data augmentation and regularization, to achieve comparable performance while removing the necessity of the costly pretraining. In order to build more efficient ViT models, [7] leverages multiple branches to extract and fuse features at different scales; [14, 20, 25, 36, 53] apply a pyramid-like architecture commonly used in CNNs to ViT and [20, 36, 56] propose more efficient attention mechanisms or feature projection blocks.
Model scaling. Prior works have explored scaling CNNs/NLP-Transformer (i.e., Transformer in NLP tasks) to boost its accuracy or lower its computational resource requirements. For example, ResNet can be scaled along its depth dimension [22] and MobileNet can be scaled along its width (i.e., the number of channels) and input resolution dimensions [26, 46]. Notably, EfficientNet further points out that it is critical to scale CNNs in a compound manner (i.e., simultaneously scaling the model width, depth, and input resolution) and does so to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy–efficiency trade-off [49]. Nevertheless, as [3] demonstrates, the scaling strategies obtained from a specific model (e.g., EfficientNet-B0) can result in a suboptimal accuracy–efficiency trade-off for another model. Motivated by this observation, they develop a more general scaling strategy extracted from grid search experiments based on the chosen training recipe rather than a specific model, achieving an improved trade-off. In addition to scaling the model architecture, [23, 30] show that scaling up the dataset size and the number of computations used for training can also help to achieve a smaller cross-entropy loss for Transformer in NLP tasks. Recently, [65] demonstrated that the accuracy of ViT will decrease when it is scaled up along only the depth dimension (i.e., number of layers) and proposed Re-attention to resolve it.
Nevertheless, none of the prior works has targeted scaling strategies for ViT with multiple scaling factors or studied its real-hardware efficiency across different platforms featuring diverse computational and storage capabilities. Additionally, it is not clear whether their insights on scaling CNNs can be directly applied to ViT because of their different scaling factor definitions. For example, while the number of channels represents the width in CNNs, the number of heads and embedding dimensions can both represent the width in ViT. As such, scaling strategies dedicated to ViT are highly desirable and our scaling strategies can provide unique insights to inspire more innovations towards efficient ViT models. Although there is some model scaling strategy exploration in [12, 63], our work distinguishes with them in providing more discoveries and insights. In particular, we focus more on the accuracy vs. efficiency trade-off when scaling ViTs instead of merely the accuracy and provide additional analysis on the transferability of the extracted scaling strategies across different devices, ViT variants, and tasks.

3 Scaling ViT: How and Why Do We Scale ViT?

In this section, we first analyze the scaling factors of ViT, then study the effectiveness of prior scaling strategies, which are dedicated to CNNs or Transformers, on ViT, and finally present our iterative greedy search approach to scale ViT.

3.1 Scaling Factors in ViT

As analyzed in [30], the scaling factors in Transformers include the number of layers (d), the number of heads (h), the embedding dimension for each head (e), and the linear projection ratio (r). ViT, which directly adopts the Transformer architecture for NLP tasks and splits the raw images into patches to serve as the Transformer input, adds additional scaling factors, including image resolution (I) and patch size (p). Figure 2 illustrates and summarizes our considered scaling factors for ViT.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Illustrating the effect of scaling factors on a ViT architecture (class/distillation token is omitted for better visual clarity).

3.2 Previous Scaling Strategies Fail on ViT

CNN and ViT scaling factors do not match. Scaling strategies dedicated to CNNs [15, 48, 49] mostly come with CNN-specific scaling factor definitions (e.g., the number of channels in convolution layers represents the model width), which cannot be directly transferred to ViT. For example, doubling ( \(2\times\) ) the width in CNNs can be achieved via various combinations of the number of heads (h) and embedding dimension for each head (e) in ViT.
Furthermore, there are extra scaling factors for ViT, e.g., the linear projection ratio (r) and the patch size (p), which do not exist in the scaling factors for CNNs but are important for ViT as shown in Appendix C. Thus, directly transferring the scaling strategies from CNNs to ViTs can lead to ambiguity and suboptimal performance.
Transformer scaling strategies for NLP are suboptimal on ViT. [30] noted that for NLP, model performance (i.e., accuracy or training loss) depends “strongly on the model scale (i.e., the number of parameters), but weakly on the model shape”. However, when scaling ViT along the factors summarized in Figure 2, our observations suggest that this is not true for ViT. As shown in Figure 3, when performing an extensive search on top of DeiT-Small [50] following [48], we observe that a model’s shape has a great impact on the performance. Specifically, if we change the aspect ratio, i.e., the ratio between the embedding dimension ( \(e \times h\) ) and the number of layers (d), while keeping the model parameters the same, the accuracy drifts as much as \(18.61\%\) . This experiment motivates exploring scaling strategies dedicated to ViT.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. The accuracy of ViT is sensitive to the aspect ratio. Note that the vertically aligned points are models with the same scaling factors except for image resolution (I).

