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Interspecific Hardy Geranium Progenies: Morphological Characterization and Genetic Evaluation

Mehrdad Akbarzadeh
Katrijn Van Laere
Ellen De Keyser
Johan Van Huylenbroeck
Stefaan P. O. Werbrouck
2 and
Emmy Dhooghe
Plant Sciences Unit, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO), Caritasstraat 39, 9090 Melle, Belgium
Department of Plants and Crops, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz 6135783151, Iran
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Horticulturae 2024, 10(7), 723; https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae10070723
Submission received: 17 May 2024 / Revised: 28 June 2024 / Accepted: 5 July 2024 / Published: 9 July 2024


Hardy geranium is a popular ornamental plant with a high market demand. As a result, there is a strong need for continuous innovation to improve its ornamental qualities. Interspecific hybridization is a widely used technique for introducing desirable traits and creating new cultivars with added value. To explore the possibilities of creating novelty within the Geranium genus, we conducted 2438 interspecific crosses over three flowering seasons, resulting in the successful harvest of 445 seeds and the final production of 82 seedlings. Using embryo rescue increased the germination rate of a seedling from 0.17% to 1.01%. To validate the paternal genetic contribution in the new seedlings, we used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to assess the proportion of uniquely inherited paternal markers in all seedlings. AFLP analysis confirmed that 54 of the 82 seedlings were indeed true hybrids (65.8% hybridization success rate). A morphological evaluation of the flowers and leaves, including flower diameter (mm), style length (mm), number of flowers, flowering period (weeks), and color of both flowers and leaves, provided further confirmation of the F1 hybrid status of the seedlings. The results of our interspecific breeding demonstrated the efficiency of interspecific hybridization in hardy geraniums and its potential to create distinctive and novel cultivars for the ornamental market.

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

Novel genetic variation can be created by various means, such as hybridization within or between plant species, mutagenic treatment, or alteration of the ploidy level [1]. The origin of many commercial cultivars can be attributed to the hybridization between botanical varieties, cultivars, and species, whether it occurs intentionally or naturally. Interspecific hybridization, in particular, has been valuable in creating new floriculture crops and cultivars by introducing new desirable traits [2]. Genome hybridization involves merging the complete genomes of two parental species to create a hybrid offspring with a wider gene pool, while amphiploid hybridization is the creation of a hybrid offspring that has two complete sets of chromosomes from each parent, and introgression hybridization involves transferring desirable traits from one species, often a wild relative, to an elite cultivar of another species [3]. However, interspecific hybridization can be largely prevented by the presence of pre- and post-fertilization barriers. To overcome embryo maldevelopment after fertilization, embryo rescue is commonly used [4], enabling the development of immature or mature–lethal hybrid embryos from interspecific and intergeneric crosses that cannot survive in vivo or through traditional plant breeding practices [5,6,7,8,9]. The process involves excising immature or lethal embryos and culturing them in vitro on a specific nutrient medium. Success requires careful attention to species-specific nutrient requirements and an assessment of growth condition parameters [5]. Embryo rescue has been used in many species, including Lycopersicon sp. [10], Brassica napus [11], and Vitis vinifera L. [12] and ornamental plants, such as Chrysanthemum sp. [13,14], Gentiana sp. [15], and Pelargonium sp. [16].
Geranium is a large and diverse genus of flowering plants in the family Geraniaceae, consisting of three subgenera: Erodioidea, Robertium, and Geranium. The largest subgenus, Geranium, is primarily native to the temperate northern regions of Eurasia, extending from the eastern Mediterranean to the western Himalayas. In addition, South America has a remarkable diversity of Geranium species [17,18,19]. The rosette growth habit, with a dense, upright inflorescence emerging from a compact cluster of basal leaves, is common in Geranium. However, some species have an alternative growth pattern with elongated stems and sparse basal leaves [20]. These attractive plants, known for their winter hardiness, extended flowering period, large radially symmetrical flowers, and vibrant colors in both leaves and flowers, have become very popular as ornamentals since the 1990s [19,20].
The first interspecific crosses of hardy geraniums available on the market were between G. macrorrhizum, G. sanguineum, G. himalayense, G. endressii, and G. × oxonianum (G. endressii × G. versicolor). A logistic regression model was developed to predict immature seed production from interspecific hybridization in hardy geraniums (Geranium sp.) using the genetic distance between parental plants [21]. The primary goal of interspecific hybridization in this genus is to use plant diversity to introduce new traits. These traits include extended flowering periods and novel flower and leaf colors and sizes. For example, there is a lack of hardy geraniums with large white flowers that are resistant to powdery mildew. However, while some parental combinations exhibit intriguing traits, certain combinations are incompatible. Overcoming the incompatibility barriers allows breeders to combine desirable traits from different species. The main focus of this article is the evaluation of interspecific seedlings of Geranium using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) [22], alongside the study of their morphological characteristics to explore the potential for hybridization. Key issues addressed include identifying true hybrids among the seedlings and assessing the extent of morphological differences from their parents. In addition, we provide insight into the importance of embryo rescue in the context of hardy geraniums.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Plant Materials

A diverse collection, including species from three different subgenera of Geranium genus, Geranium, Erodioidea, and Robertium (described in [23], see Table S1), was used for crosses in three consecutive years (2020, 2021, and 2022). The collection is located at ILVO in Melle, Belgium, precisely at the coordinates 50°59′31.6″ N, 3°47′07.3″ E. All plant material and genotypes in our collection were verified and confirmed by a plant breeder (Figure S1).

