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Non-monotonic Generation of Knowledge Paths for Context Understanding

Published: 12 March 2024 Publication History


Knowledge graphs can be used to enhance text search and access by augmenting textual content with relevant background knowledge. While many large knowledge graphs are available, using them to make semantic connections between entities mentioned in the textual content remains to be a difficult task. In this work, we therefore introduce contextual path generation (CPG), which refers to the task of generating knowledge paths, contextual path, to explain the semantic connections between entities mentioned in textual documents with given knowledge graph. To perform the CPG task well, one has to address its three challenges, namely, path relevance, incomplete knowledge graph, and path well-formedness. This article designs a two-stage framework comprised of the following: (1) a knowledge-enabled embedding matching and learning-to-rank with multi-head self-attention context extractor to determine a set of context entities relevant to both the query entities and context document, and (2) a non-monotonic path generation method with pretrained transformer to generate high-quality contextual paths. Our experiment results on two real-world datasets show that our best performing CPG model successfully recovers 84.13% of ground truth contextual paths, outperforming the context window baselines. Finally, we demonstrate that the non-monotonic model generates more well-formed paths compared to the monotonic counterpart.

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

A knowledge graph represents human knowledge in the form of semantic entities and relations among these entities. In recent years, knowledge graphs have been applied to many information system applications, including decision support systems (DSS) [24, 36, 41, 67], information retrieval (IR) [4, 17, 34, 62], question answering (QA) [49, 61], and recommendation [8, 12, 57, 71] to help with deriving or explaining the results of these applications. Meanwhile, industries and user communities are also developing large knowledge graphs for commercial and public use. For example, Google’s knowledge graph, which contains hundreds of millions of entities, is being used for improving the search of people, locations, and other interesting objects.1 DBpedia is another knowledge graph constructed by the Wikipedia user community and it contains at least 6 million entities [50].
To illustrate how one leverages a knowledge graph for information retrieval, we consider the task of identifying fake news among a collection of news articles [19, 22]. In a recent MIS work on fake news identification [19], the trustworthiness of each third party digital supply chain used by online news websites has been determined to be a useful feature to predict if a given online news article is fake. Another feature that aids fake news prediction is the checking of facts mentioned in the news article. As a knowledge graph provides entities and relations possibly mentioned by a news article, verifying the facts in a news article against knowledge graph entities and relations is thus a good strategy to improve the fake news prediction accuracy. By performing the same verification for a sampled collection of news articles from the same digital supply chain against the knowledge graph, one may also calibrate the supply chain’s trustworthiness more accurately. Once a fake news article is detected, one can provide warnings or interventions to help users make appropriate judgments about the article content [7].
Despite the several useful knowledge graph applications, many existing knowledge graphs are incomplete as they may not be up-to-date with the latest entities or relations [10, 65]. Hence, many research projects on knowledge graph completion, i.e., identifying missing entities, entity attributes, and relations, have been carried out lately [45, 52]. The earlier works in this domain focus on predicting missing relations from observed entities and relations [5, 33]. However, such methods fail to handle unseen entities, or paths of relations that semantically connect two entities of a knowledge graph. As a result, some research works turn to knowledge graph completion with input unstructured data such as text [44, 60]. As part of information systems research, there are several research efforts focusing on knowledge extraction and construction [11, 51, 63]. Specifically, Gil et al. designed software systems to extract knowledge from different software artifacts (e.g., purpose, features, information, deployment strategy) [20]. These methods learn to infer new relations from input textual information, and use them to augment the knowledge graph. Still, most of these works focus on extracting one-hop relations from text instead of paths made up of entities and relations.
Example 1.
Consider the news example in Figure 1(a) published at Wikinews on October 14, 2005. There are mentions of several entities including actors, novelists, films, companies, drama, countries, and studios, which can be found in some knowledge graphs. For the two entities Daniel Craig and Martin Campbell, the semantic connection underlying the co-occurrence of their mentions is that Daniel Craig starred in the movie Casino Royale directed by Martin Campbell, which exists as a path in the knowledge graph:
\begin{equation} e_{\text{Daniel Craig}}\xrightarrow {{\bf starring}}e_{\text{Casino Royale}} \xrightarrow {{\bf director}}e_{\text{Martin Campbell}},\end{equation}
where \(e_{\text{Daniel Craig}}\) , \(e_{\text{Casino Royale}}\) , and \(e_{\text{Martin Campbell}}\) are the relevant entities in the knowledge graph, and \(\xrightarrow {{\bf starring}}\) and \(\xrightarrow {{\bf director}}\) are the relevant relations.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Contextual path from an example Wikinews article.
For the above example, the existing methods that infer one-hop relations would fail to recover the two relations \(e_{\text{Daniel Craig}}\xrightarrow {{\bf starring}}e_{\text{Casino Royale}}\) and \(e_{\text{Casino Royale}} \xrightarrow {{\bf director}}e_{\text{Martin Campbell}}\) , as Casino Royale occurs very far from both Daniel Craig and Martin Campbell in the news text.

1.2 Problem Definition

In this article, we therefore aim to infer a path of relations from a piece of input text capturing the semantic connection between two given entities. This inference is performed based on an incomplete knowledge graph, and such an inferred path is called contextual path. For the example shown in Figure 1(a), the two given entities are Daniel Craig and Martin Campbell and the input text is the news article in Figure 1(a). The input knowledge graph is shown in Figure 1(a) and (b). The contextual path inferred is \(e_{\text{Daniel Craig}}\xrightarrow {{\bf starring}}e_{\text{Casino Royale}} \xrightarrow {{\bf director}}e_{\text{Martin Campbell}}\) . In this example, the two relations in the contextual path happen to exist in the knowledge graph. In general, we would also like to infer new relations for the knowledge graph when they are required to construct contextual paths.
Suppose the contextual paths connecting between many different pairs of entities mentioned in a collection of news articles are inferred or generated; the paths and their relations can support many new interesting ways to search and browse the articles. For instance, one can easily search news articles mentioning actors or actresses who star in Martin Campbell’s movies.
In the above example, we assume that text data such as news articles have their entity mentions extracted and linked to the corresponding entities of the given knowledge graph. Among the methods that recognize such entity mentions, named entity recognition methods help to detect person names, organization names, place names, and other names in textual content followed by linking these entity mentions with entities of the knowledge graph (also known as entity linking) [42, 43]. Entity linking methods perform the matching of mentions in textual content with knowledge graph entities.
In this article, we therefore focus on addressing the following question: “how exactly do two entities connect to each other given a textual content as the context?” Context is crucial in this question as the same entities can be semantically connected differently in different contexts. To answer the above question, we formulate the contextual path generation problem.
Definition 1 (Contextual Path Generation (CPG)).
Given a textual document d and two entities \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) , which are mentioned in d, the CPG problem is to generate a path between \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) that provides the semantic connection between \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) relevant to d using the entities and relation edges from a given knowledge graph. We call the textual document and the resultant path the context and contextual path, respectively.
Example 2.
In the earlier example, the Wikinews article serves as a context. The path \(e_{\text{Daniel Craig}}\xrightarrow {{\bf starring}}e_{\text{Casino Royale}} \xrightarrow {{\bf director}}e_{\text{Martin Campbell}}\) depicts the contextual path as it accurately explains how Daniel Craig is connected with Martin Campbell in this Wikinews.
Finding the contextual path is challenging for a number of reasons. First, instead of returning all paths that connect \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) , CPG has to determine the path that is most relevant to the context d, including the involvement of entities not mentioned in the context. We call this the “path relevance” challenge. This challenge is largely caused by noisy and sparse data in the context, as well as the implicit patterns of constructing relevant contextual paths. The former is caused by other entities mentioned in the context but may not be relevant, and absence of entities not mentioned in the context but may be relevant, which could be due to very little content in the context. The latter refers to the expected pattern of contextual path for \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) of specific types. For example, a contextual path linking an actor entity with a director entity via a movie entity is certainly more plausible than via a concert entity. Second, the given knowledge graph may not cover all the required relation edges to form the contextual path. We call this the “incomplete knowledge graph” challenge. Given an incomplete knowledge graph, we have to generate contextual paths in CPG instead of constructing paths using observed relation edges. In the generation process, we face the third challenge of ensuring the resultant paths to be of good quality. This is also known as the “path well-formedness” challenge. Finally, as there are no prior works on CPG, we also need to address the “data challenge” of constructing datasets for training and evaluating any proposed CPG solution models.