3.3 Our Scaling Method Based on an Iterative Greedy Search

Starting from a relatively small model defined in Table 1, we adopt a simple iterative greedy search to perform the ViT scaling step by step, similar to the previous algorithms for exploring CNN design spaces and feature selections [15, 21, 29]. The starting point model in Table 1 is selected by scaling down the baseline smallest output model (DeiT-Tiny [50]) in all scaling factors to allow sufficient expansion steps (i.e., 3 in our experiments) from the starting point to the smallest output model. Such a strategy is also adopted in X3D [15], which outputs the smallest model after 5 expansion steps (i.e., \(2^5\) = 32 \(\times\) larger FLOPs) from the starting point model. However, in our case, 5 expansion steps would result in a model that is too small to converge. Thus, we select the starting point model that has 3 expansion steps to the baseline smallest output model (DeiT-Tiny [15]), i.e., \(2^3\) = 8 \(\times\) smaller FLOPs than DeiT-Tiny [15]. To increase the scaling factors and scale up the model, we adopt an iterative greedy search approach, as summarized in Algorithm 1. Specifically, (1) we start from a small model defined in Table 1; (2) in each step of the iterative approach, we target scaling the model hardware cost (e.g., FLOPs and latency on a specific hardware device) to 2 \(\times\) the previous step (i.e., \(\frac{C_{i+1}}{C_{i}} = 2\) , \(C_i \in [C_i,C_2, \ldots , C_N]\) in Algorithm 1) by increasing one of the stand-alone scaling factors introduced in Section 3.1; (3) we then select the one with the best accuracy vs. efficiency trade-off out of those architectures resulting from increasing each scaling factor stand-alone in the previous step; and (4) the selected architecture from the previous step will be used as the starting point in the next step. Thus, all the scaling factors will be explored in each step and the order to increase the factors is determined accordingly with the iterative process. As analyzed in [3], unlike scaling strategies from specific small models or training for a small number of epochs, scaling based on such an iterative greedy search with exhaustively training models across a variety of scales for the full training duration can offer new perspectives and more practical scaling strategies. Our experiments in Section 4.1 also verify that such a scaling method is simple yet effective for scaling ViT models, and only requires training a few models during each search step. Specifically, the model exploration space during scaling is \(6^7\) = 279936 (6 scaling factors and 7 steps in total). In contrast, our adopted iterative greedy search approach only uses the model with the best accuracy-efficiency trade-off from the current step to be the starting point model of the next step and thus reduces the space to \(6 \times 7 = 42\) (6 scaling factors and 7 steps in total).
Table 1.
Num. of layers (d)6
Num. of heads (h)2
Embedding dim. per head (e)64
Linear projection ratio (r)4
Image resolution (I)160
Patch size (p)16
FLOPs (G)0.15
Throughput on V100 (FPS)20086
Latency on Pixel3 (ms)30.05
Latency on TX2 (ms)4.42
Table 1. The Starting Point Model for Our Scaling Method

4 Experiment Results

In this section, we first present experiments for evaluating the scaled vanilla ViT models resulting from the iterative greedy search described in Section 3.3 in terms of accuracy-FLOPs trade-offs on ImageNet [11]. From this set of experiments, we then extract a set of scaling strategies dedicated to ViT. After that, we further conduct experiments to study the transferability of our extracted scaling strategies (1) across different devices and (2) to different ViT variants and tasks.