2.2. Male Fertility and Female Receptivity

Pollen fertility was assessed using the fluorescein diacetate (FDA) staining technique. For this, freshly harvested anthers were collected in the morning and placed in a 500 µL solution containing 130 g.L−1 of sucrose. To facilitate pollen release, the anthers were gently stirred in the solution. After removal of the anther debris, FDA was added to the pollen and allowed to incubate for 5 min in the dark. The pollen was then briefly centrifuged at 6000 rpm, the supernatant carefully removed, and the resulting pellet resuspended in 300 µL of sucrose solution. The analysis involved counting 100 pollen grains from each of the three samples collected on three different days, with three replicates for each sample. This resulted in a total of 300 pollen counts (3 samples × 3 replicates × 100 pollen counts). A fluorescence microscope (Leica DMIRB, Wetzlar, Germany) equipped with a filter set suitable for fluorescein (L5) and a magnification of 5× or 10× was used.
Female receptivity for selected cross combinations was monitored by examining in vivo pollen germination and subsequent pollen tube growth by aniline blue staining of pistils. At 48 h after pollination, pistils were harvested and immersed for 24 h in an FAA solution consisting of formaldehyde, acetic acid, and 70% ethanol in a 1:1:18 ratio. After thoroughly rinsing with water, the pistils were transferred to a 6 M NaOH solution for incubation for 16 h. Subsequently, the pistils were immersed in a solution containing 0.033 M K3PO4 and 0.1% aniline blue (Acros Organics, Geel, Belgium) for 3 h in the dark. Pollen tubes were visualized and examined using the same fluorescence microscopy and filter set used above. Next to aniline blue staining, a spontaneous seed set in the field was assessed over two consecutive flowering seasons for the whole collection as an alternative method to assess female receptivity.

2.3. Interspecific Crosses

A total of 349, 1155, and 934 interspecific crosses were made in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively. These crosses included 96, 236, and 61 different combinations of parental genotypes (described in Tables S2–S4). The emasculation of young flowers was performed for most genotypes, while it was considered unnecessary for the male sterile genotypes (see further in Section 3). A few flowers within each of the genotypes were not emasculated for the purpose of being used as pollinators.

2.4. Embryo Rescue

To identify the optimal medium for rescuing seeds, four different media (designated M1 to M4) were tested (Table 1).
A total of 84 open-pollinated seeds were collected, and embryos were dissected from three different genotypes: Geranium ‘Blushing Turtle’ (G80), Geranium ‘Orion’ (G14), and Geranium himalayense ‘Baby Blue’ (G38) at different stages of development, categorized as early stage (A1), intermediate stage (A2), and mature stage (A3) (Figure 1) and assigned to the four different growth media. After an incubation period of approximately five months, the number of germinated seeds and the development of robust seedlings were assessed for each growth medium. From the second crossing season onwards, all embryos were transferred to an in vitro environment, and M1 was used throughout the final breeding season.
For the in vitro embryo rescue of seeds resulting from interspecific crosses, we determined premature seed harvest days by visually assessing seed characteristics, including color, size, and shrinkage.

2.5. AFLP Analysis

DNA was extracted from 100 mg of young plant leaf samples (of 82 seedlings) stored at −80 °C using the CTAB DNA isolation protocol derived from the method established by Doyle and Doyle [24]. AFLP analysis [25] was performed according to the procedure described in Akbarzadeh et al. (2021) [23]. The commercially available AGG kit from Perkin-Elmer Biosystems (Waltham, MA, USA) was used for fluorescent fragment detection [26,27]. The following primer combinations were used: EcoRI-AAC_ned/MseI-CAG, EcoRI-AAG_hex/MseI-CAG, EcoRI-ACA_fam/MseI-CTT, and EcoRI-AGG_hex/MseI-CAG. The evaluation and scoring of the peaks were carried out in GeneMapper version 5 (Applied Biosystems) based on De Riek et al. (1999). According to Denaeghel et al. (2017), seedlings with more than 25% male unique markers were classified as true hybrids. Those with a number of unique parental markers between 10 and 25% were recorded as partial hybrids. Seedlings with less than 10% unique markers were classified as non-hybrids [28].

2.6. Morphological Analysis

Flower and leaf color was measured using a portable spectrophotometer (Konica Minolta CM-700d, Konica Minolta Sensing, Inc., Osaka, Japan) at anthesis, more specifically at the mature stage of stigma (Figure S2), in three replicates. ΔE*ab (Delta E CIE 1976) was used to evaluate the differences between the flowers and leaves of the parents and the corresponding seedlings. In 1976, the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) introduced the first color difference equation applicable to a known set of CIE L*a*b* coordinates.
Δ E * a b = L 2 * L 1 * 2 + a 2 * a 1 * 2 + b 2 * b 1 * 2
This equation calculates the color difference between two objects with coordinates (L1*, a1*, b1*) and (L2*, a2*, b2*) [29].
Flower diameter and style length were measured using a conventional ruler on 2-year-old seedlings. These measurements were taken at the mature stigma stage to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the recorded data. Style length was measured from the base of the style to the tip. Flowering time was quantified by recording the number of weeks from the onset of flowering, marked by the appearance of three flowers at anthesis, to the end of the flowering phase. To assess flower abundance, the total number of flowers was counted during the flowering season.

