Integration of Multi-Camera Video Moving Objects and GIS
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Fusion between Multiple Camera Objects and GIS
3.1. Extraction and Data Organization of Multi-Camera Video Moving Objects
3.2. Fusion between Video Moving Object and GIS
3.3. Data Organization of Spatial–Temporal Trajectory
4. Architecture of GIS-MCVO Surveillance System
4.1. Design Schematic of the System
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- Function layer: The function layer is a server with data processing and analysis functions. This layer is used for pre-processing GIS and video data and comprises functional modules for video data acquisition, video moving object extraction, video data geospatial mapping, and cross-camera object recognition. In addition, the function layer can provide basic data support for real-time publishing.
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- Data layer: This layer is supported by the database and is mainly used to store, access, and manage geospatial, video image, and video moving object data and to provide data services to clients.
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- Service layer: The service layer publishes the data service of the underlying system database, including video stream image, video moving object, and geospatial information data services. This layer provides real-time multisource data services to terminal users and remote command centers.
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- Business layer: The business layer selects relevant data service content according to the demand of the system user. Through analysis, this layer fetches different services and generates and transmits the corresponding result to the representation layer.
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- Representation layer: In the representation layer, the user can apply multiple modes on the MCVO and GIS fusion, along with related functions on application and analysis by using a common browser under various operating system platforms.
4.2. Design of System Functions
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- Moving object extraction module: This module uses detection and tracking algorithms to extract moving objects; separate the video’s foreground and background; achieve cross-camera recognition on objects from different cameras; and stores the trajectory, type, set of sub-graphs, and other associated information of the moving objects.
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- Video spatialization module: This module constructs the mapping matrix by selecting the associated image and geospatial mapping model and calibrates the internal and external parameters of the camera for video spatialization.
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- Virtual scene generation module: This module is mainly used to load the virtual geographic scene, virtual point of view, position of the surveillance camera, and sight of video image. This module builds the foundation of fusion representation. Many applications based on GIS-MCVO system are applied under the condition of establishing this module.
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- Moving object spatial–temporal analysis module: To achieve some specific applications, this module synthesizes the related information on the video moving objects and the geographic scene. This module also obtains the necessary result to be outputted in the representation module.
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- Fusion representation module: This module selects the fusion pattern between the moving objects and the virtual geographic scene by performing visual loading on video images, moving object trajectory, sub-graphs, and spatial–temporal analysis results.
5. Applications and Potential Benefits for GIS-MCVO Surveillance System
5.1. GIS-Based User Interface
5.2. Video Compression Storage
5.3. Trajectory Deduction in Visual Blind Zone
5.4. Retrieval of MCVO
5.5. Synopsis of Multiple Videos
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Title 1 | Displaying Environment | Ability on Supporting Virtual View Browsing | Correlation Representation Ability between Image and Virtual Scene | Ability on Highlighting Video Foreground Object |
Image projection | 2D/3D | Range view | Yes | No |
Foreground and background independent projection | 3D | Range view | Yes | No |
Foreground projection | 3D | Range view | Yes | Yes |
Foreground Abstraction | 2D/3D | Arbitrary view | No | Yes |
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Xie, Y.; Wang, M.; Liu, X.; Mao, B.; Wang, F. Integration of Multi-Camera Video Moving Objects and GIS. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8, 561.
Xie Y, Wang M, Liu X, Mao B, Wang F. Integration of Multi-Camera Video Moving Objects and GIS. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2019; 8(12):561.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXie, Yujia, Meizhen Wang, Xuejun Liu, Bo Mao, and Feiyue Wang. 2019. "Integration of Multi-Camera Video Moving Objects and GIS" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8, no. 12: 561.
APA StyleXie, Y., Wang, M., Liu, X., Mao, B., & Wang, F. (2019). Integration of Multi-Camera Video Moving Objects and GIS. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(12), 561.