4.1 Scaling ViT Towards Better Accuracy-FLOPs Trade-offs

Following the scaling approach described in Section 3.3, we set \(2 \times\) FLOPs of the initial or selected model from the previous step as the target hardware cost in each step when individually scaling each factor, as summarized in Figure 2. All networks are trained for 300 epochs on ImageNet [11] using the same training recipe with the one in DeiT [50]. More details are included in Appendix D. It is worth noting that the setting of 300 epochs for each model candidate is selected based on the state-of-the-art ViT training recipe [50] to ensure the search goal as the optimized full training accuracy–efficiency trade-offs. Although early stopping is possible, it would result in suboptimal results because the relative performance ranking may not correlate well with the performance ranking of the full training, as pointed out by [45, 62]. We summarize our observations of the experiments above as follows:
Scaled ViT models outperform state-of-the-art DeiT models. As shown in Table 2, our scaled ViT models (e.g., DeiT-Scaled-Tiny/Small/Base) achieve a \(\uparrow\) 0.4% \(\sim\) \(\uparrow\) 1.9% higher top-1 accuracy on ImageNet under the same FLOPs constraints. Specifically, our DeiT-Scaled-Tiny model chooses to use a smaller image resolution (i.e., 160 \(\times\) 160 vs. 224 \(\times\) 224) and more layers and a higher number of heads as compared with the state-of-the-art DeiT-Tiny [50] model and thus achieves a \(\uparrow\) 1.9% higher accuracy at the same cost in terms of FLOPs, while our DeiT-Scaled-Small/Base models choose to use a larger image resolution (i.e., 320/256 \(\times\) 320/256 vs. 224 \(\times\) 224) and more layers, together with a lower number of heads as compared with the state-of-the-art DeiT-Small/Base [50] model, helping them to achieve a \(\uparrow\) 0.4% higher accuracy under similar FLOPs. This set of experiments shows that our simple search method can (1) effectively locate ViT models with better accuracy-FLOPs trade-offs and (2) automatically adapt different scaling factors towards the optimal accuracy–FLOPs trade-offs, e.g., different model shapes and structures at different scales of FLOPs.
Table 2.
ModelFLOPs (G)Top-1 accuracy (%)dherIp
DeiT-Scaled-Tiny1.2276.4 ( \(\uparrow\) 1.9)14464416016
DeiT-Scaled-Small4.7981.6 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.4)20464425616
DeiT-Scaled-Base16.8283.8 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.4)20664432016
Table 2. Our Scaled ViT Models Outperform DeiT on ImageNet under the Same FLOPs Constrains
Random permutation further boosts the performance. Inspired by the coarse-to-fine architecture selection scheme adopted in [60], we further randomly permute the scaling factors (i.e., d, h, e, r, I, and p) of each scaled model in Table 2. Specifically, we randomly change the scaling factors (e.g., multiplying by 0.8 \(\times\) 1.2 \(\times\) randomly in our experiments) of the search model in each step of the iterative greedy search process while keeping their FLOPs the same.
After the permutation, we select 24 architectures under the same target hardware cost with the scaled model by iterative greedy search for each scaled model. Figure 4 demonstrates that (1) such a random permutation can slightly push forward the frontier of accuracy-FLOPs trade-off (e.g., a \(\uparrow\) 0.4% higher accuracy under similar FLOPs on top of the scaled models resulting from the adopted simple scaling method); and (2) our adopted iterative greedy search alone is sufficiently effective while requiring a lower exploration cost (e.g., 6 vs. 30 (6 + 24) models to be trained for each step as compared with such a search method together with the aforementioned permutation).
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Random permutation on top of the DeiT-Scaled in Table 2, where those on the Pareto frontier are marked as DeiT-Scaled-RP.
Scaled ViT also benefits from a longer training time. As pointed out by [50], training ViT models for more epochs (e.g., 1000 epochs) can further improve the achieved accuracy.
To verify whether the scaled ViT models can benefit from more training epochs, we train the models in Table 2 for 1000 epochs following the training recipe in [50]. As shown in Table 3, longer training epochs also help our scaled models (e.g., DeiT-Scaled-Tiny/Small) to achieve a higher accuracy, and thus, the advantage of our scaled models over DeiT is consistent under both the 300-epochs and 1000-epochs training recipe, e.g., a \(\uparrow\) 1.9% higher accuracy over DeiT-Tiny [50] with 300 epochs vs. a \(\uparrow\) 1.7% higher accuracy over DeiT-Tiny [50] with 1000 epochs.
Table 3.
ModelFLOPs (G)Top-1 accuracy (%)
DeiT-Scaled-Tiny1.2276.4 ( \(\uparrow\) 1.9)
DeiT-Tiny/1000 epochs1.2676.6
DeiT-Scaled-Tiny/1000 epochs1.2278.3 ( \(\uparrow\) 1.7)
DeiT-Scaled-Small4.7981.6 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.4)
DeiT-Small/1000 epochs4.6282.6
DeiT-Scaled-Small/1000 epochs4.7982.9 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.3)
Table 3. Scaled ViT Models After Training for 1000 Epochs
Drawn insights from scaling ViT. Based on the observations from the above experiments, especially the scaling strategies illustrated in Figure 5, we draw the following scaling insights dedicated to ViT:
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Resulting models from our iterative greedy search, where models achieving the best accurac-FLOPs trade-offs are marked as DeiT-Scaled-Tiny/Small/Base. The architecture configurations (i.e., sets of d, h, e, r, I, and p) leading to these best models are extracted as our scaling strategies dedicated to ViT.
When targeting relatively small models (i.e., with smaller FLOPs than DeiT-Scaled-Small), the optimal models tend to select “ scaling h (i.e., the number of heads)” or “scaling d (i.e., the number of layers)” and a “smaller I (i.e., the input image resolution)” (e.g., 160 \(\times\) 160 instead of the commonly used 224 \(\times\) 224).
When targeting relatively large models (i.e., with larger FLOPs than DeiT-Scaled-Small), the optimal models mainly select to “scaling I (i.e., the input image resolution)”, while “slowing down scaling h (i.e., number of heads)” as compared with the case when targeting relatively small models.

4.2 Transferability of the Extracted Scaling Strategies Across Different Devices

To evaluate the transferability of the extracted scaling strategies across different real hardware devices, we consider 3 hardware devices which target different applications as summarized in Table 4. More details about the setup of these devices are provided in Appendix B.
Table 4.
DeviceDeployment toolHardware-cost measurement toolTarget application
NVIDIA V100PyTorchPyTorch profilerCloud services w/strong GPUs
NVIDIA Edge GPU TX2TensorRTTensorRT command-line wrapperEdge computing w/weak GPUs
Google Pixel3TfliteTflite benchmark toolsMobile deployment w/o GPUs
Table 4. Important Details about the 3 Hardware Devices in the Transferability Exploration Experiments