2.7. Statistical Analysis

IBM SPSS Statistics version (171) was used to perform a general linear model analysis followed by a post-hoc test using Tukey, with a significance level (α) set at 0.05 to analyze the embryo rescue data.

3. Results

3.1. Parental Male Fertility and Female Receptivity

To make an accurate crossing table, it is necessary to assess male fertility and female receptibility before hybridization. FDA staining of the pollen revealed a viability between 0% and 79.9% (Table 2). Our evaluation confirmed that Geranium ‘Ann Thomson’ (G01), Geranium ‘Bob’s Blunder’ (G03), Geranium ‘Dragon Heart’ (G07), Geranium ‘Mavis Simpson’ (G13), Geranium ‘Sanne’ (G18), Geranium ‘Tanya Rendall’ (G22), Geranium ‘Algera Double’ (G57), and Geranium wlassovianum (G77) are both male and female sterile. In our collection, pollen production in Geranium psilostemon (G62) could occur but was rare; hence, pollen viability could not be measured (Table 2).
The growth of pollen tubes after pollination is influenced by the parental combination. Figure 2 shows examples of arrested and successful pollen tube growth through the style tissue. Pollen of Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) could not germinate in the cross combinations Geranium macrorrhizum ‘White Ness’ (G44) × Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) and Geranium ‘Blushing Turtle’ (G80) × Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04), with pollen tube growth arrested before entering the ovules. On the other hand, pollen tubes of Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) and Geranium himalayense ‘Derrick Cook’ (G39) could successfully reach the ovules in both combinations of Geranium ‘Sanne’ (G18) × Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) and Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) × Geranium himalayense ‘Derrick Cook’ (G39) (Figure 2). As is also shown in Figure 3, if the parental genetic distance (=cJaccard, 1-Jaccard coefficient) between species increased, the number of fully successfully grown pollen tubes decreased. When the cJaccard was below 0.699 [21], pollen tubes in 9 out of 10 combinations successfully reached the ovules. The number of arrested pollen tubes increased as the genetic distance increased between 0.849 and 1 (Figure 3).

3.2. Interspecific Crosses between Geranium Species and Overcoming Post-Fertilization Barriers

In order to optimize the embryo rescue technique for Geranium, we analyzed the responses of the embryo obtained in open pollinated plants in different media. The highest rate of embryo germination was observed in the combination of medium M1 and intermediate stage embryos (A2) (Table 3).
Conversely, M2A3 combinations showed the highest levels of callus formation, which is undesirable in hardy geraniums (Figure 4). Geranium ‘Blushing Turtle’ was the only genotype capable of both direct embryo germination and shoot regeneration from the callus-formed embryo. M4 showed optimal performance for A3 embryos close to maturity; however, M4 is not very effective for embryo rescue. The need for embryo rescue is mainly observed in distant cross combinations (high cJaccard value 0.799 > 1 [21,23]), where embryos fail to reach maturity. In contrast, seeds from close parental combinations (low cJaccard distance) usually reach full maturity.
Table 4 and the Supplementary Tables S2–S5 provide a detailed overview of the interspecific hybridization and seedling production process over the three growing seasons (2020, 2021, 2022), showing the number of crosses made, different cross combinations, seed production, developed seedlings, and germination rate. The average cJaccard coefficient of parental combinations during the breeding year was consistently within a narrow range (0.81, 0.79, and 0.75 correspond to the first, second, and third crossing seasons, respectively). The increase in germination rate from 0.17% in 2020 to 0.57% in 2021 can be explained by the introduction of embryo rescue instead of mature seed germination in 2020 (Table 4). A further increase to 1.01% in 2022 was achieved through parental selection, improved crossing techniques, harvesting time, and the use of the optimized embryo rescue medium.

