Block2vec: An Approach for Identifying Urban Functional Regions by Integrating Sentence Embedding Model and Points of Interest
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area and Dataset
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Dataset
3. Methodology
3.1. Constructing Semantic Sequence for Each Parcel
3.2. Latent Semantic Feature Extraction Model
3.3. Identification of Urban Functional Regions Based on Latent Semantics
3.3.1. K-Means-Based Parcel Aggregation
3.3.2. RFA-Based Parcel Classification
4. Results
4.1. Identification of the Urban Functional Regions
4.1.1. Urban Functional Regions Aggregation by K-Means Algorithm
4.1.2. Identification of Urban Functional Regions Based on Random Forest Algorithm
4.2. The Influence of the Size of Latent Semantic Features
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Code | POI Category | Proportions | Code | POI Category | Proportions |
1 | Car service | 1.18% | 11 | Tourism Attraction | 0.37% |
2 | Car repair | 0.24% | 12 | Residence | 4.59% |
3 | Car sales | 0.62% | 13 | Governmental and Public Organizations | 1.77% |
4 | Motorcycle Service | 0.04% | 14 | Science and Education | 3.93% |
5 | Catering Service | 16.60% | 15 | Transportation facilities | 3.39% |
6 | Shopping Mall | 23.79% | 16 | Bank/Financial | 1.54% |
7 | Living Service | 11.75% | 17 | Factory | 6.50% |
8 | Sports and Recreation | 2.37% | 18 | Road Facility | 0.02% |
9 | Hospital | 2.56% | 19 | Address and Location | 15.78% |
10 | Accommodation Services | 1.99% | 20 | Public Facility | 0.96% |
Methods | Overall Accuracy | Kappa Score |
Word2vec | 0.6657 ± 0.0137 | 0.5769 ± 0.0173 |
TF-IDF | 0.6486 ± 0.0254 | 0.5523 ± 0.0330 |
LDA | 0.5972 ± 0.0196 | 0.5014 ± 0.0249 |
Block2vec | 0.7186 ± 0.0186 | 0.6429 ± 0.0237 |
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Sun, Z.; Jiao, H.; Wu, H.; Peng, Z.; Liu, L. Block2vec: An Approach for Identifying Urban Functional Regions by Integrating Sentence Embedding Model and Points of Interest. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 339.
Sun Z, Jiao H, Wu H, Peng Z, Liu L. Block2vec: An Approach for Identifying Urban Functional Regions by Integrating Sentence Embedding Model and Points of Interest. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021; 10(5):339.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSun, Zhihao, Hongzan Jiao, Hao Wu, Zhenghong Peng, and Lingbo Liu. 2021. "Block2vec: An Approach for Identifying Urban Functional Regions by Integrating Sentence Embedding Model and Points of Interest" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10, no. 5: 339.
APA StyleSun, Z., Jiao, H., Wu, H., Peng, Z., & Liu, L. (2021). Block2vec: An Approach for Identifying Urban Functional Regions by Integrating Sentence Embedding Model and Points of Interest. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(5), 339.