4.2.1 Transferability among Different Devices.

To obtain the hardware-dedicated scaling strategies leading to the best accuracy–efficiency trade-off on each device, we follow the scaling search method described in Section 4.1 but replace the target hardware cost with (1) 0.5 \(\times\) throughput measured on an NVIDIA V100 GPU (i.e., V100) [42], (2) 2 \(\times\) latency measured on an NVIDIA Edge GPU TX2 (i.e., TX2) [28], and (3) 2 \(\times\) latency measured on a Google Pixel3 device (i.e., Pixel3) [18], to simulate the model scaling for (1) cloud services with strong GPUs, (2) edge computing with weak GPUs, and (3) mobile deployment without GPUs, respectively. It is worth noting that the search method is designed to match the target hardware cost instead of a uniform proxy metric. Such a performed choice is inspired by the recent findings that the optimal architectures on different hardware devices are usually not the same, even for the same search space [13, 33]. We then compare the scaled models that achieve the best accuracy–efficiency trade-off on each device, as shown in Figure 6, aiming to answer “can our scaling strategies be transferred across different real hardware devices?”. This set of comparisons provides some interesting observations:
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Comparing the optimal models resulting from scaling for different hardware devices. FLOPs/ V100/TX2/Pixel3 Scaling represents the scaling strategies obtained on FLOPs/V100/TX2/Pixel3, and DeiT models are marked as the comparison baseline.
The simple scaling approach is effective on different hardware devices. From the comparison between the scaled models with FLOPs, throughput on V100, latency on TX2, and latency on Pixel3 as the hardware cost during scaling (i.e., FLOPs (), V100 (), TX2 (), and Pixel3 () Scaling in Figure 6) and the state-of-the-art DeiT model (i.e., Baseline () in Figure 6), as shown in Figures 6(a), 6(b), 6(c), and 6(d), respectively, we can see that all the device-dedicated scaled models resulting from the iterative greedy search method described in Section 3.3 achieve a better accuracy–efficiency trade-off than the baseline DeiT, indicating the necessity for device-dedicated scaling. Specifically, the scaled models targeting the TX2 device () can achieve a \(\uparrow\) 3.7% higher accuracy under a similar latency on TX2, as compared with the DeiT-Tiny model. This set of experiments verifies that the adopted scaling approach is simple yet effective across different devices or targeting hardware metrics.
The transferability of our scaling strategies across different devices depends on the underlying device. From Figure 6, we can observe that (i) the scaled models directly targeting a device indeed always lead to the best accuracy–efficiency trade-off on the device, indicating that our scaling search method can adapt to different devices; and (ii) the performance of the device-dedicated scaled models when executed on other devices varies among different devices together with their corresponding deployment tools. For example, when executed on the Pixel3 device (see Figure 6(d)), as expected, the scaled models targeting the Pixel3 device (denoted as ) are always on the Pareto frontier (i.e., the best accuracy–efficiency trade-off); interestingly, the scaled models targeting FLOPs () and the V100 device () are also close to or even on the Pareto frontier. However, the scaled models targeting the TX2 device () are obviously far from the Pareto frontier when executed on the Pixel3 device.
As shown in Table 5, the scaled model targeting the TX2 device () suffers from a \(\downarrow\) 0.82% lower accuracy at an even \(\uparrow\) 51.90% higher latency when executed on the Pixel3 device– as compared with the scaled models directly targeting the Pixel3 device () and vice versa for the performance of the scaled models targeting the Pixel3 device () when executed on the TX2 device, i.e., a \(\uparrow\) 15.74% higher latency and a \(\downarrow\) 0.72% lower accuracy.
Table 5.
ModelTop-1 accuracy (%)Latency on TX2 (ms)Latency on Pixel3 (ms)dherIp
Pixel3 Scaling ()74.820.91181.07162108416016
TX2 Scaling ()74.0 ( \(\downarrow\) 0.8)14.44 ( \(\downarrow\) 30.94%)275.06 ( \(\uparrow\) 51.90%)64641616016
TX2 Scaling ()78.223.70456.41104641616016
Pixel3 Scaling ()77.5 ( \(\downarrow\) 0.7)27.43 ( \(\uparrow\) 15.74%)297.58 ( \(\downarrow\) 34.80%)162142416016
Table 5. Scaled Models Targeting Pixel3 are Suboptimal when Executed on TX2 and Vice Versa
This set of experiments indicates that the scaling strategies obtained when targeting FLOPs () and the V100 device () can be transferred to the Pixel3 device with little or even no performance loss, but those obtained for the TX2 device () leads to a degraded performance when being transferred.