1.3 Research Objectives and Contributions

This article therefore aims to solve the novel CPG problem while addressing all the above challenges. We propose a general two-stage framework for solving CPG. We then use that to develop solution models. In the following, we outline our research contributions:
Our proposed two-stage framework is general for the purpose of creating different CPG solution models. The framework consists of context extraction and CPG stages, each of which can be implemented with different methods. In this article, we introduce two context extraction methods, one based on a classification approach and another based on a learning-to-rank approach. Both methods are designed to extract relevant entities from the context and knowledge graph so as to address the path relevance challenge.
We also propose a non-monotonic CPG method for the CPG stage. This method is unique in its ability to generate well-formed paths and to create new but relevant relation edges to address the path well-formedness, path relevance, and incomplete knowledge graph challenges. Unlike the usual monotonic approach where a path is constructed from one end, say \(e_h\) , to another end, say \(e_t\) , in a left-to-right manner, our non-monotonic based method is trained to generate path elements in a flexible order that increases the accuracy of the generated path. For instance, the monotonic approach to generate the contextual path in Example 1 will generate \(e_{\text{Daniel Craig}} \xrightarrow {{\bf starring}} e_{\text{Casino Royale}}\) before \(e_{\text{Casino Royale}} \xrightarrow {{\bf director}} e_{\text{Martin Campbell}}\) . The non-monotonic approach will be able to generate the two relation edges in any order.
To address the data challenge, we construct two real-world datasets with ground truth contextual paths. We use these datasets to show that our best performing CPG solution model recovers nearly 85% of ground truth contextual paths, which is 14.8% higher than the baseline model. Our experiment also shows that the non-monotonic approach generates better-formed and more accurate contextual paths than the monotonic approach. We also design a synthetic dataset for evaluating the abilities of our best performing model in coping with large data and relation edge inference as covered in Appendix A.
We organize the rest of this article as follows. We present our literature review in Section 2. Section 3 covers our proposed Two-Stage framework and our proposed Non-Monotonic CPG model. We construct the two real-world datasets and introduce the evaluation metrics specially designed for CPG in Section 4. In Section 5, we cover the experiment setup and results/findings. Finally, Section 7 concludes the article and outlines the future research directions.

2 Related Works

In this section, we first survey the use of knowledge graphs in various types of information systems and how they may benefit from contextual paths generated for a given context. As the CPG problem is also closely related to knowledge reasoning and conditional sequential generation problems, we also examine works in these two areas.

2.1 Knowledge-enhanced Information Systems

Using knowledge graphs for enhancing information systems has been an active research area in information systems [9, 16, 69]. The common goal of these works is to capture and employ existing human knowledge to improve the functional features of information systems. For instance, Liu et al. derived inter-company connections from relations of an enterprise knowledge graph and utilized these connections to derive for a target company news sentiment features of connected companies together with news sentiment features of the target company in order to predict the target company’s stock movement [37]. Lim et al. proposed to improve the accuracy of adverse drug reaction prediction by learning better vector representation of clinical concepts and relations in a knowledge graph using the confidence weights assigned to them based on co-occurrence and NLP patterns found in medical literature [30]. Xu et al. proposed to measure social proximity between two company entities using the similarity between the embeddings of the two entities in the knowledge graph [64]. CPG can be applied to the above company and medical domains to return contextual paths between entities (e.g., companies or medical concepts) mentioned in text collection (e.g., news articles and medical literature). These contextual paths can be used to establish new inter-entity connections or to derive confidence weights between entities so as to improve prediction accuracy or social proximity measurement.

2.2 Knowledge Reasoning

Finding a contextual path is somewhat similar to reasoning with knowledge graphs. The previous knowledge reasoning works adopt a wide range of reasoning techniques, including logical rules [2, 26], Bayesian models [59], distributed representations [47, 55], neural networks [14, 25, 29, 32], and reinforcement learning [13, 21, 28, 35].
Knowledge reasoning has been widely applied to knowledge graph–based question answering (QA). In QA, Asai et. al proposed a retriever-reader framework on the HotpotQA dataset that reasons over Wikipedia using its graph structure [1]. While the HotpotQA dataset itself, however, does not include a knowledge graph, it can be linked to the Wikipedia knowledge graph for explaining the questions’ answers. MetaQA traverses through a knowledge graph in order to retrieve the answer to a given question [68]. Although the traversed path could explain the answer, the QA task itself is not designed to evaluate the traversed path against a human judged explanation path [31, 61]. By definition, traversed path can only be constructed with observed relations of the knowledge graph. MHQA-GRN addresses reading comprehension QA by constructing a directed acyclic graph from a knowledge graph for each passage of the query article and using its representation as features to predict the answer [54]. Nevertheless, MHQA-GRN does not return a path similar to contextual path. LEGO is a framework designed to find the answer entities for a given question by alternating between generation of query tree and reasoning with latent space [49]. Starting from the question entities as the root, LEGO expands the query tree with extracted relations from the question. In the representation space, the projection of the relations form several candidate answer spaces near the question entities. LEGO then finds the answer entities lying within the intersection of the candidate answer spaces. In [73], researchers combined a convolutional neural network for feature extraction with a recurrent neural network to predict the answer entity given a query entity and a knowledge graph that covers different paths from the query entity to candidate answer entities. CogKR conducts multi-hop reasoning over a knowledge graph by iterating between an expansion module and a reasoning module to predict the answer entity for a given query entity using a neighborhood knowledge subgraph [18].
In summary, we found that none of the above models considers context documents when selecting the knowledge paths leading to the answer entities. They also do not perform any evaluation on the knowledge paths derived as a side result. Hence, our CPG work can contribute to existing knowledge reasoning works by bridging these two research gaps.

2.3 Conditional Sequential Generation

Both the path relevance and the well-formedness challenges require us to generate well-formed contextual paths relevant to the input context document and query entity pair. We can thus treat CPG as a conditional sequence generation task with the context document and query entity pair as the input condition.
Our survey found that most conditional sequential generation works focus on generating text conditioned on a simple label such as tense, sentiment polarity, or formality of the text to be generated [15, 23, 53, 66]. They could not cope with the complex input condition of CPG that involves entity and text data. Among the few recent works that consider text as input condition, BERT-fused translation uses a pretrained encoder to first obtain the representation of text condition before performing text generation [72]. KG-BART takes a set of concepts from a commonsense knowledge graph as input and generates a piece of text covering these input concepts [39]. Other related works include generating sentences conditioned on a text document following a given syntax of an exemplar [27, 46]. So far, all these works focus on generating natural language sentences instead of knowledge paths. To our knowledge, there is so far no research focusing on generating knowledge paths with complex input conditions.
Unlike the above works, we propose to learn a pretrained model to generate knowledge paths before fine-tuning it to generate conditional knowledge paths. Our research also focuses on making the paths well-formed as well as semantically relevant to the query and context document.

3 Proposed Framework and CPG Models

In this section, we first describe our proposed two-stage framework. We then present the proposed methods for the context extractor and contextual path generator modules of the framework that form the different CPG solution models.

3.1 Two-Stage Framework

Before we present the framework, we give the definition of knowledge graph. We define the knowledge graph G to be a tuple \((E,L,R)\) where E denotes a set of entities, L denotes a set of relation edges, and R denotes a set of relation labels or simply relations. Each relation edge \((e_i,r_k,e_j)\) of L directly links entity \(e_i\) to entity \(e_j\) via a relation edge with label \(r_k\) that can be found in R. We can also denote the same edge by \(e_i \xrightarrow {r_k} e_j\) . Notation wise, we use italic for entities (e.g., Biden) and boldface (e.g., presidentof) for relations. For the purpose of establishing connections between entities, we assume that each relation and its reverse can always be found in R. For example, for the knowledge graph to capture Biden is the president of USA, R should contain both \(e_\text{Biden} \xrightarrow {{\bf presidentof}} e_\text{USA}\) and \(e_\text{USA} \xrightarrow {{\bf presidentof}^{-1}} e_\text{Biden}\) .
The input of CPG can be captured as a query q represented by \((e_h, e_t, d)\) where \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) are the input entities and d is the context document. The output of CPG is a path p represented as a sequence of path elements denoted by \(\langle e_{q,1}, r_{q,1}, e_{q,2},r_{q,2},\ldots ,\) \(r_{q,(n_{q}-1)},\) \(e_{q,n_{q}} \rangle\) where \(e_{q,1}=e_h\) and \(e_{q,n_q} = e_t\) . The path elements include the entities and relation labels involved in the path. We assume that all entities and relation labels that are used in any path should be found in E and R, respectively, i.e., \(\forall i, e_{q,i} \in E\) and \(\forall k, r_{q,k} \in L\) . Nevertheless, it is possible that some relation edges of a path may not exist in the knowledge graph G as the latter is incomplete.
As shown in Figure 2, our proposed framework consists of a context extractor and a contextual path generator. The former derives context entities \(E(q)=\lbrace e_1, e_2,\ldots ,e_{ \vert E(q) \vert }\rbrace\) from the query q and input knowledge graph G. Context entities are entities relevant to the query and they may be mentioned in d. To enrich the sparse content of the context document, one should also select relevant entities from the knowledge graph to be context entities thereby addressing part of the path relevance challenge (as the remaining part is to be addressed by the contextual path generator).
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. The two-stage framework for contextual path generation.
The context entities together with the query are then provided to the contextual path generator to construct the resultant contextual path(s) leveraging the interaction between context entities to finally determine the relevant entities and relation edges and sequence them to form the resultant path. In this process, new relation edges may be inferred to address the incomplete knowledge graph challenge. We further propose a non-monotonic path generation process to ensure that the resultant path is both semantically relevant and well-formed addressing the path relevance and path well-formedness challenges, respectively.
The above non-monotonic path generation approach is novel and is different from the existing single object-type monotonic sequence generation approach, considering that a knowledge path is a type of sequence. Single object-type sequence generation is one that generates elements of the same type, instead of entities and relation edges as alternating path elements. The monotonic sequence generation is one that always generates elements from left to right only. Such generation may fail to reach the tail entity \(e_t\) , and repeats the same path element(s). In this case, the generated path is not well-formed. As non-well-formed paths are considered incorrect, our goal is thus to design a generation model that always generates well-formed contextual paths.