3.3. Genetical and Morphological Evaluation of F1 Progeny

AFLP analysis revealed that out of 82 seedlings obtained over 3 years, 54 seedlings (65.8%) were identified as true hybrids with more than 25% unique paternal markers. In contrast, a smaller subset of five seedlings were classified as partial hybrids, inheriting between 10% and 25% unique paternal markers. A group of 23 of the seedlings did not meet the criteria for true hybrids as they inherited less than 10% of the unique paternal markers, as shown in Table S5.
Additional data for all seedlings are presented in Table 5, focusing on the genetic distances between the parental combinations. The cJaccard (a measure ranging from 0 to 1) is provided for each cross combination and is sorted in ascending order. The data suggest that most true hybrids originate from the hybridization of two parents with a cJaccard value lower than 0.800. When the cJaccard value is more than 0.800, it becomes challenging to obtain true hybrids. However, there is an exception, Geranium endressii (G35) × Geranium ‘Bloom Time’ (G75), which has a cJaccard value of 0.852 and resulted in three true hybrids. For the cross between Geranium phaeum ‘Angelina’ (G54) × Geranium macrorrhizum ‘White Ness’ (G44) with a high cJaccard value (0.918), nine out of the twenty-one seeds germinated. However, none of the resulting seedlings proved to be true hybrids.
In Table 6, a morphological description of the true hybrid Geranium seedlings that already flowered is given. The D21 seedling resulting from the cross Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) × Geranium himalayense ‘Derrick Cook’ (G39) produced progeny with an average flower diameter of 39 mm, which was smaller compared to the 46 mm (G04) and 56 mm (G39) diameters of the parents. Similarly, the style length of the F1 seedling was, on average, 11.4 mm shorter than the parents’ styles. Parental plants produced 245 (G04) and 53 (G39) flowers during the flowering season, while the F1 seedling had an average of 25 flowers. Remarkably, the flowering period of the F1 seedling was significantly longer than that of the parents. An evaluation of flower and leaf color using Delta E CIE 1976 showed that the flower color of the D21 F1 seedling is closer to the maternal plant (ΔE*ab = 27) compared to the paternal plant (ΔE*ab = 38). However, the leaf color was almost the same (Table 6). This is further illustrated in Figure 5, where the seedling with an intermediate flower coloration is shown. D25 and D26 seedlings, both resulting from the cross between Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) × Geranium pratense ‘Purple Ghost’ (G61), showed identical flower phenotypes. The main differentiating factor was the difference in flower number, with the D26 F1 seedling having more flowers than the D25 seedling. In addition, the flower color of both F1 seedlings is more similar to the male parent (Table 6).
D59, D60, D61, and D62 F1 seedlings all derived from the same combination (Geranium × oxonianum ‘Katherine Adele’ (G49) × Geranium endressii (G35)) and collectively showed different flower sizes compared to their parents. D59 and D62 produce smaller flowers than their parents. The style length of all these F1 seedlings was shorter than that of the parents, but a notable contrast was observed in the number of flowers, which was considerably higher in the new F1 seedlings (Table 6). In addition, the flowering time of these F1 seedlings is intermediate. Based on the portable spectrophotometer data, the flower colors of D59 and D60 F1 seedlings are more similar to the maternal plant than to the paternal plant. These differences are not observed in D61 and D62 F1 seedlings. The presence of veins in the maternal plant may affect the measurement accuracy. However, the differences between the seedlings are evident, as shown in Figure 6. In particular, the D61 F1 seedling shows a distinct intermediate flower appearance, with veins inherited from the female parent and petal color inherited from the male parent (Figure 6).

4. Discussion

Creating new combinations of desirable traits in commercial cultivars is the challenge of breeders. Interspecific hybridization is an effective way of introducing more diversity and combining desirable traits in plants, but it is time-consuming. It has been found that it is possible to predict hardy geranium seed production for each parental combination using cJaccard (AFLP). This assists breeders in selecting optimal parental combinations and estimating the approximate number of crosses, flowers, and plants required during the breeding program [21,23]. In addition, AFLP assists in pre-flowering F1 selection, especially for progenies that may take two or more years to flower and can speed up breeding programs.
Geranium typically begin their flowering cycle around the second half of May and, in some cases, continue to flower until the first frost in October–November. An assessment of male fertility and female receptivity across different genotypes within the collection, combined with cJaccard distance coefficient, is critical to establishing an effective breeding program. This approach assists in the development of accurate crossing schemes and improves the strategic planning of breeding efforts. Pollen tube growth arrest, a common phenomenon in plant breeding as a pre-zygotic crossing barrier, can be caused by several determinants, including genetic incompatibility, self-incompatibility mechanisms, and environmental stress. In the specific context of parental combinations, such as Geranium macrorrhizum ‘White Ness’ (G44) × Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) and Geranium ‘Blushing Turtle’ (G80) × Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04), it is plausible that pollen tube growth arrest is primarily due to genetic incompatibility since these genotypes are very distantly related according to the cJaccard distance coefficient.
After evaluation of male and female receptivity and performing interspecific crosses, seed germination is crucial. The use of embryo rescue techniques has been confirmed as necessary in the hybridization of Pelargonium [16,30,31], a close relative to the hardy geranium. For Pelargonium, the preferred approach is direct embryo culture using hormone-free media [32,33]. However, there is no information on its efficient use in hardy geraniums. In our observation, opposite to the case of Pelargonium [16], regenerating shoots from the callus derived from embryos is not feasible. All calli-formed embryos of hardy geraniums in our research failed to regenerate into plants, except those of Geranium ‘Blushing Turtle’ (G80). This observation emphasizes the need for direct embryo germination in hardy geraniums. Therefore, it is recommended to use a hormone-free medium without additional callus inducer compounds for embryo rescue in hardy geraniums. Consistent with what we found in hardy geraniums, the influence of proline on inducing callus in rice embryos was remarkable [34]. In contrast to our observation with hardy geraniums, Kamlah et al. (2019) were able to successfully regenerate shoots from callus-forming zygotic embryos in Pelargonium [30].
Over the course of three consecutive flowering seasons, we have refined our knowledge and techniques, resulting in an increase in the probability of obtaining healthy seedlings from 0.17% in 2020 to 1.01% in 2022. Over the course of 3 years, we performed almost 2438 interspecific crosses at the end, resulting in 54 confirmed F1 hybrids. Despite these successes, the limitation of plant regeneration from callus in hardy geraniums has challenged the efficacy of embryo rescue in our initiatives. The difficulty in regenerating plants from callus in Geranium is probably attributed to the production of phenolic compounds by the callus. In order to overcome this significant obstacle in the breeding of hardy geraniums, an in-depth exploration of the intricacies of embryo rescue and the plant regeneration process from callus is essential. It is noteworthy that a significant proportion of these parental combinations required embryo rescue for successful development, highlighting the importance of addressing this challenge for the advancement of our breeding efforts.
Cross-compatibility and successful hybridization leading to seed production in hardy geraniums are primarily influenced by the genetic distance between the parental species. The evaluation of resulting seedlings in this article further supports this by showing that progeny from parents with high genetic distance (cJaccard) often do not represent true hybrids. For example, the parent combination Geranium phaeum ‘Angelina’ (G54) × Geranium macrorrhizum ‘White Ness’ (G44), characterized by a high genetic distance, had a germination rate of 43% (defined as the number of seedlings per all seeds), but none of the resulting seedlings proved to be true hybrids. Since Geranium phaeum ‘Angelina’ was emasculated before hybridization and did not produce self-pollinated seeds under controlled conditions (net bags), it is likely that the seeds were apomictic and stimulated by pollination. This is consistent with findings in Helleborus [35], Corymbia [36], and Kalanchoe [37], where greater genetic distance leads to more difficult crossing and lower hybrid recovery compared to situations with smaller genetic distances.
The hardy geranium F1 hybrids showed morphological variations, such as changes in flower diameter, style length, number of flowers, and flowering time compared to their parents. The ΔE*ab value provided a clear indication of color similarity to either parent. For example, D21, an F1 hybrid of Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) and Geranium himalayense ‘Derrick Cook’ (G39), had a flower color similar to that of the maternal parent, whereas D25, an F1 hybrid of Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) and Geranium pratense ‘Purple Ghost’ (G61), had a flower color more similar to that of the paternal plant. Among the F1 hybrids of Geranium × oxonianum ‘Katherine Adele’ (G49) and Geranium endressii (G35) (D59, D60, D61, D62), the flower color of D60 was closer to the maternal plant than its siblings. In addition, some F1 hybrids inherited petal veins. These veins play an important role in the beauty of ornamental plants.
Hybridization is one of the oldest breeding techniques and plays a central role in the development of modern plant varieties. In ornamental plant breeding in particular, it is the main driver of genetic diversity.