4.2.2 Analysis on the Transferability Effectiveness.

To better understand why the transferability effectiveness depends on the underlying devices, we analyze the performance of ViT models executed on different hardware devices from the following two perspectives: (1) cost (e.g., latency) breakdown of the same model on different devices and (2) the rank correlation between the hardware cost on different devices for the same group of models.
Connection between the breakdown and the transferability effectiveness. As shown in Figure 7, the cost breakdown of the DeiT-Tiny model suggests that the breakdown in terms of the number of FLOPs, the latency on V100, and the latency on Pixel3 are relatively similar, e.g., the breakdown’s cosine distance between any pair among them is smaller than 0.02, while the breakdown for the latency on TX2 is quite different from that of the number of FLOPs, the latency on V100, and the latency on Pixel3, e.g., the breakdown’s cosine distance between the latency on TX2 and any other metric is larger than 0.28). We conjecture the reason for the slower data movements in TX2 is that the weaker CPU causes the larger Gather operator (e.g., operators used to reorganize tensors in a particular order) cost percentage in TX2 as compared with Pixel 3. Specifically, we perform a more detailed analysis in Appendix C and observe that (1) the most significant differences come from the MLP and Gather operators between the two devices; and (2) TX2 has a weaker CPU in terms of the maximum frequency as compared with Pixel3. This breakdown analysis explains why the scaled models targeting FLOPs (denoted as ), V100 (), and TX2 () have a different transferability performance in terms of the accuracy–latency trade-off when executed on Pixel3.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Cost breakdown of DeiT-Tiny on different devices in terms of (1) the number of FLOPs, (2) the 1/FPS on V100, (3) the latency on TX2, and (4) the latency on Pixel3, where MLP represents the cost of all the Linear layers, MSA-SA-MatMul represents the cost of matrix multiplication among Q(uery), K(ey), and V(alue) in ViT’s multi-head attention, MSA-SA-Reshape&Transpose&Gather represents the cost of merely the data movement in ViT’s multi-head attention, and the cost of all other operators are denoted as Others.
Rank correlation between the hardware cost on different devices can also indicate the transferability effectiveness. Besides the above analysis based on the cost breakdown on different devices using one specific model (i.e., DeiT-Tiny), we also perform analysis based on a group of ViT models.
Following the extensive search adopted in [3], we generate a group of ViT models by varying d in {3, 6, 12, 18, 24}, h in {2, 3, 6, 8, 12}, e in {32, 64, 96}, r in {2, 4, 8}, I in {128, 160, 224, 320}, and p in {8, 16, 32}, resulting in a total of 2,700 different ViT models. As shown in Figure 8, the Kendall Rank Correlation Coefficient [1], which is commonly used to benchmark the effectiveness of accuracy/hardware cost predictors in recent neural architecture search works [10, 33, 59] between the latency on Pixel3 and TX2 (highlighted in the red box) is the lowest one among all the coefficients. This set of experiments indicates the weaker performance of using the latency on TX2/Pixel3 to be the proxy metric when scaling ViT targeting Pixel3/TX2, as compared with other device pairs, which is consistent with our observations on the transferability performance among different devices in Section 4.2.1, i.e., scaled models targeting FLOPs (denoted as ) and V100 (denoted as ) have a better transferability performance when executed on Pixel3 than those targeting TX2 (denoted as ).
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. The rank correlation coefficient between the hardware-cost on different devices.
Along with the above analysis based on the (1) cost breakdown and (2) rank correlation between the hardware cost on different devices, we further perform a deeper analysis from the hardware device specification perspective in Appendix C for better understanding of why the transferability effectiveness depends on the underlying devices.

4.3 Transferring Our Scaling Strategies Across Different Models and Tasks

To answer “can these scaling strategies be transferred to different ViT variants and tasks?”, we transfer the extracted scaling strategies in Section 4.1 for DeiT [50] on ImageNet [11], as illustrated in Figure 5, to (1) PiT [25], a strong ViT variant targeting efficiency, on ImageNet [11]; (2) COCO [35], a popular benchmark for object detection tasks, to build the backbone of the Deformable DETR detector [66]; and (3) Kinetics-400 [31], a commonly used dataset for video classification tasks, with a TimeSFormer [5] style model extension.

4.3.1 Transfer to the PiT Models.

As shown in Table 6, when being transferred to PiT [25] on ImageNet [11], the scaling strategies obtained from targeting DeiT [50] on ImageNet [11] still lead to advantageous accuracy–efficiency trade-offs for both the PiT-Scaled-Tiny and PiT-Scaled-XS models, e.g., a \(\uparrow\) 2.1% and \(\uparrow\) 0.4% higher accuracy under a similar number of FLOPs, respectively. Although the accuracy improvement for PiT-Scaled-Small is not as obvious as that for PiT-Scaled-Tiny/XS (i.e., \(\uparrow\) 0.1% under similar FLOPs), the transferred scaling strategies at least do not lead to an inferior model architecture. More details about the architectures of PiT-Scaled-Tiny/XS/Small are provided in Appendix A.
Table 6.
ModelTop-1 accuracy (%)FLOPs (G)
PiT-Scaled-Tiny76.7 ( \(\uparrow\) 2.1)0.70
PiT-Scaled-XS79.5 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.4)1.38
PiT-Small (Reproduced)81.72.9
PiT-Scaled-Small81.8 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.1)3.0
Table 6. Transferring the Scaling Strategies Targeting DeiT [50] to PiT [25], where the Resulting Models are Denoted as PiT-Scaled-Tiny/XS/Small

4.3.2 Transfer to an Object Detection Task.

When transferred to object detection, DeiT [50] and our scaled DeiT-Scaled models are inserted into Deformable DETR [66] as the backbones, and the corresponding throughput on V100 is measured using the widely used Detectron2 tool [57]. As listed in Table 7, our DeiT-Scaled models achieve a \(\uparrow\) 0.7% higher average precision under a similar inference throughput, which is consistent with our observation on the advantages of our DeiT-Scaled models over the original DeiT [50] models in terms of classification tasks, which is discussed in Section 4.1.
Table 7.
BackboneAverage precision (%)Throughput (FPS) on V100
DeiT-Scaled-Tiny35.7 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.7)13.05
DeiT-Scaled-Small41.7 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.7)9.81
Table 7. COCO [35] Detection Performance (val2017) of DeiT [50] and our DeiT-Scaled Models with the Deformable DETR [66] as the Detector