3.2 Context Extractor

The context extractor takes a query \(q=(e_h, e_t, d)\) and a knowledge graph G as input, and decides the set of context entities \(E(q)\) . Ideally, \(E(q)\) contains the set of entities for constructing the correct contextual path. In this section, we propose two context extraction methods: Knowledge-enabled Embedding Matching Model (KEMatch) and Learning-To-Rank with Multi-Head Self-Attention Model (LTRMHSA). The former is based on binary classification, and the latter is based on learning-to-rank on multi-head self-attention.
The two methods share a common Query-induced Entity Selector that derives a subset of knowledge graph’s entities \(E^r(q)=\lbrace e_1, e_2, \ldots , e_{m_q}\rbrace\) as candidate entities using the query entities \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) where \(m_q = |E^r(q)|\) .
Let \(E^r(h)\) and \(E^r(t)\) be the sets of entities in the knowledge graph G that are reachable from \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) , respectively, in k-hops. The set of candidate entities is then obtained by \(E^r(q)=E^r(h)\cup E^r(t)\) . The remaining modules of KEMatch and LTRMHSA then select a subset of entities from \(E^r(q)\) to form the context entity set \(E(q)\) .

3.2.1 KEMatch: Knowledge-enabled Embedding Matching.

In KEMatch, we train a classifier to decide whether a candidate entity is related to the context or not. Thus, we introduce a simple binary classifier that takes an entity and the context as input, and outputs a probability between 0 and 1 that suggests the relatedness between the two inputs. Given \(E^r(q)\) already derived by the query-induced entity extractor, the classifier performs matching of every candidate entity e from \(E^r(q)\) with the vector representation of the query \(z_q\) . We define this matching model by \(f_{kem}(z_{e}, z_q) \rightarrow \lbrace 0,1\rbrace\) where \(z_e\) and \(z_q\) denote the candidate entity representation and query representation, respectively. The candidate entities are predicted with label 1 (or matching) if they are deemed as semantically relevant, and label 0 (or non-matching) otherwise. Only the predicted matching entities will be returned as the set of context entities \(E(q)\) . We denote the size of \(E(q)\) by m.
KEMatch uses k-bert [38], a knowledge-enabled contextualized word embeddings, to derive \(z_q\) and \(z_e\) . We introduce four different query representation schemes:
Average Entity Representation: \(z_q = \frac{\sum _{e^{\prime } \in E(d)} z_{e^{\prime }}}{ \vert E(d) \vert }\) , where \(E(d)\) is the set of entities mentioned in context document d (which includes \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) ), and the representation of an entity e is defined by \(z_e=\frac{1}{ \vert W(e) \vert }\sum _{w \in W(e)} z_w\) where \(W(e)\) denotes the words in the entity name of e, and \(z_w\) denotes the k-bert embedding of word w. Note that \(E(d)\) is not necessarily identical to \(E(q)\) as not all entities in \(E(d)\) are from \(G(q)\) and the latter may contain entities not in d.
Mention Paragraph Representation: \(z_q = ENC(\mathsf {p}_q)\) , where \(\mathsf {p}_q = \mathsf {p}_h + \mathsf {p}_t\) where \(\mathsf {p}_h\) and \(\mathsf {p}_t\) are the paragraphs in d mentioning \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) , respectively. ENC is an encoder that derives a paragraph representation by averaging the k-bert embeddings of words in the paragraph.
Title and Mention Paragraph Representations: This representation concatenates the representations of the title and mention paragraphs denoted by \(\mathsf {p_1}\) and \(\mathsf {p_q}\) , respectively. Title paragraph \(\mathsf {p_1}\) refers to the first paragraph in d. Hence, \(z_q = [ENC(\mathsf {p}_1),ENC(\mathsf {p}_q)]\) .
Contextual Query Entity Representation. This scheme combines \(e_h\) , \(e_t\) , and the context document d as a sequence of word tokens for input to ENC. \(z_q\) is then defined as the average k-bert embedding of word tokens in \(e_h\) , \(e_t\) , and d.
The matching model of KEMatch \(f_{kem}\) is trained with a set of queries with their corresponding positive and negative entity sets denoted by \(E(q)^+\) and \(E(q)^-\) , respectively. For a query q, we use \(p^*_q\) to denote the ground truth contextual path. \(E(q)^+\) is then assigned the (positive) entities in \(p^*_q\) . To avoid false-negative entities, \(E(q)^-\) is assigned with a set of hard negative entities sampled from entities with few or no common neighbor with entities of \(E(q)^+\) in the knowledge graph G. That is, \(E(q)^- = \lbrace e \vert e\in E(q)-E(q)^+ \mbox{ and } \sum _{e^{\prime } \in E(q)^+}\text{co-occur}(e, e^{\prime }) \le \delta \rbrace\) , where \(\text{co-occur}(\cdot)\) is a function that returns the number of common neighbors of the two input entities and \(\delta\) is a threshold parameter. In this article, we use the averaged \(\text{co-occur}(\cdot)\) between positive pairs in the training set as \(\delta\) , and choose \(E(q)^-\) to be 10 times the size of \(E(q)^+\) .
We learn the matching function \(f_{kem}\) as a logistic regression classifier that takes \(z_q\) and \(z_{e}\) as input, and outputs the prediction probability \(\hat{y}\) . In this article, we consider three input feature combinations, namely, (i) concatenation \([z_q, z_{e}]\) , (ii) Hadamard product \(z_q \odot z_{e}\) , and (iii) subtraction \(z_q - z_{e}\) . Note that when \(z_q = [ENC(\mathsf {p}_1),ENC(\mathsf {p}_q)]\) , the Hadamard product and subtraction methods are not applicable due to dimension mismatch between \(z_q\) and \(z_{e}\) . \(f_{kem}\) is learned with cross entropy loss. Once \(f_{kem}\) is learned, given a query q, we select top \(n^{CXT}\) entities in \(G(q)\) with highest prediction probability as context entities \(\hat{E}(q)\) . In our experiment, we empirically set \(n^{CXT}=10\) .

3.2.2 LTRMHSA.

While KEMatch is easy to train with low computation overheads, it suffers from a major shortcoming of not considering how an entity determines the relevance of other entities when it co-occurs with different entities. For instance, when the entity Ben Affleck (an actor) is mentioned together with Rosamund Piker (an actress) in the context, the candidate movie entity Gone Girl will become relevant and thus should be included in \(E(q)\) , as they both starred in this movie. On the other hand, when the entity Ben Affleck appears with Matt Damon (another actor) in the context, another movie entity Good Will Hunting should be included in \(E(q)\) instead. As a result, we propose LTRMHSA, an attention-based learning-to-rank model that considers the interaction among candidate entities when determining their relevance. We adapt the MHSA from Tu et al. [56], to model interaction among entities of \(E^r(q)\) , and propose a MHSA layer and Pairwise Bi-Linear layer to select context entities.
As depicted in Figure 3, LTRMHSA also uses the query-induced entity selector to obtain \(E^r(q)\) . It then concatenates all its entities with the context document d and encodes these pairs using k-bert [38]. Each document-candidate entity pair \((d,e_i)\) is first represented as a sequence of word tokens started with a “[cls]” tag token followed by d’s word tokens, “[sep]” tag token, the word tokens of \(e_i\) ’s entity name, and “[sep]” tag token. The output representation of “[cls]” from k-bert for each \((d,e_i)\) pair, denoted by \(z_{cls,i}\) , then summarizes the semantics of the context document d and the corresponding entity \(e_i\) . The MHSA layer takes the sequence of \(m_q\) output representations \(z^{cls}_1\) to \(z^{cls}_{m_q}\) and allows them to interact using multi-head self-attention:
\begin{equation} \begin{split} Multihead(Q,K,V) = &\ Concat(head_1, \ldots ,head_n)W^0, \\ head_h = &\ Attention(QW_h^Q, KW_h^k, VW_h^v),\ \ h \in \lbrace 1, \ldots , n_h\rbrace , \\ Attention(Q_h,K_h,V_h) = &\ softmax\left(\frac{Q_h K_h^T}{\sqrt {\mathsf {d}_k}}\right)V_h, \\ \end{split} \end{equation}
where Q, K, and V are \(m_q \times \mathsf {d}_z\) matrices where \(\mathsf {d}_z\) is the dimensionality of \(z_{cls,i}\) . \(Q_h\) , \(K_h\) , and \(V_h\) are \(m_q \times \mathsf {d}_k\) matrices where \(\mathsf {d}_k\) is the inner dimension of self-attention. \(W^Q_h\) , \(W^K_h\) , and \(W^V_h\) are learnable \({\mathsf {d}_z\times \mathsf {d}_k}\) projection matrices of the sequence of \(z_{cls,i}\) ’s for different heads. For \(n_h\) heads, \(d_k\) is determined by \(d_z\) divided by \(n_h\) . In this work, we set \(n_h=8\) ,
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Context extractors.
A pairwise bi-linear learning-to-rank classifier \(f_{ltr}\) then ranks all candidate entities by their relevance to the query. We assume that a context entity should have more inter-entity interaction with entities in \(E(q)^+\) (or entities in the ground truth contextual path \(p_q^*\) ) than other entities. The classifier \(f_{ltr}(e_i,e_j) \rightarrow \lbrace 0,1\rbrace\) is therefore expected to return 1 if the entity \(e_i\) is more relevant to the context document d than entity \(e_j\) , 0 otherwise.
We also introduce a score function \(\mathbb {S}(\cdot)\) to measure the relevance of the entity.
\begin{equation} \mathbb {S}(e_i) = {\left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} 2 & if\ e_i {\textrm { can be found in }} p_q^* \\ 1 & if\ e_i \in E(d)\\ 0 & \text{otherwise}. \end{array}\right.} \end{equation}
For a given query q, the ground truth label \(y_{i,j}\) assigned to \(f_{ltr}(e_i,e_j)\) is
\begin{equation} y_{i,j} = {\left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} 1 & if\ \mathbb {S}(e_i) \gt \mathbb {S}(e_j) \\ 0 & if\ \mathbb {S}(e_i) \le \mathbb {S}(e_j). \end{array}\right.} \end{equation}
The Pairwise Bi-Linear layer of LTRMHSA \(f_{ltr}\) is then optimized with binary cross entropy on the ground truth \(y_{i,j}\) and predicted label \(\hat{y}_{i,j}\) of \((e_i, e_j)\) .
During the inference phase, we derive a relevance score \(\hat{\mathbb {S}}(e_i)\) to determine the relevance of \(e_i\) to q by gathering the pairwise prediction results of \(f_{ltr}(e_i,e_j)\) for \(e_i, e_j \in E^r(q)\) . \(\hat{\mathbb {S}}(e_i) = \sum _{j=1}^{m_q} \mathbb {1}(\hat{y}_{i,j} \gt 0.5)\) where \(\mathbb {1}(\cdot)\) is an indicator function. Finally, we use a context entity selector to select the \(n^{CXT}\) entities with the highest \(\hat{\mathbb {S}}\) scores to construct \(E(q)\) , similar to that in KEMatch. In this article, we empirically use nCXT = 10.