5. Conclusions

We confirm the indispensability of embryo rescue for the generation of novel trait combinations in hardy geraniums, especially in crosses with genetically distant parents. As shown in the obtained F1 hybrids, hybridization notably altered flower diameter, style length, number of flowers and flowering time across generations. To determine the paternal genetic contribution within the newly developed seedlings, we used AFLP analyses and determined 54 out of 82 seedlings as true hybrids (65.8%). This article highlights the critical role of parental genetic distance in determining the success of interspecific hybridization in hardy geraniums. Seedlings with interesting traits are being prepared for customer trials, which will be carried out in the near future. In addition, our results increase the understanding of the efficacy of hybridization in this genus and its potential to produce unique and innovative cultivars that meet the evolving preferences of the ornamental market.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at: https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/horticulturae10070723/s1, Figure S1: Some of the genotypes in our collection: (a) Geranium ‘Rozanne’, (b) Geranium himalayense ‘Derrick Cook’, (c) Geranium ‘Orion’, (d) Geranium ‘Galactic’, (e) Geranium × oxonianum ‘Southcombe Double’, (f) Geranium himalayense ‘Baby Blue’, (g) Geranium endressii, (h) Geranium phaeum ‘Angelina’, (i) Geranium ‘Catherine Deneuve’, (j) Geranium cinereum ‘Laurence Flatman’, (k) Geranium × oxonianum ‘Katherine Adele’, (l) Geranium ‘Sylvia’s Surprise’; Figure S2: Different stages of stigma, (a) young stigma, (b) mature stigma in Geranium ‘Blushing Turtle’; Figure S3: (a) pollen of Geranium ‘Rozanne’ (b) pollen and pollen tubes of Geranium ‘Sylvia’s Surprise’ in the cross between Geranium ‘Brookside’ × Geranium ‘Sylvia’s Surprise’; Table S1: List of all commercial cultivars and wild genotypes by subgenus in the collection of Geranium; Table S2: Cross combinations that were carried out for pollen tube growth evaluation with their respective parental difference variables; Table S3: Cross combinations that were carried out for seed_set evaluation with their respective parental difference variables; Table S4: Cross combinations that were carried out for seed_dev evaluation with their respective parental difference variables; Table S5: AFLP results of the progeny of different Geranium cross combinations, including the number of unique markers (U. markers) and the percentage of paternal unique markers (true hybrid: ♂ unique markers (%) ≥ 25%, semi-hybrid: 10% ≤ ♂ unique markers (%) < 25%, non-hybrid: 10% > ♂ unique markers (%), ✓: yes, ×: no).

