Predicting Taxi-Calling Demands Using Multi-Feature and Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks
:1. Introduction
- Semantic relationships in the expression of pattern dependence (PD). Different city functional areas have various travel patterns. The semantic information is related to the taxi-calling demands; thus, it needs to be considered in modeling.
- Spatiotemporal relationship in the expression of external factors. Several external factors have certain spatiotemporal dependence. A prediction model should not only consider the relationship between external factors and taxi-calling demands, but also consider the spatiotemporal dependence of the external factors themselves.
- The idea of PD is introduced into taxi-calling demand forecasting with a graph representation learning method.
- A unified framework is proposed to integrate spatial, temporal, external, and PD for taxi-calling demands’ modeling.
- It is proved that PD improves the accuracy and robustness of taxi-calling demands prediction, and that the RAGCN-LSTMs model is superior to other state-of-the-art models.
2. Related Works
3. Preliminary Steps
3.1. Region Partition
3.2. City Graph
3.3. Prediciting Taxi-Calling Demands
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Overview of the Framework
4.2. Extracting Spatial Feature
4.3. Extracting External Feature
4.4. Extracting Pattern Feature
4.5. Temporal Feature Extraction
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Experiment Setup
5.1.1. Datasets
- Taxi OD dataset. Each original taxi trajectory record contained information such as time stamp, geographic coordinates, and taxi operating status. After excluding the trips whose departure and destination were not in the research area, we ended up with 1.8 million taxi-calling orders. Finally, according to the time stamp and geographical coordinates of the taxi trip records, the taxi number in each functional area was counted, and the taxi departure demanded matrix in each time interval was generated. In this dataset, each time interval was set to 30 min.
- Meteorological information. Meteorological information of Shanghai was collected from an authorized meteorological agency with the frequency of 30 min. We considered the effects of temperature, humidity, wind speed, air pressure, and weather conditions in our study. Among them, precipitation level information and air quality level information were included in the weather conditions. Table 1 shows the overview of meteorological information in research areas. The one-hot code was used to digitize the weather conditions, and the other four numerical indicators were normalized to [0,1] range. Finally, the meteorological information in t time interval was expressed as vector (see, Table 1).
- Land use dataset: Different city functions could be reflected by land use types. Figure 4 shows the land use map of the research area as, wherein 10 types were presented. We merged and abridged some areas (such as water bodies, green belts, etc.) where it was almost impossible to have taxi-calling orders.
5.1.2. Baselines
5.1.3. Metrics
5.1.4. Default Setting
5.2. Comparison with Baselines
5.3. Evaluating Modules
5.4. Evaluating Functional Area Prediction Results
5.5. Impacts of Parameters
6. Conclusions
- (1)
- RAGCN-LSTMs had better prediction results than other base models, indicating that it could better capture space-time, pattern, and ED.
- (2)
- Through the evaluation of different dependence feature modules, PD was one of the most important influencing factors for space-time prediction.
- (3)
- By analyzing the prediction results of different levels of taxi-calling demands, in various urban functional areas, considering various dependent factors could improve the model’s robustness.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Type | Information |
Temperature (°C) | 5–31 |
Wind speed (mph) | 0–27 |
Humidity (%) | 12–100 |
Air Pressure (in) | 29.4–30.4 |
Weather | Species (sunny, rainy, cloudy, etc.) |
Model | HA | ARIMA | MLP | LSTM | DCRNN | ST-GCN | Ours |
MAE | 1.1552 | 1.0461 | 0.9302 | 0.9125 | 0.8910 | 0.8852 | 0.8664 |
RMSE | 2.0531 | 1.8731 | 1.6021 | 1.5903 | 1.5611 | 1.5476 | 1.4965 |
SMAPE(%) | 52.86 | 49.29 | 47.55 | 45.05 | 44.38 | 44.01 | 43.11 |
Features | MAE | RMSE | SMAPE(%) |
RAGCN-LSTMs (TD, LSTM) | 0.9125 | 1.5903 | 45.05 |
RAGCN-LSTMs (SD + TD) | 0.8889 | 1.5505 | 44.12 |
RAGCN-LSTMs (SD + ED + TD) | 0.8705 | 1.5158 | 43.45 |
RAGCN-LSTMs (all dependence) | 0.8664 | 1.4965 | 43.11 |
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Mi, C.; Cheng, S.; Lu, F. Predicting Taxi-Calling Demands Using Multi-Feature and Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2022, 11, 185.
Mi C, Cheng S, Lu F. Predicting Taxi-Calling Demands Using Multi-Feature and Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2022; 11(3):185.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMi, Chunlei, Shifen Cheng, and Feng Lu. 2022. "Predicting Taxi-Calling Demands Using Multi-Feature and Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 11, no. 3: 185.
APA StyleMi, C., Cheng, S., & Lu, F. (2022). Predicting Taxi-Calling Demands Using Multi-Feature and Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(3), 185.