3.3 CPG

CPG is responsible for generating a path \(p_q\) given \(E(q)\) and for inferring missing relations when needed. We propose a Non-Monotonic Contextual Path Generation with Pretrained Transformer (NMCPGT) method as shown in Figure 4. NMCPGT addresses the two limitations of traditional monotonic generation models such as n-gram [3] or neural language models [48] where the order of element generation is always from left to right. The first limitation is the generation of unfinished paths when the model generates a path that starts with \(e_h\) but could not end with \(e_t\) . The second limitation is the difficulty to leverage on both \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) to determine the next element to generate in the monotonic manner. Thus, in this article, we propose the non-monotonic path generation model that substantially increases the odds of finished paths and is trained to generate the more likely path elements using \(e_h\) , \(e_t\) , and the other already generated path elements in each generation step.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Pretraining and fine-tuning steps of non-monotonic contextual path generation with pretrained transformer (NMCPGT).
NMCPGT is obtained in two steps, namely, the pretraining and fine-tuning steps. In pretraining, a pretrained path generation model is trained to be familiar with the knowledge graph’s entities and relations and the ways entities of different types are connected with one another via relation edges, and it is able to generate knowledge paths given an \((e_h,e_t)\) pair. In fine-tuning, we further train the model to include candidate entities \(E(q)\) as additional input and to return the contextual path.

3.3.1 Pretraining of Non-monotonic Path Generation Model.

Our non-monotonic path generation model learns to generate path elements in any order. Borrowing the idea from an earlier work [6], we represent the generation order of all the path elements (i.e., entities and relations of the contextual path) using a binary tree in which each tree node is either an entity/relation or an “end” (or “E”) item. The model generates these elements in a top-down and left-to-right manner, until the binary tree has “E” items generated for all the leaf nodes. Once the generation process is completed, the generated contextual path is the sequence of path elements (excluding the “E” items) determined by a Deep-first Search (DFS) traversal of generated path elements in the binary tree.
Consider the binary tree output example of our non-monotonic path generation module in Figure 5(a). The generation order starts with the root node, followed by its left child node, and then its right child node. The generation order numbers of the three nodes are thus assigned 1, 2, and 3 as shown in blue in the figure. Following that, the nodes to be generated next are those at the third and fourth layers with generation order numbers assigned from 4 to 11. For each node, we generate a path element or “E” item. As shown in Figure 5(a), we finally obtain a contextual path from the binary tree by constructing a sequence of the path elements (excluding the “E” items) following the DFS order numbers shown in green. The generated path is \(e_{\text{MattDamon}}\xrightarrow {{\bf almaMater}}e_{\text{HavardUniversity}}\xrightarrow {{\bf state}}e_{\text{Massachusetts}}\) .
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Binary trees of non-monotonic generation: (a) A terminal binary tree that shows the generation steps for a path (with generation order numbers and DFS order numbers shown in blue and green, respectively). (b) Two binary trees with the same generated sequence.
Our non-monotonic path generation model is based on reinforcement learning. We let V be the set of all entities and relations, i.e., \(V=E\cup R\) . Let \(Y=(w_1, \ldots , w_N)\) denote a sequence of path elements where \(w_i \in V\) and \(\tilde{V}\) be \(\lbrace V\cup \langle \text{e}\rangle \rbrace\) where \(\langle \text{e}\rangle\) denotes the terminal or “E” item. Let D denote the collection of Y’s. The generation process is regarded as deterministically navigating a state space \(\mathcal {S}\) . A state \(s \in \mathcal {S}\) corresponds to a binary tree of nodes from \(\tilde{V}\) . For instance, the example we show in Figure 5(a) has an initial state \(s_1\) =( \({\it Matt Damon}\) ), and a final state \(s_{11}\) =( \({\it Matt Damon},\langle \text{e}\rangle ,{\it MA}\) , \(\ldots\) , \({\bf State}\) , \(\ldots\) , \(\langle \text{e}\rangle\) ). The subscript of state \(s_i\) is the generation order number. An action a is an element of \(\tilde{V}\) that is chosen to be added to the tree for the next available generation order index. As mentioned previously, when every leaf node in the binary tree is the terminal node \(\langle \text{e}\rangle\) , the generation reaches the terminal state \(s_T\) . \(T=2N+1\) denotes the number of nodes (or states) that exist in the terminal binary tree. We use \(\tau (i)\) to represent the generation order index of the generated element with DFS order number = i, e.g., \(\tau (10)=3\) in Figure 5(a).
The goal of the non-monotonic path generation model is to learn a policy \(\pi\) that imitates an oracle policy \(\pi ^*\) that always generates a knowledge graph path. A policy is a stochastic mapping from states to actions. It decides for each generation order index which element or terminal symbol to generate. When the binary tree is terminal, the entire path is determined by the sequence of elements following the DFS order numbers. The probability of an action \(a\in \tilde{V}\) given a state s under policy \(\pi\) is denoted as \(\pi (a \vert s)\) .
To ensure that we generate a path from \(e_h\) to \(e_t\) , the policy is trained to generate \(e_h\) , \(\langle \text{e}\rangle\) , \(e_t\) , and \(\langle \text{e}\rangle\) for the states \(s_1\) , \(s_2\) , \(s_3\) , and \(s_5\) , respectively. That is, \(\pi (e_h \vert s_1)\) = \(\pi (\langle \text{e}\rangle \vert s_2)\) = \(\pi (e_t \vert s_3)\) = \(\pi (\langle \text{e}\rangle \vert s_5)\) = 1.0.
Let \(U[T]\) be the uniform distribution over all the states of a binary tree \(\lbrace 1, \ldots ,T\rbrace\) and \(d^t_\pi\) be the state distribution obtained from running \(\pi\) for t-many steps. When generating an element or terminal symbol, the model updates the current learned policy \(\pi\) by comparing its predicted cost to an observed cost-to-go estimated with states drawn from \(\pi ^{\text{in}}\) and actions from \(\pi ^{\text{out}}\) . In other words, we train \(\pi\) to pick actions that minimize \(\mathcal {C}(\pi ; \pi ^{\text{out}}, s_t)\) . \(\mathcal {C}(\pi ; \pi ^{\text{out}}, s_t)\) measures the loss incurred by \(\pi\) against the cost-to-go estimates under \(\pi ^{\text{out}}\) for a given state \(s_t\) . The model then learns \(\pi ^{out}\) that minimizes the following cost function:
\begin{equation} \mathbb {E}_{Y\sim D}\mathbb {E}_{t\sim U[T]}\mathbb {E}_{s_t\sim d^t_{\pi ^{\text{in}}}}[\mathcal {C}(\pi ; \pi ^{\text{out}}, s_t)], \end{equation}
where \(s_t\) is the state corresponding to the top-down traversal of the generated binary tree at step t. This process finds a policy that performs on-par or better than the oracle policy \(\pi ^*\) with access to only states \(s_t\) .
The non-monotonic generation model can be implemented with a LSTM units model, or with transformer structure [58]. In this article, we build the model with the latter.
Oracle Policies. Given a partially generated target path \(p=\langle w_1, \ldots , w_n \rangle\) at state \(s_t\) corresponding to the generation step t, we define \(Y_t\) as the set of elements in p that can be generated for state \(s_t\) for the non-monotonic generation model to be able to generate p eventually. An oracle policy is defined as
\begin{equation} \pi ^*(a \vert s_t) = {\left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} 1 & if\ a=\langle \text{e}\rangle \ \text{and}\ Y_t=\langle \rangle \\ P(a) & if\ a \in Y_t \\ 0& \text{otherwise,} \end{array}\right.} \end{equation}
where \(P(a)\) is defined such that \(\sum _{a\in Y_t}P(a)=1\) . For every generation step t, the oracle policy always generates valid action a (i.e., if \(a \in Y_t\) ) with positive probabilities, invalid actions with zero probabilities, and \(\langle \text{e}\rangle\) when no other elements are required to be generated. We can design different oracle policies by defining \(P(a)\) differently. Let g and h be the nearest left parent and nearest right parent, respectively, of the tree node corresponding to step t based on the DFS order. Let the actions generated at steps g and h be \(a_g=w_g\) and \(a_h=w_h\) , respectively. We now derive \(Y_t\) as follows:
\begin{equation} Y_t = {\left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} \lbrace w_{g+1}, \ldots , w_{h-1}\rbrace \cup \lbrace \langle \text{e}\rangle \rbrace & \mbox{if $a_g$ and $a_h$ are found}\\ \lbrace w_1, \ldots , w_{h-1}\rbrace \cup \lbrace \langle \text{e}\rangle \rbrace & \mbox{if only $a_h$ is found}\\ \lbrace w_{g+1}, \ldots , w_n\rbrace \cup \lbrace \langle \text{e}\rangle \rbrace & \mbox{if only $a_g$ is found.}\\ \end{array}\right.} \end{equation}
In this article, we use an annealed coaching oracle that combines a uniform oracle and a coaching oracle to address the problem of not exploring diverse sets of generation orders. The uniform oracle treats all possible generation orders that lead to the target sequence as equally likely, without preferring any specific set of orders. It gives uniform probabilities \(P(a) = 1/ \vert V \vert\) for all elements in the sequence. On the other hand, coaching oracle ensures no invalid action is assigned by any probability. It prefers actions that are preferred by the current parametrized policy and reinforces the selection by the current policy \(\pi\) if it is valid. In other words, \(\pi ^*_{\text{coaching}}(a \vert s) \propto \pi ^*_{\text{uniform}}(a \vert s) \pi (a \vert s)\) . The annealed coaching oracle can therefore be represented as \(\pi ^*_{\text{annealed}}(a \vert s) = \beta \pi ^*_{\text{uniform}}(a \vert s) + (1-\beta)\pi ^*_{\text{coaching}}(a \vert s)\) .
Cost Functions. Since the generation is non-monotonic, the generation order does not necessarily match the DFS order, and hence there can be multiple terminal binary trees that share the same generated sequence of path elements. For a desired sequence to be finally generated based on a partially generated binary tree, we need to determine if the element to be generated could violate the desired sequence. Therefore, we consider all entities and relations that can be generated as correct generation. We show two valid binary trees of a sequence ABCD generated by the non-monotonic generation model in Figure 5(b). When deciding the left child of D, any token that locates before it in the sequence can lead to generation of a valid binary tree. For instance, C is chosen in the left tree and the right tree chooses B. As a result, we consider B or C as correct generation when computing the cross entropy. Any other tokens are considered incorrect, including the termination node \(\langle \text{e}\rangle\) . We define the Cross Entropy Loss as follows:
\begin{equation} \begin{split} &\mathcal {C}(\pi ;\pi ^{\text{out}},s_t) = \\ &-\left(\sum _{w\in V^+}y_{\pi ,s_t}\log (p_{\pi ,s_t}) + (1-y_{\pi ,s_t})\log (1-p_{\pi ,s_t})\right), \end{split} \end{equation}
where \(V^+\) denotes the set of entities/relations that are deemed correct at this timestep t. \(y_{\pi ,s_t}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace\) such that \(y_{\pi ,s_t}=1\) if the generation predicted by \(\pi\) in state \(s_t\) leads to a valid DFS tree, and \(p_{\pi ,s_t}\) is the generation probability.
In our experiment, we generated 100,000 paths from the knowledge graph for the pretraining. The paths are generated by first sampling \(e_1\) from the graph as the head entity of the path, followed by sampling the next entity \(e_2\) connected to \(e_1\) with an edge \(e_1\) \(\xrightarrow {r1}\) \(e_2\) and adding that to the path. This process is repeated until we have sampled L edges, or stops with a chance of 20%. We will use the first and last entities of the path as \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) , respectively.