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.A. and E.D.; methodology, M.A., K.V.L., E.D.K. and E.D.; data curation, M.A.; writing-original draft preparation, M.A.; writing—review and editing, M.A., K.V.L., E.D.K, J.V.H., S.P.O.W. and E.D.; visualization, M.A.; supervision, E.D., J.V.H. and S.P.O.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


We received financial support from Ghent University (BOF, Belgium) and Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in Iran.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author (The data are not publicly available due to privacy).


The authors would like to thank Veerle Buysens and Katrien Liebaut for their contributions to the AFLP analysis. Special thanks go to Roger Dobbelaere and Rina Vanhaecke for their help in the greenhouse, and to Josephine Kinoo and Hannelore Verbeeck for their assistance in the crossing process. The authors are also grateful for the financial support received from the Ghent University (BOF), Belgium, and the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran, which were instrumental in making this study possible.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Early stage (A1), intermediate stage (A2), and mature stage (A3) seed and embryo of Geranium ‘Bloom Time’ (G75) (scale bar = 2 mm).
Figure 1. Early stage (A1), intermediate stage (A2), and mature stage (A3) seed and embryo of Geranium ‘Bloom Time’ (G75) (scale bar = 2 mm).
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Figure 2. Arrested pollen tube visualized by aniline blue staining 48 h post pollination in (a) G. macrorrhizum ‘White Ness’ (G44) × G. ‘Brookside’ (G04) and (b) G. ‘Blushing Turtle’ (G80) × G. ‘Brookside’ (G04). Successful growth of the pollen tube in (c) G. ‘Sanne’ (G18) × G. ‘Brookside’ (G04) and (d) G. ‘Brookside’ (G04) × G. himalayense ‘Derrick Cook’ (G39) up to the ovules (orange arrow: arrested pollen tube, white arrow: ovules) (scale bar = 0.5 mm).
Figure 2. Arrested pollen tube visualized by aniline blue staining 48 h post pollination in (a) G. macrorrhizum ‘White Ness’ (G44) × G. ‘Brookside’ (G04) and (b) G. ‘Blushing Turtle’ (G80) × G. ‘Brookside’ (G04). Successful growth of the pollen tube in (c) G. ‘Sanne’ (G18) × G. ‘Brookside’ (G04) and (d) G. ‘Brookside’ (G04) × G. himalayense ‘Derrick Cook’ (G39) up to the ovules (orange arrow: arrested pollen tube, white arrow: ovules) (scale bar = 0.5 mm).
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Figure 3. The effect of parental genetic distance (cJaccard) between different Geranium genotypes on pollen tube growth [14]. In this graph, a genetic distance of 0 indicates a high degree of similarity, while a value of 1 indicates a large genetic difference. Pollen tubes can stop at 1/4 (0.25), 1/2 (0.5), 3/4 (0.75) of the style length or successfully reach the ovule (1).
Figure 3. The effect of parental genetic distance (cJaccard) between different Geranium genotypes on pollen tube growth [14]. In this graph, a genetic distance of 0 indicates a high degree of similarity, while a value of 1 indicates a large genetic difference. Pollen tubes can stop at 1/4 (0.25), 1/2 (0.5), 3/4 (0.75) of the style length or successfully reach the ovule (1).
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Figure 4. Geranium ‘Orion’ (a) calli formed embryos, (b) normal seedling, (scale bar = 2 cm).
Figure 4. Geranium ‘Orion’ (a) calli formed embryos, (b) normal seedling, (scale bar = 2 cm).
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Figure 5. Seedlings of Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) crossed with Geranium himalayense ‘Derrick Cook’ (G39): D21 (scale bar = 2 cm).
Figure 5. Seedlings of Geranium ‘Brookside’ (G04) crossed with Geranium himalayense ‘Derrick Cook’ (G39): D21 (scale bar = 2 cm).
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Figure 6. Seedlings of Geranium × oxonianum ‘Katherine Adele’ (G49) crossed with Geranium endressii (G35): D59, D60, D61, D62 (scale bar = 2 cm).
Figure 6. Seedlings of Geranium × oxonianum ‘Katherine Adele’ (G49) crossed with Geranium endressii (G35): D59, D60, D61, D62 (scale bar = 2 cm).
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Table 1. Growth media formulations used in hardy geranium embryo rescue.
Table 1. Growth media formulations used in hardy geranium embryo rescue.
M1Quoirin and Lepoivre full-strength medium containing sucrose (30 g.L−1), agar (7.5 g.L−1), and activated charcoal (0.05 g.L−1)
M2M1 supplemented with casein hydrolysate (100 mg.L−1).
M3M1 supplemented with L-proline (100 mg.L−1).
M4M1 supplemented with glutamine, asparagine, serine, and arginine (100 mg.L−1 each).
