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CARAT KOP: Towards Protecting the Core HPC Kernel from Linux Kernel Modules

Published: 12 November 2023 Publication History


Extending Linux through the kernel module interface can offer immense benefits and capabilities in high performance computing (HPC). These extensions can also be more readily deployed because Linux is the common, typically only, supported OS choice among supercomputing vendors. However, because Linux is monolithic, Linux kernel modules are free to read and write any address with kernel-level permissions. A poorly written—or untrustworthy—module can wreak havoc on the whole system. This unfortunately means that many production HPC systems often do not permit custom kernel modules to be inserted into the system, no matter the benefit.
By limiting what objects in the physical address space the module can have access to, it may be possible to guarantee memory safety for these modules. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of using the previously developed compiler- and runtime-based address translation (CARAT) model and toolchain to inject guards around a kernel module’s memory accesses. The memory accesses would then be allowed or disallowed according to a memory access policy specified by the user, in what amount to firewall rules. We share our results regarding the guard injection and address validation process. The CARAT-based Kernel Object Protection (CARAT KOP) prototype is able to transform a substantial production kernel module from the kernel tree (a network device driver composed of approximately 19,000 lines of code). The transformed module can then run with minimal effect on performance while restricted to a set of address regions.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File
Recording of "CARAT KOP: Towards Protecting the Core HPC Kernel from Linux Kernel Modules" presentation at ROSS 2023.


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SC-W '23: Proceedings of the SC '23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis
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Published: 12 November 2023


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