3.3.2 Fine-tuning Non-monotonic CPG.

To direct the NMCPGT model to generate a path according to a context, we fine-tune our pretrained path generation model with additional context entities \(E(q)\) .
The context entities are arbitrarily ordered and separated by spaces. They are then concatenated with the query entities before being given to the pretrained transformer. We then fine-tune the transformer to return the correct contextual path. The fine-tuning step is very similar to that of pretraining except that the pretraining step involves sampled paths instead of ground truth contextual paths. The fine-tuning step is also different due to additional context entities. Its input sequence is in the format of “[soc] \(e_1\) \(e_2\) ... \(e_{ \vert E(q) \vert }\) [sep] \(e_h\) [e] \(e_t\) [e] [eoc]” where [sep] is a special token separating the context entities and the initial tree. We illustrate the contextual path generation process in Figure 6(b).
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Illustration of non-monotonic path generation: (a) Serialize an input tree with DFS traversal; (b) Generation of a Contextual Path.
In the prediction phase, we construct an initial tree with \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) as the first and last nodes in the generation order leaving the left child of \(e_t\) missing. The serialized sequence of the initial tree is then fed to the decoder as prefix in the format of “[soc] \(e_h\) [e] \(e_t\) [e] [eoc]” where [soc] and [eoc] are special tokens signaling the start and the end of the prefix, and [e] is the token for the termination signal \(\langle \text{e}\rangle\) . The model then completes the binary tree and recovers the predicted contextual path by traversing the tree in DFS order.

3.4 Tree Serialization

During both the pretraining and fine-tuning phases, we need to feed the initial generation state represented as a binary tree to the transformer for training. Since the transformer can only generate a sequence of objects, it is trained to decode or generate the sequence of actions that represents the serialized binary tree of the training path. We serialize a path by traversing it in a top-down, left-to-right manner. The serialization process is shown in Figure 6(a). For each timestep t, the transformer decoder generates (or predicts) the next action of binary tree, which is in turn used as input to the transformer decoder for generating the next action. This repetitive process ends when the binary tree is terminal.

4 Dataset and Evaluation Metrics

4.1 Collection of Wikinews Datasets

In the absence of suitable datasets, we constructed two datasets, Wiki-film and Wiki-music, each consisting of 40 Wikinews articles as context documents. We then identify 563 and 471 entities mentioned in these two sets of context documents, respectively, which can be found in a knowledge graph extracted from DBpedia.2 In the DBpedia knowledge graph, each entity corresponds to an article in Wikipedia. Every attribute within the infobox of the article that refers to another article is extracted as a relation edge linking the entity of the first article to the entity corresponding to the second article. The attribute label in the infobox is used as the relation label. To derive the set of \((e_h,e_t)\) entity pairs, we identify 1,396 and 1,237 entity pairs from the context documents of the Wiki-film and Wiki-music datasets such that both entities of each pair can be found in a context document with paths connecting them in the knowledge graph. The detailed statistics of the datasets are shown in the second and third columns of Table 1.
Table 1.
 Wikinews Dataset
# context documents4040
# entities mentioned563471
# \((e_h,e_t)\) entity pairs1,3961,237
Knowledge Graph  
# entities59,17344,886
# relations651513
Ground Truth Contextual Paths  
Avg./Max. path length3.87/63.62/6
# unique path entities563471
# unique path relations139108
Table 1. Dataset Statistics
We crowdsourced the ground truth contextual path for each \((e_h, e_t)\) entity pair using AMT workers annotating the path using a custom-developed web-based annotation interface. To make the annotation reasonable to most annotators, we limit the contextual paths to have a maximum length of six. At the end of crowdsourcing, we derive one ground truth contextual path for each \((e_h,e_t)\) pair with majority agreement.3