4.3.3 Transfer to a Video Classification Task.

When transferring our scaling strategies to video classification tasks, we follow [5] to (1) decompose an input video into a sequence of frame-level patches and feed them into a Transformer module and (2) include two attention schemes, “Joint” (i.e., applying self-attention into space-time tokens jointly) and “Divided” (i.e., applying spatial and temporal attentions separately) to benchmark the performance of different models. As shown in Table 8, our DeiT-Scaled models (e.g., DeiT-Scaled-Tiny) can reduce the FLOPs by 33.2% under a similar accuracy (67.4% vs. 67.7%) as compared with DeiT-Tiny with the “Joint” attention scheme, and achieve accuracy–FLOPs trade-offs at least no worse than the original DeiT [50] models in other settings.
Table 8.
Attention SchemeModelTop-1 Accuracy (%)FLOPs (G)
DeiT-Scaled-Tiny67.4 ( \(\downarrow\) 0.3)13.3 ( \(\downarrow\) 33.2%)
DeiT-Scaled-Small71.4 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.2)61.9 ( \(\uparrow\) 9.56%)
DeiT-Scaled-Tiny67.8 ( \(\downarrow\) 0.6)12.7 ( \(\downarrow\) 6.62%)
DeiT-Scaled-Small72.0 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.6)54.2 ( \(\uparrow\) 6.69%)
Table 8. Kinetics-400 [31] Video Classification Performance (Validation Set) of Extended DeiT [50] and our DeiT-Scaled Models with a TimeSFormer [5] Style
All the above attempts of transferring the scaling strategies, extracted from scaling vanilla ViT models on an image classification task, into different ViT variants and tasks share the following common observations: (1) for some cases, such a transfer still achieves advantageous accuracy–efficiency trade-offs, even without any further exploration of scaling strategies dedicated to the new models/tasks; and (2) for the remaining cases, the transferred scaling strategies lead to models with accuracy–efficiency trade-offs that are on par with the corresponding vanilla models. Notably, there is no extra exploration cost (e.g., re-extracting dedicated scaling strategies) during transfer. Thus, it can provide at least a good starting point for further dedicated exploration on the new models/tasks.

5 Conclusion

In this work, we present a study for exploring hardware-aware ViT scaling and show that a simply scaled vanilla ViT model can achieve a comparable or even better (e.g., up to \(\uparrow 3.7\%\) higher accuracy) accuracy–efficiency trade-off as compared with dedicatedly designed state-of-the-art ViT variants. Furthermore, we extract scaling strategies dedicated to ViT and study their transferability across different hardware devices, ViT variants, and computer vision tasks. We believe that this work has demonstrated a promising perspective toward more efficient/accurate ViT models and will inspire more innovations on both new ViT models via scaling and hardware-efficient ViT models.


A Architecture Configurations of PiT-Scaled-Tiny/XS/Small

Here, we provide more details regarding how we transfer our extracted strategies to other ViT models, e.g., the PiT models. Specifically, to obtain the corresponding PiT-Scaled-Tiny/XS/Small models based on the baseline PiT-Tiny/XS/Small models and extracted scaling strategies, we (1) locate the most suitable architecture configuration in our scaling strategies to be used in the new variant, i.e., DeiT-Scaled-Tiny corresponds to PiT-Tiny/XS, and DeiT-Scaled-Small corresponds to PiT-Small, considering that PiT-Tiny/XS/Small are designed to be at a scale similar to DeiT-Tiny/Small [25]); (2) adjust the scaling factors which are the same in both DeiT and the new variant baseline models to match the located architecture configuration in the previous step, e.g., adjusting I from 224 to 160 in PiT-Tiny to build PiT-Scaled-Tiny; and (3) scale down/up the remaining scaling factors if the transferred models cost more/less FLOPs than the new variant baseline models, e.g., scaling up h from 2-4-8 to 3-6-12 in PiT-Tiny to build PiT-Scaled-Tiny. The details of the finally obtained PiT-Scaled-Tiny/XS/Small models are summarized in Table 9.
Table 9.
ModelFLOPs (G)Top-1 accuracy (%)ISpatial sizedhe
DeiT-Tiny1.2674.522414 \(\times\) 1412364
DeiT-Scaled-Tiny1.2276.4 ( \(\uparrow\) 1.9)16010 \(\times\) 1014464
PiT-Tiny0.7174.622427 \(\times\) 272232
14 \(\times\) 146432
7 \(\times\) 74832
PiT-Scaled-Tiny0.7076.7 ( \(\uparrow\) 2.1)16019 \(\times\) 192332
10 \(\times\) 107632
5 \(\times\) 541232
PiT-XS1.4179.122427 \(\times\) 272248
14 \(\times\) 146448
7 \(\times\) 74848
PiT-Scaled-XS1.3879.5 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.4)16019 \(\times\) 192348
10 \(\times\) 106648
5 \(\times\) 541248
DeiT-Small4.6281.222414 \(\times\) 1412664
DeiT-Scaled-Small4.7981.6 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.4)25616 \(\times\) 1620464
PiT-Small2.9081.722427 \(\times\) 272348
14 \(\times\) 146648
7 \(\times\) 741248
PiT-Scaled-Small3.0481.8 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.1)25631 \(\times\) 313248
16 \(\times\) 1610448
8 \(\times\) 86848
Table 9. Architecture Configuration of PiT-Scaled-Tiny/XS/Small, Including Image Resolution (I), Spatial Size (i.e., # of Spatial Tokens), # of Layers (d), # of Heads (h), and the Embedding Dimension for each Head (e)
Here, h in the PiT models has to be in h-2h-4h format (e.g., 2-4-8 in PiT-Tiny).

