A Semiautomatic Pixel-Object Method for Detecting Landslides Using Multitemporal ALOS-2 Intensity Images
:1. Introduction
- These techniques were applied predominantly to relatively small site-specific study areas. This condition is applied mainly to methodologies based on optical imagery, for which the acquisition of data is always hampered by the weather conditions around the affected area.
- These techniques were originally developed for specific types of disasters. Consequently, the accuracies of these methodologies in the characterization of different types of landslide events, such as rainfall- and seismic-induced landslides, are unknown.
2. Case Studies
2.1. The 2018 Torrential Rainfall Event in Western Japan
2.2. The 2018 Hokkaido Earthquake
3. Materials
3.1. Synthetic Aperture Radar Dataset
3.2. Land Cover and Digital Elevation Datasets
4. Methodology
4.1. Data Preprocessing
4.2. Pixel-Based Image Analysis
4.3. Object-Based Image Analysis
5. Results
5.1. Debris Flow Detection
5.2. Coseismic Landslide Detection
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Event | Acquisition Date | Polarization | Incident Angle |
2018 Torrential Rain in Western Japan | 8 July 2018 | HH | 48.4 |
19 May 2015 | HH | 48.4 | |
2018 Mw6.7 Hokkaido Earthquake | 6 September 2018 | HH | 37.8 |
23 August 2018 | HH | 37.8 |
Detection Results | |||||
Landslides (km) | Others (km) | Total (km) | P.A. (%) | ||
Reference Data | Landslides (km) | 0.66 | 1.53 | 2.19 | 29.93 |
Others (km) | 1.15 | 212.66 | 213.81 | 99.46 | |
Total (km) | 1.81 | 214.19 | 216.00 | ||
U.A. (%) | 36.26 | 99.28 | |||
Overall Accuracy = 98.76% | Kappa Coefficient = 0.32 |
Detection Results | |||||
Landslides (km) | Others (km) | Total (km) | P.A. (%) | ||
Reference Data | Landslides (km) | 13.23 | 7.99 | 21.22 | 62.35 |
Others (km) | 11.24 | 79.27 | 90.51 | 87.58 | |
Total (km) | 24.47 | 87.26 | 111.73 | ||
U.A. (%) | 54.07 | 90.85 | |||
Overall Accuracy = 82.79% | Kappa Coefficient = 0.47 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Adriano, B.; Yokoya, N.; Miura, H.; Matsuoka, M.; Koshimura, S. A Semiautomatic Pixel-Object Method for Detecting Landslides Using Multitemporal ALOS-2 Intensity Images. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 561. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030561
Adriano B, Yokoya N, Miura H, Matsuoka M, Koshimura S. A Semiautomatic Pixel-Object Method for Detecting Landslides Using Multitemporal ALOS-2 Intensity Images. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(3):561. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030561
Chicago/Turabian StyleAdriano, Bruno, Naoto Yokoya, Hiroyuki Miura, Masashi Matsuoka, and Shunichi Koshimura. 2020. "A Semiautomatic Pixel-Object Method for Detecting Landslides Using Multitemporal ALOS-2 Intensity Images" Remote Sensing 12, no. 3: 561. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030561
APA StyleAdriano, B., Yokoya, N., Miura, H., Matsuoka, M., & Koshimura, S. (2020). A Semiautomatic Pixel-Object Method for Detecting Landslides Using Multitemporal ALOS-2 Intensity Images. Remote Sensing, 12(3), 561. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030561