4.2 Evaluation Metrics

To measure the CPG performance, we divide the \((e_h,e_t)\) entity pairs of each dataset into five folds. Each fold takes a turn to be used for testing while the remaining four folds are used for model training. We repeat this process five times and report the averaged performance across five folds in the experiment. We measure the model performance using three types of metrics, namely, (a) percentage of recovered ground truth paths; (b) averaged pairwise similarity; and (c) normalized graph edit distance.
Percentage of recovered ground truth paths (%Path Recovered). This metric measures the proportion of generated paths that are identical to the ground truth path. In this metric, the similarity between the generated and ground truth paths is not considered.
Average pairwise similarity (AVG PW Sim). This metric shows how much a generated path overlaps with the ground truth contextual path. Given a path p generated by the model, we compute its pairwise similarity with the ground truth path \(p^*\) by
\begin{equation} {\bf s}(p, p^*) = \frac{\lbrace E(p)\cup L(p)\rbrace \cap \lbrace E(p^*)\cup L(p^*)\rbrace }{\lbrace E(p)\cup L(p)\rbrace \cup \lbrace E(p^*)\cup L(p^*)\rbrace }, \end{equation}
where \(E(p)\) and \(L(p)\) represent the set of entities and relation labels existing in p, respectively. We then compute the average pairwise similarity for all the generated paths. While this metric can effectively determine how close the generated path is to ground truth, it does not consider the ordering of the entities and relations. Moreover, it does not take into consideration the semantic relatedness between the two paths. The next normalized graph edit distance metric thus addresses these limitations.
Normalized Graph Edit Distance (NGEO). The Graph Edit Distance (GEO) is a metric originally designed to measure the similarity of two graphs by counting the number of operations needed to transform one graph to another [70]. We adapt it to measure the similarity between a generated element sequence q and the ground truth element sequence \(q^*\) . In this work, we report the normalized GEO:
\begin{align} NGEO(q, q^*) = min\left(\frac{GEO(q, q^*)}{ \vert q^* \vert }, 1\right), \end{align}
where \(\vert q^* \vert\) is the length of the ground truth sequence. From the full path ( \(e_1,r_1, \ldots ,r_{L-1},e_L\) ), we derive an entity sequence where only entities are included in a path ( \(e_1,..,e_L\) ), and a relation sequence ( \(r_1, \ldots ,r_{L-1}\) ) defined in a similar manner. We denote the NGEO for relation and entity sequences as NGEO(E) and NGEO(R), respectively.
Let \(OP(q, q^*)\) be the sequence of edit operations for converting the former to the latter. The GEO metric is defined by
\begin{align} GEO(q, q^*) = \sum _{(op_j,t_j,t^{\prime }_j) \in OP(q, q^*)} c_{op_j}(t_j,t^{\prime }_j). \end{align}
There are six operations defined: entity insertion, entity deletion, entity substitution, relation insertion, relation deletion, and relation substitution. The semantic cost of an operation is defined by entity type or relation label distance determined by the ontology structure underlying the entities and relation labels. GEO makes use of the ontology structure of the knowledge graph to determine the semantic similarity between entities and relations. Let t (or r) and \(t^{\prime }\) (or \(r^{\prime }\) ) be the inserted entity’s type (or inserted relation label) and the deleted entity’s type (or deleted relation label), respectively. \(t_0\) and \(r_0\) are the root entity and relation, respectively, in the knowledge ontology. For each operation op performed on a path, the semantic cost \(c_{op}(\cdot)\) incurred is defined below:
\begin{equation} \begin{aligned}\text{Entity Insertion:}\ c_{vi}(t) &= dist(t,t_0), \\ \text{Entity Deletion:}\ c_{vd}(t^{\prime }) &= dist(t^{\prime },t_0), \\ \text{Entity Substitution:}\ c_{vs}(t,t^{\prime }) &= dist(t,t^{\prime }),\\ \text{Relation Insertion:}\ c_{ri}(r) &= dist(r,r_0), \\ \text{Relation Deletion:}\ c_{rd}(r^{\prime }) &= dist(r^{\prime },r_0), \\ \text{Relation Substitution:}\ c_{rs}(r,r^{\prime }) &= dist(r,r^{\prime }). \end{aligned} \end{equation}
When a semantic operation is performed, the semantic distance is defined as the co-topic distance \(dist(t_1.t_2)\) (or \(dist(r_1,r_2)\) ) of the two ontological types \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) (or relation labels \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) ) in a knowledge graph ontology:
\begin{equation} dist(t_1, t_2) = 1- \frac{ \vert S(t_1)\cap S(t_2) \vert }{ \vert S(t_1)\cup S(t_2) \vert , } \end{equation}
where \(S(t_i)\) is the set of supertypes of \(t_i\) in the ontology. For example, given an ontology consisting of supertype-subtype relations, \(\lbrace\) Agent \(\rightarrow\) Person, Person \(\rightarrow\) Artist, Artist \(\rightarrow\) Actor, and Person \(\rightarrow\) MovieDirector \(\rbrace\) , the distance between Actor and MovieDirector is \(1-\frac{2}{5} = \frac{3}{5}\) .

5 Experiment Results

To compare the effectiveness of our proposed models and baselines, we design a series of experiments to measure the correctness of their generated paths. As our framework consists of context extractor and non-monotonic contextual path generator, we first evaluate the former before analyzing the overall contextual path generation performance on our two Wikinews datasets. Additionally, we complete a series of experiments on a synthetic dataset to show the scalability of our dataset, and the ability to infer missing relations of the knowledge graph. We cover the detail of how we generate the synthetic dataset and the experiment result in Appendix A.

5.1 Effectiveness of Context Extractor Methods

Our first set of experiments evaluates the effectiveness of context extraction models returning the ground truth contextual path entities as context entities for a set of queries. Other than our proposed context extractor methods KEMatch and LTRMHSA, we also include a context window baseline method described below.
Context window baseline. We introduce a context extractor baseline method to compare against our proposed KEMatch and LTRMHSA methods. In this baseline method, we extract the entities mentioned in the text surrounding \(e_h\) and that in the text surrounding \(e_t\) within a distance of cw word tokens in context document d. In this article, we empirically use \(cw=20\) .
KEMatch. KEMatch prunes the query-induced entities graph with a classifier, and keeps only the top \(n^{CXT}\) entities with highest prediction probability as context entities. As described in Section 3, we experiment with three different methods of query representation \(z_q\) , namely, (1) average entity representation, (2) mention paragraph representation, (3) title and mention paragraph representation, and (4) contextual query entity representation. We also propose three feature combination schemes to combine \(z_q\) and \(z_e\) , the representation of entity e from \(G(q)\) : (a) concatenation +, (b) Hadamard product \(\odot\) , and (c) subtraction \(-\) , and an additional (d) all, which concatenates (a), (b), and (c) together as features. The parameters \(k=2\) , \(\delta =4\) , and \(n^{CXT}=10\) are chosen based on grid search.
LTRMHSA. We employ a learning-to-rank with multi-head self-attention model to extract the most context-relevant entities as context entities. We set \(n^{CXT}=10\) to stay consistent with KEMatch.
We use a pretrained DBpedia k-bert model as the context encoder [38]. The model uses the following configuration: \(L=12\) , \(A=12\) , \(H=768\) .
We measure the performance of context entity extraction by precision and recall defined by Precision \(=\frac{|E(q)\cap E^*(q)|}{|E(q)|}\) and Recall \(=\frac{|E(q)\cap E^*(q)|}{|E^*(q)|}\) , respectively. \(E(q)\) denotes the set of context entities extracted by the extractor and \(E^*(q)\) is the set of ground truth context entities. We utilize the negative sampling process described under Section 3 and conduct 10-fold cross validation. As we have consistent observations on Wiki-film and Wiki-music and due to limitations in space, we only show the experiment result of the Wiki-film dataset in Table 2. In this comparison, we additionally include the context window baseline.
Table 2.
Context ExtractorFeature CombinationsPrecallRecall
Context Window 68.462.3
KEMatchAVG Entity Rep.+73.570.9
\(\odot\) 75.673.8
\(-\) 72.970.1
Paragraph Rep.
\(\odot\) 80.177.6
\(-\) 72.771.6
Title + Mention
Paragraph Rep.
Cxt. Query
Entity Rep.
\(\odot\) 81.378.9
\(-\) 72.571.7
LTRMHSA 85.983.1
Table 2. Performance in Context Entity Extraction (Wiki-Film)
LTRMHSA, which considers inter-entity interaction, yields the best precision (85.9%) and recall (83.1%). KEMatch using contextual query entity representation with the Hadamard product feature combination option, returns the next best precision (81.3%) and recall (78.9%). This is followed by KEMatch using mention paragraph representation also with the Hadamard product feature combination option. These results suggest that the contextualized query entity representation is the best option for KEMatch. Finally, the context window baseline is the worst-performing method as it does not involve the knowledge graph entities.
Among the other KEMatch variants, average entity representation performs better than title and mention paragraph representation, possibly due to the latter’s high feature dimensionality. We observe features with a high coefficient have been assigned to both \(\mathsf {p}_1\) and \(\mathsf {p}_q\) . This observation supports our hypothesis that the title paragraph contains useful information about the contextual relationship between the query entities. Finally, among the different feature representations, the Hadamard product achieves the best performance, followed by concatenation and subtraction. Although all three of these feature representations show decent predictive results, combining them together does not result in better performance due to high feature dimension.
While Table 2 shows that LTRMHSA enjoys higher accuracy than all of the KEMatch variants, the former involves a computational complexity of \(O(m_q^2)\) compared with KEMatch’s \(O(m_q)\) . When \(m_q\) is large, the computational overhead of LTRMHSA could be significantly higher, which adversely affects the time needed for generating a contextual path. As a result, one should take into consideration the tradeoff between performance and execution time when deciding which context extractor to use together with NMCPGT in practice.