Table 2. Evaluation of female receptivity and male fertility (using FDA staining) and the need for emasculation of different Geranium cultivars. Female receptivity is expressed as seed set in open pollination. ‘Yes’ indicates that the genotype is capable of producing fully mature seeds, ‘No’ indicates that the genotype is not capable of producing fully mature seeds, and ‘Noim’ indicates that the genotype is capable of producing immature seeds in open pollination. ‘×’ indicates that emasculation isn’t necessary and ‘✓’ indicates that emasculation is necessary.
Table 2. Evaluation of female receptivity and male fertility (using FDA staining) and the need for emasculation of different Geranium cultivars. Female receptivity is expressed as seed set in open pollination. ‘Yes’ indicates that the genotype is capable of producing fully mature seeds, ‘No’ indicates that the genotype is not capable of producing fully mature seeds, and ‘Noim’ indicates that the genotype is capable of producing immature seeds in open pollination. ‘×’ indicates that emasculation isn’t necessary and ‘✓’ indicates that emasculation is necessary.
CodeGenotypeFemale Receptivity Expressed as Seed Set (Open Pollination) *Male Fertility Expressed as Pollen Viability ± SENeed for Emasculation
G01Geranium ‘Ann Thomson’No0×
G02Geranium ‘Azure Rush’Noim24.4 ± 2.0
G03Geranium ‘Bob’s Blunder’ No0×
G04Geranium ‘Brookside’Yes60.9 ± 5.7
G05Geranium ‘Catherine Deneuve’Noim0×
G06Geranium ‘Chantilly’No24 ± 2.8
G07Geranium ‘Dragon Heart’No0×
G09Geranium ‘Galactic’Yes19 ± 4.6
G10Geranium ‘Jolly Jewel Red’Noim37.9 ± 20.8
G13Geranium ‘Mavis Simpson’No0×
G14Geranium ‘Orion’Yes34 ± 2.4
G16Geranium ‘Rozanne’Noim26.2 ± 1.9
G17Geranium ‘Salome’No7.8 ± 2.7
G18Geranium ‘Sanne’No0×
G19Geranium ‘Silverwood’Yes51.6 ± 0.5
G21Geranium ‘Sylvia’s Surprise’Yes36.4 ± 15.2
G22Geranium ‘Tanya Rendall’No0×
G24Geranium ‘Tiny Monster’Noim21 ± 8.0×
G27Geranium × cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo’Noim60.6 ± 0.9
G30Geranium cinereum ‘Laurence Flatman’No61.4 ± 8.6
G35Geranium endressiiYes75.2 ± 11.7
G37Geranium endressii ‘Trevor Bath’Yes39.3 ± 2.1
G38Geranium himalayense ‘Baby Blue’Yes56.5 ± 27.2
G39Geranium himalayense ‘Derrick Cook’Yes20 ± 9.4
G42Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Czakor’Noim- *
G44Geranium macrorrhizum ‘White Ness’Noim45.2 ± 9.6
G45Geranium maculatum ‘Album’Yes72.2 ± 13
G46Geranium maculatum ‘Elizabeth Ann’Yes79.9 ± 8.7
G49Geranium × oxonianum ‘Katherine Adele’Yes49.7 ± 11
G50Geranium × oxonianum ‘Southcombe Double’Yes0×
G54Geranium phaeum ‘Angelina’Yes54.8 ± 5.9
G57Geranium pratense ‘Algera Double’ No0×
G61Geranium pratense ‘Purple Ghost’Yes10.6 ± 3.1
G62Geranium psilostemonNo- *×
G64Geranium renardiiNoim70 ± 3.2
G69Geranium sanguineum ‘Album’Yes46.6 ± 17.6
G71Geranium sylvaticum ‘Album’Yes26.2 ± 7.3
G73Geranium versicolorYes49.2 ± 14.7
G75Geranium ‘Bloom Time’Yes10.4 ± 1.2
G76Geranium wallichianum ‘Havana Blue’Noim22.1 ± 7.5
G77Geranium wlassovianumNo0×
G80Geranium ‘Blushing Turtle’Noim30.6 ± 8.9×
* Not measured as it occasionally produces pollen.
Table 3. The effect of different media and embryo age on the response (absolute numbers/total) of Geranium ‘Blushing Turtle’ (G80), Geranium ‘Orion’ (G14), and Geranium himalayense ‘Baby Blue’ (G38) embryos. (M indicates different media, as detailed in Table 1, and (A) indicates different embryo ages, as shown in Figure 1). Absolute numbers/total were calculated based on observed embryos, including germinated, calloused, and non-reactive embryos. General linear model analysis with Tukey’s post hoc test within a column revealed a significant difference between groups a and b at α = 0.05.
Table 3. The effect of different media and embryo age on the response (absolute numbers/total) of Geranium ‘Blushing Turtle’ (G80), Geranium ‘Orion’ (G14), and Geranium himalayense ‘Baby Blue’ (G38) embryos. (M indicates different media, as detailed in Table 1, and (A) indicates different embryo ages, as shown in Figure 1). Absolute numbers/total were calculated based on observed embryos, including germinated, calloused, and non-reactive embryos. General linear model analysis with Tukey’s post hoc test within a column revealed a significant difference between groups a and b at α = 0.05.
MediumEmbryo AgeGerminated Embryo (%)Callused Embryo (%)Non-Reactive Embryo (%)
M1A12/18 ab1/29 a3/37 a
A24/18 a0 a1/37 a
A31/18 b4/29 a5/37 a
M2A1- *- *- *
A22/18 ab3/29 a6/37 a
A32/18 ab5/29 a1/37 a
M3A11/18 ab4/29 a4/37 a
A20 b3/29 a3/37 a
A30 b4/29 a2/37 a
M4A11/18 ab1/29 a3/37 a
A22/18 ab1/29 a6/37 a
A33/18 ab3/29 a3/37 a
* Not available.
Table 4. Summary of breeding and seedling production data per growing season (2020, 2021, and 2022). The germination rate was calculated by dividing the actual number of seedlings by the total number of potential seedlings (five for each cross, e.g., 349 × 5 = 1745 potential seedlings, 3/1745 × 100 = 0.17).
