Land Vulnerability, Risk Zoning, and Ecological Protection in the Protection Forest of Pagaibamba (Peru)
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Site Description
2.2. Cartographic Materials
2.3. Remote Sensing Cartographic Materials
2.4. Design
2.5. Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Delimitation and Identification of Physiographic Units
3.2. Identification and Delimitation of the Soils Units
3.3. Identification and Delimitation of the Land Units
3.4. Risk Zoning Criteria and Ecological Protection
3.5. Determination of Risk Zones and Ecological Protection
4. Discussion
4.1. Main Risk Zones Identified and Categorized in Pagaibamba Protection Forest
4.2. Activities for the Conservation and Protection of PPF Buffer Zone
4.3. Why Is It Important to Maintain the Montane Forest Ecosystem in the PPF
4.4. Endemic Flora and Fauna Species That Protect the Montane Forests of the PPF
4.5. Changes in Land Use Natural and Man-Made Threat
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Vulnerability Levels | Variables Used | Protected Natural Areas | ||||||||
Physiographic—Geological | Topographic | Edaphic | ||||||||
Relief | Slope (%) | Soil Name | Depth (cm) | Texture | Rock Fragments | ha | % | |||
Low | Volcanic-sedimentary mountain slope | SI | 8–15 | Cachipampa | 80–90 | Sl/S | gravelly | 15–35% | 35.87 | 1.77 |
Moderated | MS | 15–25 | Cachipampa | 80–90 | Sl/S | gravelly | 15–35% gravel | 265.16 | 13.10 | |
SI | 8–15 | El Tendal | 90–100 | L/Scl | slightly gravelly | <15% gravel | ||||
High | S | 25–50 | Cachipampa | 80–90 | Sl/S | gravelly | 15–35% gravel | 621.06 | 30.70 | |
MS—S | 15–50 | El Tendal | 90–100 | L/Scl | slightly gravelly | <15% gravel | ||||
Very high | VS | 50–75 | Cachipampa | 80–90 | Sl/S | gravelly | 15–35% gravel | 1101.11 | 54.43 | |
VS | 50–75 | El Tendal | 90–100 | L/Scl | slightly gravelly | <15% gravel | ||||
S—VS | 25–75 | Rocky outcrop | <15 | very stony | 35–60% stones | |||||
Total | 2023.20 | 100.00 |
Vulnerability Levels | Variables Used | Protected Natural Areas | ||||||||
Physiographic—Geological | Topographic | Edaphic | ||||||||
Relief | Slope (%) | Soil Name | Depth (cm) | Texture | Rock Fragments | ha | % | |||
Very Low | Volcanic-sedimentary mountain slope | SI | 8–15 | Los Molinos | 120–150 | L/Cl | slightly gravelly | <15% gravel | 34.04 | 0.82 |
Low | SI | 8–15 | Cachipampa | 80–90 | Sl/S | gravelly | 15–35% gravel | 608.25 | 14.61 | |
Moderated | MS | 15–25 | Cachipampa | 80–90 | Sl/S | gravelly | 15–35% gravel | 1257.97 | 30.19 | |
Los Molinos | 120–150 | L/Cl | slightly gravelly | <15% gravel | ||||||
SI | 8–15 | El Tendal | 90–100 | L/Scl | slightly gravelly | <15% gravel | ||||
High | S | 25–50 | Cachipampa | 80–90 | Sl/S | gravelly | 15–35% gravel | 1284.97 | 30.84 | |
S | 25–50 | Los Molinos | 120–150 | L/Cl | slightly gravelly | <15% gravel | ||||
MS—S | 15–50 | El Tendal | 90–100 | L/Scl | slightly gravelly | <15% gravel | ||||
Very high | VS | 50–75 | Cachipampa | 80–90 | Sl/S | gravelly | 15–35% gravel | 980.48 | 23.54 | |
VS | 50–75 | Los Molinos | 120–150 | L/Sc | slightly gravelly | <15% gravel | ||||
VS | 50–75 | El Tendal | 90–100 | L/Scl | slightly gravelly | <15% gravel | ||||
S—VS | 25–75 | Rocky outcrop | <15 | very stony | 35–60% stones | |||||
Total | 4165.71 | 100.00 |
Ecological Risk Zonning | Criteria Used | Protected Natural Area | Buffer Zone | |||||
Ecological Value | Productive Aptitude | Vulnerability | ha | % | ha | % | ||
High Ecological Risk | High | Protection Conservation | Xse | High and Very high | 1722.18 | 85.13 | 2265.45 | 54.38 |
Forest | F3se, F3sec | High | ||||||
Moderate Ecological Risk | Medium | Livestock | P3se, P3se (t) | Medium, Low | 265.16 | 13.10 | 1257.97 | 30.19 |
Low Ecological Risk | Low | Agricultural | A3sec, C3se | Low and Very low | 35.87 | 1.77 | 642.29 | 15.43 |
Total | 2023.20 | 100.00 | 4165.71 | 100.00 |
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Share and Cite
Escobedo-Monge, M.A.; Aparicio, S.; Valencia Ramos, M.; Escobedo-Monge, M.F.; Parodi-Román, J.; García-Llatas, L.F.; Marquina Pozo, R. Land Vulnerability, Risk Zoning, and Ecological Protection in the Protection Forest of Pagaibamba (Peru). Forests 2022, 13, 436.
Escobedo-Monge MA, Aparicio S, Valencia Ramos M, Escobedo-Monge MF, Parodi-Román J, García-Llatas LF, Marquina Pozo R. Land Vulnerability, Risk Zoning, and Ecological Protection in the Protection Forest of Pagaibamba (Peru). Forests. 2022; 13(3):436.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEscobedo-Monge, María Antonieta, Santiago Aparicio, Manuel Valencia Ramos, Marlene Fabiola Escobedo-Monge, Joaquín Parodi-Román, Luis Felipe García-Llatas, and Rubén Marquina Pozo. 2022. "Land Vulnerability, Risk Zoning, and Ecological Protection in the Protection Forest of Pagaibamba (Peru)" Forests 13, no. 3: 436.
APA StyleEscobedo-Monge, M. A., Aparicio, S., Valencia Ramos, M., Escobedo-Monge, M. F., Parodi-Román, J., García-Llatas, L. F., & Marquina Pozo, R. (2022). Land Vulnerability, Risk Zoning, and Ecological Protection in the Protection Forest of Pagaibamba (Peru). Forests, 13(3), 436.