5.2 Performance in CPG

Next, we conduct experiments to evaluate the models’ performance in generating the contextual paths. We compare our proposed models combining NMCPGT with different context extractor options, namely, KEMatch and its variants, LTRMHSA, context window entities, and random context entities. The random context entities method randomly selects \(n^{CXT}\) entities from \(G(q)\) as the context entities. We set \(n^{CXT}=10\) , which is consistent with the \(n^{CXT}\) for KEMatch and LTRMHSA. For simplicity, we name our models by “NMCPGT \(+\langle\) context extractor method \(\rangle\) ” where the \(\langle\) context extractor method \(\rangle\) options are Random Context, Context Window, KEMatch, and LTRMHSA.
To evaluate the importance of the context document, we additionally include a non-contextual non-monotonic path generation (NCNMPG) baseline that generates the contextual path from path generator that only takes \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) as input, without any knowledge of the context document. In other words, this model does not use any context entities as condition, and only relies on the pretrained transformer when generating paths.
For the path generation, we only include the annealed coaching oracle \(\pi ^*_{annealed}\) as it has been shown to outperform the uniform and coaching oracles in [6]. The model is optimized with cross entropy loss. The non-monotonic path generator uses a four-layer transformer structure with four attention heads, hidden dimension of 256, and feed-forward dimension of 1,024. Adam optimizer is used with the initial learning rate of \(10^{-{5}}\) . The model is trained with 100 epochs. After the 50 burn-in epochs, \(\beta\) is linearly annealed from 1.0 by 0.01 in each epoch. The implementation of all neural structures is based on Pytorch.
We report the % ground truth recovered (%Recov), averaged pairwise similarity (AVG PW Sim), NGEO(E), and NGEO(R) of the generated contextual paths by different models in Table 3. We have similar observations based on the experiments on the two real-world datasets. The CPG performance is also consistent with the results in Table 2. The model NMCPGT+LTRMHSA outperforms other models for all metrics, followed by NMCPGT+KEMatch with context query entity representation and mention paragraph representation. Among the NMCPGT+KEMatch model variants, the Hadamard product is the best feature combination method while subtraction is the worst. The simple baselines that do not extract context entities, including Non-Contextualized Generation and Random Context baseline, perform the worst. This indicates the importance of a good context extractor—the better we extract context entities, the more accurate the generated contextual paths will be. In the following, we use two case examples to illustrate the difference between the different models.
Table 3.
PW Sim
PW Sim
NCNMPG19.70.440.29, 0.2420.320.460.29, 0.23
NMCPGTRandom Context62.330.590.26, 0.2260.150.580.27, 0.22
Context Window73.270.750.2, 0.1975.220.740.21, 0.2
* AVG Ent Rep.
+76.760.830.17, 0.1678.130.810.17, 0.15
\(\odot\) 78.140.840.17, 0.1678.920.810.17, 0.15
\(-\) 71.110.780.19, 0.1870.370.800.2, 0.18
all73.20.790.18, 0.1774.520.780.18, 0.16
*Mention Para. Rep.
+77.410.860.17, 0.1576.490.850.17, 0.16
\(\odot\) 80.130.870.16, 0.1580.410.870.16, 0.16
\(-\) 73.290.810.18, 0.1872.480.820.19, 0.18
all74.190.810.18, 0.1774.070.830.19, 0.18
*Title + Mention Para. Rep.
+72.280.780.18, 0.1671.780.770.19, 0.16
*Cxt. Query Ent Rep.
\(\odot\) 81.20.870.15, 0.1582.890.880.16, 0.15
LTRMHSA84.130.890.14, 0.1485.370.910.14, 0.14
Table 3. Path Generation Performance on Wiki-Film and Wiki-Music Datasets
Case example 1. Consider the query entities Zacharias Kunuk and Inuit in the following context from Wiki-film:
“Produced by an Igloolik, Nunavut company, the film is titled The Journals of Knud Rassmusen, and co-directed by Zacharias Kunuk of Igloolik and Norman Cohn of Montreal. The company received critical acclaim for their first film, Atanarjuat, ... The film portrays the pressures on traditional Inuit culture....”4
The ground truth contextual path is \(e_\text{Kunuk}\xrightarrow {{\bf director}}e_\text{TheJournalOfKnudRasmussen}\xrightarrow {{\bf pageLink}}e_\text{Inuit}\) , which is successfully generated by both NMCPGT+LTRMHSA and NMCPGT+KEMatch with context query entity representation. NMCPGT+KEMatch with mention paragraph representation, on the other hand, generates \(e_\text{Kunuk}\xrightarrow {{\bf producer}}e_\text{TheJournalOfKnudRasmussen}\xrightarrow {{\bf pageLink}}e_\text{Inuit}\) . Although this is not a ground truth path, it is semantically correct as Kunuk is the co-founder of the production company Igloolik, Nunavut company. Both NMCPGT+context window and NMCPGT+KEMatch with AVG entity representation extractors generate \(e_\text{Kunuk}\xrightarrow {{\bf director}}e_\text{Atanarjuat}\xrightarrow {{\bf pageLink}}e_\text{Inuit}\) , which suggests the generation of path is affected by entities within the context document. Finally, the non-contextualized generation and NMCPGT+random context baseline generates the shortest path between the query entities in knowledge graph: \(e_\text{Kunuk}\xrightarrow {{\bf pageLink}}e_\text{Inuit}\) .
Case example 2. Consider query entities James Bond and Pinewood Studio in the following context from Wiki-film:
“Firefighters have confirmed that the large James Bond sound stage at Pinewood Studios has been destroyed by fire... where filming for Casino Royale, the latest Bond movie, has been completed... Pinewood, which was created in 1935, was the filming ground for Dr No, the first ever James Bond movie in 1962.” 5
Both NMCPGT+LTRMHSA and NMCPGT+KEMatch with context query entity representation generate \(e_\text{JamesBond}\xrightarrow {{\bf isSeriesOf}}e_\text{Dr.No}\xrightarrow {{\bf pageLink}}e_\text{PinewoodStudio}\) , which is different from the ground truth path \(e_\text{JamesBond}\xrightarrow {{\bf isSeriesOf}}e_\text{CasinoRoyale}\xrightarrow {{\bf pageLink}}e_\text{PinewoodStudio}\) . Nevertheless, the path is considered semantically correct as the event carried by both paths exists in the context document. NMCPGT+KEMatch with mention paragraph representation successfully generates the ground truth path as it only focuses on the paragraph in which Casino Royale is mentioned. It is not affected by the mention of Dr. No.

5.3 Comparison between Non-monotonic and Monotonic Path Generation

In this section, we compare our non-monotonic path generator NMCPGT+LTRMHSA with a left-to-right counterpart by evaluating them on the Wiki-film dataset. As discussed in Section 3.3, we choose to use a non-monotonic generation model because left-to-right generation models are likely to generate unfinished paths.
To conduct this experiment, we replace \(\pi ^*_{annealed}\) of NMCPGT by a Left-to-Right Oracle \(\pi ^*_{L\text{-}R}\) , which always assigns probability of 1 to the leftmost to-be-generated path element of the sequence. As suggested in [6], \(\pi ^*_{L\text{-}R}\) results in maximum likelihood learning of an autoregressive sequence model, which makes the generation process identical to neural sequence models such as GPT-2 [48]. We use the same input sequence, “[soc] \(e_1\) \(e_2\) ... \(e_{\vert E(q)\vert }\) [sep] \(e_h\) [e] \(e_t\) [e] [eoc]”, for fine-tuning the non-monotonic and monotonic models. In this experiment, we include a new metric representing the percentage of %unfinished path in the result (%Unf) to evaluate the model’s ability to complete the path. We define an unfinished path as one that starts with \(e_h\) but could not end with \(e_t\) within \(L_{MAX}=6\) relation edges. Note that the generated paths, finished or not, may involve inferred relation edges. We report the experiment result on the Wiki-film dataset for NMCPGT+LTRMHSA in Table 4. Since NMCPGT+LTRMHSA is required to generate path elements between \(e_h\) and \(e_t\) , it has %Unf = 0. The monotonic model, however, sees 29.73% of the generated paths unfinished. With fewer finished paths, the %path recovered of the monotonic model is also substantially less than NMCPGT+LTRMHSA.
Table 4.
* PW Sim
\(\pi ^*_{annealed}\)
084.130.890.14, 0.14
\(\pi ^*_{L\text{-}R}\)
* (Monotonic)
29.7342.850.730.19, 0.16
Table 4. Non-monotonic (Non-M) and Monotonic (M) Generation
While the monotonic model performs badly in well-formed path generation, it achieves decent average pairwise similarity and NGEO results. This suggests that the monotonic model generates entities and relation labels that are still relevant to the context with the help of LTRMHSA context extractor. For instance, for the query with entities ( \(e_{\text{Brokeback Mountain}}\) , \(e_{\text{Mel Gibson}}\) ) and the following context document:
“...Ledger starred in the 2005 movie Brokeback Mountain where he was nominated for the Academy Award and the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor. He also starred in the 2000 movie The Patriot with Mel Gibson ...” 6
The ground truth contextual path of this query should be \(e_\text{BrokebackMountain}\xrightarrow {{\bf starring}}e_\text{Ledger}\xrightarrow {{\bf starring}}e_\text{ThePatriot}\xrightarrow {{\bf starring}}e_\text{Gibson}\) . The non-monotonic model using \(\pi ^*_{annealed}\) generates the ground truth path perfectly. On the other hand, the monotonic model using \(\pi ^*_{L\text{-}R}\) generates a path that is unfinished: \(e_\text{BrokebackMountain}\xrightarrow {{\bf subject}}e_\text{AcademyAward}\xrightarrow {{\bf subject}}e_\text{AcademyAwardForBestActor}\xrightarrow {{\bf subject}}e_\text{Ledger}\xrightarrow {{\bf starring}}e_\text{ThePatriot}\xrightarrow {{\bf pageLink}}e_\text{Ledger}\) . Nevertheless, the generated path is still very relevant to the context. In fact, if we do not force the model to stop at the length of 6, it will eventually reach \(e_{\text{Mel Gibson}}\) at the 8th hop. This example explains why we obtain relatively high pairwise similarity and NGEO for the monotonic model.