Table 4. Summary of breeding and seedling production data per growing season (2020, 2021, and 2022). The germination rate was calculated by dividing the actual number of seedlings by the total number of potential seedlings (five for each cross, e.g., 349 × 5 = 1745 potential seedlings, 3/1745 × 100 = 0.17).
Growing Season202020212022
Number of all crosses3491155934
Number of different cross combinations9623661
Number of harvested seeds15175255
Number of combinations that produced seeds53633
Number of combinations that produced seedlings21513
Number of seedlings33247
Germination rate (%)0.170.571.01
Table 5. Hardy geranium seedlings and breeding information are sorted in ascending order by cJaccard. The germination rate (%) is calculated by dividing the number of seedlings by the number of seeds. True hybrid: ♂ unique markers (%) ≥ 25%; partial hybrid: 10% ≤ ♂ unique markers (%) < 25%; non-hybrid: 10% > ♂ unique markers (%).
Table 5. Hardy geranium seedlings and breeding information are sorted in ascending order by cJaccard. The germination rate (%) is calculated by dividing the number of seedlings by the number of seeds. True hybrid: ♂ unique markers (%) ≥ 25%; partial hybrid: 10% ≤ ♂ unique markers (%) < 25%; non-hybrid: 10% > ♂ unique markers (%).
♀ × ♂cJaccardNo. of CrossesNo. of SeedsNo. of SeedlingsGermination Rate (%)True HybridPartial HybridNon-Hybrid
G49 × G350.486224010251000
G50 × G490.512187114100
G73 × G350.52824125100
G21 × G750.5631011100010
G14 × G390.6313738513500
G04 × G390.6412935411400
G04 × G090.686332620771802
G09 × G040.6863110440202
G80 × G690.6894811218200
G04 × G610.69043267200
G09 × G390.721163326200
G39 × G090.7211918422400
G49 × G620.76752150001
G39 × G620.778122100002
G05 × G390.795435412010
G38 × G620.798233100030
G35 × G750.852133100300
G45 × G690.86655360003
G50 × G210.871511100001
G45 × G060.881265360003
G54 × G440.9183521943009
Table 6. Comparison of morphological characteristics between newly flowering true Geranium hybrids and their parental genotypes. The table highlights the morphological characteristics of true hybrids that have entered the flowering stage. Flower diameter and style length in mm and flowering period in weeks. ΔE*ab, a measure of color difference in the CIELAB color space, indicates the similarity (close to 0) or dissimilarity between a seedling and each of its parents. All measurements were performed with three replicates.
Table 6. Comparison of morphological characteristics between newly flowering true Geranium hybrids and their parental genotypes. The table highlights the morphological characteristics of true hybrids that have entered the flowering stage. Flower diameter and style length in mm and flowering period in weeks. ΔE*ab, a measure of color difference in the CIELAB color space, indicates the similarity (close to 0) or dissimilarity between a seedling and each of its parents. All measurements were performed with three replicates.
CombinationsFlower Diameter (mm)Style Length (mm)Number of Flowers Flowering Period (Weeks)ΔE*ab (Flower)ΔE*ab
Code♀ × ♂ProgenyProgenyProgenyProgeny
D21G04 × G39465639141511.4245532563827381013
D25G04 × G61463539141211245na *8563146122814
D26G04 × G61463539141211245na *36563145231319
D34G14 × G39575645---------4641817
D59G49 × G3532412710107.3298128490261416243725
D60G49 × G3532413010108.4298128630261416193248
D61G49 × G3532413610108.5298128818261416435624
D62G49 × G3532412710108298128465261416445738
D80G73 × G352641308108nana19511141021433325
na *—not available.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Akbarzadeh, M.; Van Laere, K.; De Keyser, E.; Van Huylenbroeck, J.; Werbrouck, S.P.O.; Dhooghe, E. Interspecific Hardy Geranium Progenies: Morphological Characterization and Genetic Evaluation. Horticulturae 2024, 10, 723. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae10070723

AMA Style

Akbarzadeh M, Van Laere K, De Keyser E, Van Huylenbroeck J, Werbrouck SPO, Dhooghe E. Interspecific Hardy Geranium Progenies: Morphological Characterization and Genetic Evaluation. Horticulturae. 2024; 10(7):723. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae10070723

Chicago/Turabian Style

Akbarzadeh, Mehrdad, Katrijn Van Laere, Ellen De Keyser, Johan Van Huylenbroeck, Stefaan P. O. Werbrouck, and Emmy Dhooghe. 2024. "Interspecific Hardy Geranium Progenies: Morphological Characterization and Genetic Evaluation" Horticulturae 10, no. 7: 723. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae10070723

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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