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The Age-Reward Perspective: A Systematic Review of Reward Mechanisms in Serious Games for Older People

Published: 07 June 2024 Publication History


We report results from a systematic literature review on the topic of reward systems for older people engaging with serious games, involving an analysis of 121 scientific articles identified from multiple bibliographic databases. Our analysis, employing various taxonomies of game type, genre and challenges, reward types and features, and interaction devices and feedback modalities, reveals preponderant attention on visual feedback, sports games, and time pressure/reaction challenges, but limited scientific research on unlocking mechanisms, achievement, item-granting rewards, haptic feedback modalities, or multi-player scenarios in serious games designed for older adults. These findings reveal reward mechanisms as a distinct type of interactive media featuring some, but ignoring many design possibilities. Based on our findings, we propose several recommendations for future research on designing reward mechanisms in serious games that adapt to users’ varying abilities, favor a diversity of input and output modalities, and expand to multi-player and multi-genre setups.


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  • (2024)Smart Ring Gestures Recognition System Tailored to Serious Games Designed for Older People2024 International Conference on Development and Application Systems (DAS)10.1109/DAS61944.2024.10541290(1-4)Online publication date: 23-May-2024



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IMX '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences
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  • (2024)Smart Ring Gestures Recognition System Tailored to Serious Games Designed for Older People2024 International Conference on Development and Application Systems (DAS)10.1109/DAS61944.2024.10541290(1-4)Online publication date: 23-May-2024

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