B Devices Setup


Device specifications and target applications. NVIDIA V100 (V100) [42] is one of the most advanced data center GPUs that accelerate deep learning applications for cloud services and powered by 5120 NVIDIA CUDA cores and 640 NVIDIA Tensor cores. In all our experiments, we use the 1 6GB HBM2 GPU memory configuration type V100.
Premeasurement setup. The V100 GPU system consists of an Intel Xeon Bronze 3204 Processor and 21 GB RAM that are able to provide a high processing throughput (i.e., frames per second) of the given DNN models.
Measurement pipeline. Following [50], we use the maximum power-of-two batch size that can fit in the memory when measuring the throughput with the officially provided PyTorch profiler [38] based on the PyTorch scripts provided in [16].


Device specifications and target applications. NVIDIA Edge GPU TX2 (TX2) [28] consists of a quad-core Arm Cortex-A57, a dual-core NVIDIA Denver2, a 256-core Pascal GPU, and an 8 GB 128-bit LPDDR4. It is commonly used in the Internet of Things (IoT) and self-driving environments [32, 47, 54], working as an edge computing platform with a relatively weak GPU.
Premeasurement setup. In order to make full use of its resource following [54], we enable jetson_clock [39] on TX2, presetting it into a max-N mode and adjusting the fan speed to 100%.
Measurement pipeline. When we measure the latency of a specific model on TX2, the model definition in PyTorch [43] will be (1) exported into the onnx format [2] and (2) passed to the TensorRT command-line wrapper [40], an officially provided binary file, to be executed by TensorRT [41] that is a C++ library for high-performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs. The corresponding latency is directly reported by the TensorRT command-line wrapper [40].

B.3 Google Pixel3

Device specifications and target applications. Google Pixel3 (Pixel3) [18] consists of a quad-core 2.5 GHz Kryo 385 Gold CPU, a quad-core 1.6 GHz Kryo 385 Silver CPU, and a 4 GB RAM. It is one of the latest Pixel mobile phones, which is widely used as the benchmark platform for deep learning targeting mobile devices [19, 26, 58].
Premeasurement setup. In order to reduce the variance of the measured latency, the Pixel3 device is preconfigured to only use its big cores to perform the network inference, following the settings in [17, 58].
Measurement pipeline. To operate a given model in Pixel3, the model will be (1) converted into the tflite format [19] and (2) passed to the tflite benchmark tools [17] that are an officially provided binary file for fairly benchmarking different models in tflite. The corresponding latency is then directly reported by the tflite benchmark tools [17].

C Analysis On the Transferability Across Different Devices from the Hardware Device Specifications Perspective

By observing the specifications of different hardware devices, which is summarized in Table 10, and the detailed cost breakdown on different devices in Table 11, we can conclude that (1) the most significant differences come from the MLP and MSA-Gather operators for all three devices, e.g., MSA-Gather costs much more (36.38% vs. \(\lt\) 0.01%) and MLP costs much less (34.31% vs. 62.50%/69.40%) in TX2 than in Pixel3/V100 and (2) TX2 has the weakest CPU in terms of the maximum frequency among the three devices. Thus, we conjecture the slow data movements in TX2 due to the weakest CPU cause the largest MSA-Gather cost percentage in TX2 among these devices. This can explain that the scaling strategies obtained when targeting FLOPs and V100 can be transferred to Pixel3 with little or even no performance loss. However, those obtained for TX2 cannot do that, as mentioned in Section 4.2.
Table 10.
SpecificationsNVIDIA V100 System (V100)NVIDIA Edge GPU TX2 (TX2)Google Pixel3 (Pixel3)
GPU ArchitectureNVIDIA VoltaNVIDIA PascalQualcomm Adreno
CUDA Cores5120256-
CPUAMD EPYC 7742NVIDIA Denver 2/ARM® Cortex®-A57Kryo 385 Gold/Kryo 385 Silver
CPU Max Frequency3.4 GHz2 GHz/2 GHz2.8 GHz/1.7 GHz
GPU/SoC Memory16 GB8 GB4 GB
Power Consumption300 W15 W18 W
Table 10. Specifications of the Hardware Devices in the Transferability Exploration Experiments
Table 11.
Operators1/FPS on V100 (%)Latency on TX2 (%)Latency on Pixel3 (%)
MSA-Reshape& Transpose5.176.323.30
MSA-Gather \(\lt\) 0.0136.38 \(\lt\) 0.01
Table 11. Detailed operator cost breakdown of DeiT-Tiny on different devices. MSA and MatMul represent multi-head self-attention and matrix multiplication, respectively (1) Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), (2) Layer Normalization (LayerNorm), (3) Matrix Multiplication in Multi-head Self-attention (MSA-MatMul), (4) Softmax in Multi-head Self-attention (MSA-Softmax), (5) Reshape and Transpose in Multi-head Self-attention (MSA-Reshape& Transpose), (6) Gather in Multi-head Self-attention (MSA-Gather), and (7) Others
Interestingly, by comparing the extracted scaling strategies for V100 and TX2, we can observe that the scaled ViT in TX2 tends to enlarge more on linear projection ratio (r), which will not increase the cost of self-attention, as compared to the scaled ViT in V100 (16 vs. 4) under a similar accuracy (78.17% vs. 78.10%), as shown in Table 12. This matches the observation that the self-attention costs a large portion of the cost on TX2 (e.g., 56.48% for DeiT-Tiny) in Table 11.
Table 12.
MetricsV100 ScalingTX2 Scaling
Accuracy (%)78.1078.17
FPS on V1002488.811984.10
Latency on TX2 (ms)25.1823.70
Num. of layers (d)1310
Num. of heads (h)54
Embedding dim. per head (e)6464
Linear projection ratio (r)416
Image resolution (I)160160
Patch size (p)1616
Table 12. Detailed Architecture Configurations of the Scaled ViT Models with throughput (i.e., FPS) on V100 (V100 Scaling) and Latency on TX2 (TX2 Scaling) as the Hardware Cost During Scaling, Respectively