6 Discussion

Our proposed two-stage CPG framework consisting of context extractor and contextual path generator is unique in knowledge graph reasoning research. It allows context entities relevant to a query to be used as input to contextual path generator to control the path generated by the latter. Moreover, the path generator outputs a relevant and well-formed contextual path using a non-monotonic path generation approach. To our best knowledge, such an approach has not been attempted in previous works. In the following, we discuss the potential impact this article may have on knowledge reasoning research and applications.
In the research aspect, this article represents an early work to address the emerging problem of inferring new relation edges or facts for a knowledge graph from input textual data. When combined with information retrieval research, CPG can offer useful explanations to the content found in search results. This paves the foundational work for future research in information retrieval with explainable AI. From the technical standpoint, the NMCPGT is also a research breakthrough as it combines the strengths of efficient relation edge inference, well-formed CPG, and efficient path generation together in a model. Most of the previous works that use a knowledge graph to reason (e.g., MHQA-GRN [54] and LEGO [49]) generate knowledge paths by traversing the knowledge graph. Such methods suffer from missing knowledge graph relation edges, long relation edge inference times, and poorly formed paths. In contrast, our pretrained transformer method for knowledge path generation is more versatile, and can be easily fine-tuned for many different tasks. It may subsequently evolve into a large pretrained generative model for complex reasoning and as a problem solving tool.
In the practical aspect, CPG overlays a context document with contextual paths. This enhances content understanding as both the known and inferred relation edges of contextual paths between entities can be highlighted to the readers. For instance, a content analysis system could process documents with CPG and obtain contextual paths of entity pairs mentioned in the documents. The users can therefore access these contextual paths and entity descriptions provided by the knowledge graph as additional background information about the entity pairs, and to acquire a more complete contextual knowledge about the document content for knowledge-enhanced information retrieval tasks.
Finally, it is possible to automatically enrich a knowledge graph with CPG. As discussed in Section 2, knowledge graphs can be incomplete and outdated, which is a common limitation faced by many knowledge graph–based applications. CPG can help to address this by inferring new relation edges from a large enough set of documents mentioning the knowledge graph entities. This can be especially helpful for information systems that require up-to-date information to deliver the best outcomes, e.g., decision-making systems, competitive intelligence analytics systems, and so forth.

7 Conclusion

In this article, we aim to enhance the understanding of textual documents by deriving knowledge paths among the mentions of entities. To address the challenges in path generation, we proposed a two-stage CPG framework that can handle (i) noisy context information, (ii) missing relation edges in knowledge graphs, and (iii) generate well-formed paths. We propose novel context entity extraction methods and develop non-monotonic generation with pretraining to overcome the above challenges. For context entity extraction, we introduce knowledge-enabled embedding matching and learning-to-rank with multi-head self-attention methods. The latter yields higher accuracy than the former. For CPG, we propose NMCPGT, which is capable of generating contextual paths that resemble an oracle policy. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed framework yielded the best accuracy, surpassing previous state-of-the-art methods.
Due to the high cost of annotation efforts, we only conducted experiments on small real datasets built with Wikinews articles. However, with more datasets annotated in the future, we will be able to conduct experiments on larger real datasets to produce more comprehensive results and findings. Moreover, the current work assumes that only one ground truth contextual path exists between a query entity pair, which may not hold in a real-world scenario. Therefore, we plan to further refine both the datasets and experiment design to address this limitation in our follow-up works.
There are several other interesting future directions for CPG research. First, CPG can be adapted to other research tasks in different types of knowledge graph–enhanced information systems. For example, in a recommendation system, we can extend CPG to recommend items by constructing a path out of the user’s product purchase and browsing history. In search engine research, one can also conduct design novel methods to summarize search results using contextual paths. Secondly, CPG can be viewed as an interesting means to derive new relation edges not found in the existing knowledge graphs. For this to work at scale, we require many context documents of the same knowledge domain to be provided. It should also be compared and evaluated against other knowledge completion methods. Thirdly, CPG research can be extended to find contextual subgraphs (instead of contextual paths) connecting a set of input entities in a context document. The generated subgraphs will be more easily used in downstream applications. Finally, it is worthwhile to explore how to create a large pretrained knowledge path model using the proposed NMCPGT. With recent advancements in large pretrained language models, we hope that a large pretrained knowledge path model can be developed to generate high-quality and accurate paths across different knowledge domains. We hypothesize that such pretrained large knowledge path models will have better generation and reasoning abilities, which can make them useful in many downstream applications.


Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the views of National Research Foundation, Singapore.


Due to space constraints, we will elaborate the annotation process in an addendum upon publication.

A Experiments On Synthetic Dataset

In this section, we explore the scalability of our proposed framework using a large-scale synthetic dataset. We use the synthetic dataset from [40], and show the statistics of the dataset in Table 5. This large-scale dataset overcomes the limitation of real-world datasets that are usually small due to the high data construction cost. We show the experiment results of our CPG models on the synthetic dataset, which focus on evaluating how well our proposed CPG models cope with a large dataset. Finally, we inspect our models’ ability to infer new relation edges given an incomplete knowledge graph.
Table 5.
Synthetic Dataset
# context documents2,000
# entities mentioned19,173
# entity pairs5,000
AVG/MAX ground truth path length4/6
Knowledge Graph 
# entities59,173
# relations651
Ground Truth Paths 
AVG path length4
# unique path entities19,173
# unique path relations648
Table 5. Synthetic Dataset Statistics

A.1 Coping with Large Dataset

We conduct the evaluation of selected models and baselines with the synthetic dataset, as shown in Table 6. The results are generally consistent with those in the Wiki-film and Wiki-music datasets. However, we observe that the performance results of all models are poorer in the synthetic dataset. For example, the % Path Recovered of NMCPGT+LTRMHSA is about 10% less than that of the same model on Wiki-music. This may be due to the additional noises introduced to the contextual documents and paths when constructing the synthetic dataset.
Table 6.
* Combination
* PW Sim
NCNMPG16.20.320.32, 0.25
NMCPGTRandom Context55.430.470.29, 0.23
Context Window61.830.560.25, 0.22
* AVG Ent Rep.
+63.460.680.25, 0.22
\(\odot\) 64.270.680.24, 0.2
\(-\) 57.20.550.27, 0.23
all62.350.640.25, 0.22
* Mention Para. Rep.
+63.590.650.25, 0.21
\(\odot\) 73.660.710.21, 0.18
\(-\) 58.740.530.26, 0.21
all61.570.580.26, 0.21
* Title + Mention Para. Rep.
+60.910.580.27, 0.21
* Cxt. Query Ent Rep.
\(\odot\) 75.370.740.18, 0.17
LTRMHSA75.920.760.17, 0.16
Table 6. Path Generation Performance on Synthetic Dataset
As the synthetic dataset is significantly larger, we also examine the efficiency of our proposed model. We conduct the experiments on a Tesla V100 GPU server with 32 GB memory. With 4,000 training instances, the training process costs 1 h 20 min 34 sec. The generation of contextual path for a test query requires around 0.86 second. This result shows the ability of our two-stage model in handling large datasets.

A.2 Inferring New Relation Edges

To evaluate the models’ abilities to infer edges that are not observed in the current knowledge graph, we randomly drop k% of the edges from the knowledge graph of the synthetic dataset. We report the performance of MNCPGT+LTRMHSA only, our best performing model, in Table 7. In addition to % path recovered (%Recov), AVG pairwise similarity (AVG PW Sim), and normalized graph edit distance (NGEO), we also report % \(E^-_{\text{CP}}\) Recov, which represents the percentage of ground truth path edges that are recovered.
Table 7.
k%RecovAVG PW
* Sim
NGEO(E),NGEO(R)% \(E_{\text{CP}}^-\) % \(E_{\text{CP}}^-\)
* Recov
* (Full KG)
84.130.890.14, 0.14--
1080.220.860.15, 0.145.3765.92
3065.230.710.19, 0,1719.3157.23
5047.370.590.24, 0.2338.4540.85
Table 7. Inferring Missing Relations using NMCPGT+LTRMHSA
\(E^-_{\text{CP}}\) : Removed edges that exist in the ground truth contextual path.
The results show that as k increases, our model performs poorer by all metrics. When k is small (e.g., \(k=10\) ), the model successfully recovers 65.92% of the ground truth contextual path edges that are removed from the knowledge graph. When \(k=50\) , the %Recov performance drops significantly to 47.37% but the model still recovers 40.85% of removed ground truth edges. Empirically, we also observe that NMCPGT+LTRMHSA is more likely to recover edges between entities that are logically or semantically related. For instance, we find that a movie m is inferred to be made in country c (i.e., \(e_m\xrightarrow {{\bf country}}e_{\text{France}}\) ) if it mostly stars actors and actresses from c. As a result, the model successfully recovers \(e_{\text{Top Gun}}\xrightarrow {{\bf country}}e_{\text{United States}}\) , and \(e_{\text{Amour(film)}}\xrightarrow {{\bf country}}e_{\text{France}}\) . On the other hand, the model fails to recover edges like \(e_\text{Ridley Scott}\xrightarrow {{\bf producer}}e_{\text{American Gangster(film)}}\) , \(e_{\text{Crimson Tide}}\xrightarrow {{\bf starring}}e_{\text{Viggo Mortensen}}\) , and \(e_{\text{Clint Eastwood}}\xrightarrow {{\bf artist}}e_{\text{Bar Room Buddies}}\) . These are edges with specific semantics and thus more difficult to infer.


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Index Terms

  1. Non-monotonic Generation of Knowledge Paths for Context Understanding



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems
    ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems  Volume 15, Issue 1
    March 2024
    135 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International 4.0 License


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 12 March 2024
    Online AM: 20 October 2023
    Accepted: 18 April 2023
    Revised: 30 March 2023
    Received: 04 November 2022
    Published in TMIS Volume 15, Issue 1

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    Author Tags

    1. Information retrieval
    2. knowledge graph
    3. contextual path generation
    4. generation model


    • Research-article

    Funding Sources

    • Lee Kong Chian Professorship and National Research Foundation, Singapore
    • Strategic Capabilities Research Centres Funding Initiative


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