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TypeQL: A Type-Theoretic & Polymorphic Query Language

Published: 14 May 2024 Publication History


Relational data modeling can often be restrictive as it provides no direct facility for modeling polymorphic types, reified relations, multi-valued attributes, and other common high-level structures in data. This creates many challenges in data modeling and engineering tasks, and has led to the rise of more flexible NoSQL databases, such as graph and document databases. In the absence of structured schemas, however, we can neither express nor validate the intention of data models, making long-term maintenance of databases substantially more difficult. To resolve this dilemma, we argue that, parallel to the role of classical predicate logic for relational algebra, contemporary foundations of mathematics rooted in type theory can guide us in the development of powerful new high-level data models and query languages. To this end, we introduce a new polymorphic entity-relation-attribute (PERA) data model, grounded in type-theoretic principles and accessible through classical conceptual modeling, with a near-natural query language: TypeQL. We illustrate the syntax of TypeQL as well as its denotation in the PERA model, formalize our model as an algebraic theory with dependent types, and describe its stratified semantics.

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Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 2, Issue 2
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Published: 14 May 2024
Published in PACMMOD Volume 2, Issue 2


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  1. data models
  2. er modeling
  3. formal semantics
  4. logic programming
  5. polymorphism
  6. query languages
  7. type theory
  8. type-theoretic databases


  • Research-article


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