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OceanBase Paetica: A Hybrid Shared-Nothing/Shared-Everything Database for Supporting Single Machine and Distributed Cluster

Published: 01 August 2023 Publication History


In the ongoing evolution of the OceanBase database system, it is essential to enhance its adaptability to small-scale enterprises. The OceanBase database system has demonstrated its stability and effectiveness within the Ant Group and other commercial organizations, besides through the TPC-C and TPC-H tests. In this paper, we have designed a stand-alone and distributed integrated architecture named Paetica to address the overhead caused by the distributed components in the stand-alone mode, with respect to the OceanBase system. Paetica enables adaptive configuration of the database that allows OceanBase to support both serial and parallel executions in stand-alone and distributed scenarios, thus providing efficiency and economy. This design has been implemented in version 4.0 of the OceanBase system, and the experiments show that Paetica exhibits notable scalability and outperforms alternative stand-alone or distributed databases. Furthermore, it enables the transition of OceanBase from primarily serving large enterprises to truly catering to small and medium enterprises, by employing a single OceanBase database for the successive stages of enterprise or business development, without the requirement for migration. Our experiments confirm that Paetica has achieved linear scalability with the increasing CPU core number within the stand-alone mode. It also outperforms MySQL and Greenplum in the Sysbench and TPC-H evaluations.


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Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 16, Issue 12
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Published: 01 August 2023
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