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Playful Telepresence Robots with School Children

Published: 13 October 2024 Publication History


Telepresence robots offer potential enhancements to real-time classroom participation and social interaction for remotely located children. This mixed-method study, including observation and questionnaires, examines the safety and effectiveness of these technologies in an educational environment, with 22 children aged 9-11 using GoBe mobile telepresence robots. Participants were divided into eight groups. They engaged in activities designed to simulate driving experiences, including navigating an obstacle course, participating in a treasure hunt, and parking the robot. Through thematic analysis of observation notes and statistical analysis of task performance measurements, we identified challenges such as initial connection issues, navigation difficulties in tight spaces, and inconsistent docking. These underscore the need for improvements in network compatibility, user interface, and automation. Our findings indicate that children are capable of safely operating the robots and collaborating effectively. Further, our data indicates that there may be gender differences affecting confidence and adjustment to driving tasks. This study suggests enhancements in robot design and instructional practices to better integrate telepresence robots into educational settings, ensuring their safety and utility for children.


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