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WeaveSlicer: Expanding the Range of Printable Geometries in Clay

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


Clay 3D printing is a relatively new technology and only a narrow range of geometries is 3D printable if one is employing commercially available slicing software. We experienced these limitations in an artist residency program where artists discovered that many desired geometries failed to print successfully. This motivated us to develop WeaveSlicer, a slicer optimized for 3D printing in clay that maintains constant wall thickness throughout the form. We achieve constant wall thickness by generating an oscillating path where the amplitude of the oscillation is determined by the form’s overhang angle. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by comparing a range of successful prints, sliced by WeaveSlicer, to failed prints of the same forms sliced by Cura, a widely used slicing software. We then showcase a collection of complex artifacts designed by artists in residence that were constructed with WeaveSlicer.

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  1. Artist Residency
  2. Ceramics
  3. Clay 3D Printing
  4. Digital Fabrication
  5. Slicing Software
  6. Toolpath Generation


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