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Forming Shared Interest Pods: Barriers to Self-Assembly of Interest-Based Small Groups, and Dynamics of Retaining and Giving up Control to Find Collective Fit

Published: 08 November 2024 Publication History


We explore the challenges individuals face when seeking like-minded partners to pursue shared interests in small groups, specifically outside the workplace, classroom, or other externally organized contexts. Conducting nine 90-minute semi-structured interviews involving a hypothetical small group formation process, we found four compounding challenges that make it difficult to form and maintain stable groups. In contrast to other kinds of small groups discussed in the literature, the unique "combination" of these challenges bring into focus a class of interest-based small groups we term "shared interest pods": self-assembled small groups united by shared interests, whose members derive benefits from sustained, synchronous interactions that hinge on the level of fit among them. The need to discover and maintain collective fit, the considerable commitment required for regular interactions, their small size, and the lack of external enforcement, makes shared interest pods fragile and unstable, and an information-rich site for studying dynamics of self-organized consensus-seeking in underexplored areas of Lee and Paine's Model of Coordinated Action, and for considering the tension between supporting personal agency through organic group formation and optimizing stability through algorithmic assignments. A central finding is how dynamics of maintaining and giving up control co-exist in shared interest pods in their search for collective fit. People seek to maintain control over certain aspects of finding fit (e.g. in determining group membership), but are simultaneously willing to give up control to organizers or algorithms under certain conditions (e.g. when balancing desired quality with social and ethical considerations). We discuss design implications for supporting the formation of shared interest pods, and more broadly, for exploring self-organized consensus-seeking in other societal collective decision-making contexts.


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  1. Forming Shared Interest Pods: Barriers to Self-Assembly of Interest-Based Small Groups, and Dynamics of Retaining and Giving up Control to Find Collective Fit



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        Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 8, Issue CSCW2
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        Published: 08 November 2024
        Published in PACMHCI Volume 8, Issue CSCW2

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        3. user control in group decision-making


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