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DBSP: Automatic Incremental View Maintenance for Rich Query Languages

Published: 01 March 2023 Publication History


Incremental view maintenance (IVM) has long been a central problem in database theory. Many solutions have been proposed for restricted classes of database languages, such as the relational algebra, or Datalog. These techniques do not naturally generalize to richer languages. In this paper we give a general, heuristic-free solution to this problem in 3 steps: (1) we describe a simple but expressive language called DBSP for describing computations over data streams; (2) we give a new mathematical definition of IVM and a general algorithm for solving IVM for arbitrary DBSP programs, and (3) we show how to model many rich database query languages using DBSP (including the full relational algebra, queries over sets and multisets, arbitrarily nested relations, aggregation, flatmap (unnest), monotonic and non-monotonic recursion, streaming aggregation, and arbitrary compositions of all of these). SQL and Datalog can both be implemented in DBSP. As a consequence, we obtain efficient incremental view maintenance algorithms for queries written in all these languages.


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  • (2024)DBSP: Incremental Computation on Streams and Its Applications to DatabasesACM SIGMOD Record10.1145/3665252.366527153:1(87-95)Online publication date: 14-May-2024
  • (2024)Recent Increments in Incremental View MaintenanceCompanion of the 43rd Symposium on Principles of Database Systems10.1145/3635138.3654763(8-17)Online publication date: 9-Jun-2024
  • (2023)On The Suitability of Differential Dataflow For Datalog Interpretation In Highly Dynamic SettingsProceedings of the 2023 6th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference10.1145/3639592.3639622(218-225)Online publication date: 16-Dec-2023



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Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 16, Issue 7
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Published: 01 March 2023
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  • (2024)DBSP: Incremental Computation on Streams and Its Applications to DatabasesACM SIGMOD Record10.1145/3665252.366527153:1(87-95)Online publication date: 14-May-2024
  • (2024)Recent Increments in Incremental View MaintenanceCompanion of the 43rd Symposium on Principles of Database Systems10.1145/3635138.3654763(8-17)Online publication date: 9-Jun-2024
  • (2023)On The Suitability of Differential Dataflow For Datalog Interpretation In Highly Dynamic SettingsProceedings of the 2023 6th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference10.1145/3639592.3639622(218-225)Online publication date: 16-Dec-2023

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