D Implementation Details

In this section, we provide the implementation details of our experiments, including (1) our scaled ViT [12, 50] models on the ImageNet [11] dataset in Section 4.1 and 4.2, (2) our scaled PiT [25] models on the ImageNet [11] dataset in Section 4.3.1, (3) our scaled ViT [12, 50] models on the COCO [35] dataset in Section 4.3.2, and (4) our scaled ViT [12, 50] models on the Kinetics-400 [31] dataset in Section 4.3.3.
Scaled ViT models on the ImageNet dataset. All the scaled ViT [12, 50] models on the ImageNet [11] dataset reported in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 follow the same training recipe (including the data preprocessing) with the one proposed in [50], i.e., training on ImageNet for 300 epochs (1000 epochs for models in Table 3) with batch size as 1024, AdamW optimizer [37], learning rate as 0.001, cosine learning rate decay, weight decay as 0.05, 5 warmup epochs, and distillation from RegNetY-16GF [44].
Scaled PiT models on the ImageNet dataset. To make a fair comparison with PiT [25] models, all our scaled PiT models (i.e., PiT-Scaled-Tiny/XS/Small in Table 6) follow the training recipe (including the data preprocessing) in PiT [25], which uses the same learning rate, weight decay, warmup epochs, total epochs, and distillation settings with [50], but using AdamP [24] as the optimizer instead of AdamW [37].
Scaled ViT models on COCO dataset. Following the training recipe (including the data preprocessing) described in [66], all the models are pretrained on ImageNet [11] first and then trained on the COCO [35] dataset for 50 epochs with Adam optimizer, learning rate as 0.0002, weight decay 0.0001, and the learning rate is decayed at the 40-th epoch by a factor of 0.1. Note that when adapting the models pretrained on ImageNet [11] to COCO [35], we scale the positional embeddings of ViT via bilinear interpolation to match the differences of image resolutions and use the feature map before the final classifier and layernorm layer as the input feature map to the Deformable DETR header.
Scaled ViT models on Kinetics-400 dataset. For the Kinetics-400 [31] dataset, we follow the training recipes (including the data preprocessing) in [5] to start from the ImageNet [11] pretrained models. Then clips of size 8 \(\times\) 224 \(\times\) 224 with frames sampled at a rate of 1/32 are used for training. All models are trained for 15 epochs with learning rate as 0.005, batch size as 16, SGD optimizer with momentum 0.9, and the learning rate is decayed at the 10-th and 14-th epoch by a factor of 0.1. We also include both the “Joint” (i.e., applying self-attention into space-time tokens jointly) and “Divided” (i.e., applying spatial and temporal attentions separately) attention schemes described in [5] to make a more fair comparison with the baseline models, which use DeiT [50] models as backbones.

E Architectures Comparison Between the Scaled Models and the Randomly Permutated Models

To further explore why the architectures with the best accuracy vs. efficiency trade-off after the random permutation on top the scaled models can achieve better performance than the scaled models, as shown in Figure 4 of the main content, we summarize their performance and architectures details in Table 13. As compared with the scaled models (i.e., DeiT-Scale-{Tiny, Small}), those architectures with the best accuracy vs. efficiency trade-off after random permutation (i.e., DeiT-Scale-{Tiny, Small}-RP) adopt different scaling factors, except for the number of heads.
Table 13.
ModelFLOPs (G)Top-1 accuracy (%)dherIp
DeiT-Scaled-Tiny1.2276.4 ( \(\uparrow\) 1.9)14464416016
DeiT-Scaled-Tiny-RP1.2276.9 ( \(\uparrow\) 2.4)17460517119
DeiT-Scaled-Small4.7981.6 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.4)20464425616
DeiT-Scaled-Small-RP4.7982.0 ( \(\uparrow\) 0.8)21468521015
Table 13. Random Permutation Further Boosts the Performance of the Scaled Models


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  • (2024)Cost Minimization of Digital Twin Placements in Mobile Edge ComputingACM Transactions on Sensor Networks10.1145/365844920:3(1-26)Online publication date: 6-May-2024



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Published In

cover image ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  Volume 23, Issue 3
May 2024
452 pages
  • Editor:
  • Tulika Mitra
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Journal Family

Publication History

Published: 11 May 2024
Online AM: 21 August 2023
Accepted: 04 June 2023
Revised: 30 April 2023
Received: 30 September 2022
Published in TECS Volume 23, Issue 3

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  1. Deep neural network scaling
  2. vision transformer


  • Research-article

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  • (2024)Cost Minimization of Digital Twin Placements in Mobile Edge ComputingACM Transactions on Sensor Networks10.1145/365844920:3(1-26)Online publication date: 6-May-2024

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