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Quantum lower bounds by polynomials

Published: 01 July 2001 Publication History


We examine the number of queries to input variables that a quantum algorithm requires to compute Boolean functions on {0,1}N in the black-box model. We show that the exponential quantum speed-up obtained for partial functions (i.e., problems involving a promise on the input) by Deutsch and Jozsa, Simon, and Shor cannot be obtained for any total function: if a quantum algorithm computes some total Boolean function f with small error probability using T black-box queries, then there is a classical deterministic algorithm that computes f exactly with O(Ts6) queries. We also give asymptotically tight characterizations of T for all symmetric f in the exact, zero-error, and bounded-error settings. Finally, we give new precise bounds for AND, OR, and PARITY. Our results are a quantum extension of the so-called polynomial method, which has been successfully applied in classical complexity theory, and also a quantum extension of results by Nisan about a polynomial relationship between randomized and deterministic decision tree complexity.


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Published: 01 July 2001
Published in JACM Volume 48, Issue 4


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  1. Quantum computing
  2. black-box model
  3. lower bounds
  4. polynomial method
  5. query complexity


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