Spatio–Temporal Image Representation of 3D Skeletal Movements for View-Invariant Action Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks †
:1. Introduction
- Firstly, we present Enhanced-SPMF, a new skeleton-based representation for 3D human action recognition from skeletal data. This work is an extended version of our paper published in the 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) [48] in which the Enhanced-SPMF is an extension of SPMF (Skeleton Pose-Motion Feature). Compared to our previous work, the current work aims to improve the efficiency of the 3D motion representation via a smoothing filter and a color enhancement technique. The smoothing filter helps us to reduce the effect of noise on skeletal data, meanwhile the color enhancement technique could make the proposed Enhanced-SPMF more robust and discriminative for recognition task. An ablation study on the Enhanced-SPMF demonstrated that the new representation leads to better overall action recognition performance than the SPMF [48].
- Secondly, we present a deep learning framework (The implementation and models will be made publicly available at based on the DenseNet architecture [50] for learning discriminative features from the proposed Enhanced-SPMF and performing action classification. The framework directly learns an end-to-end mapping between skeleton sequences and their action labels with little pre-processing. We evaluate the proposed method on four highly competitive benchmark datasets and demonstrate significantly improvement over existing state-of-the-art approaches. Our computational efficiency evaluations show that the proposed method is able to achieve high-level of performance whilst requiring low computational time for both the training and inference stages. Compared to our previous work that exploited the Residual Inception v2 network [48], the current work uses a more powerful deep learning model for action recognition task
2. Related Work
2.1. Hand-Crafted Approaches for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
2.2. Deep Learning Approaches for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
3. Method
3.1. SPMF: Building Action Map from Skeletal Data
3.1.1. Pose Features (PFs) Computation
3.1.2. Motion Features (MFs) Computation
3.1.3. Building Global Action Map from PFs and MFs
3.2. Enhanced-SPMF: Building Enhanced Action Map
3.3. Deep Learning Model
3.3.1. Densely Connected Convolutional Networks
3.3.2. Network Design
4. Experiments
4.1. Datasets and Settings
4.2. Implementation Details
5. Experimental Result and Analysis
5.1. Results and Comparisons with the State-of-the-Art
5.2. An Ablation Study on the Proposed Enhanced-SPMF Representation
5.3. Visualization of Deep Feature Maps
5.4. Computational Efficiency Evaluation
5.5. Limitations
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Savitzky-Golay Smoothing Filter
Appendix B. Degradation Phenomenon in Training Very Deep Neural Networks
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Method & Authors | Data Modalities | Year | Advantages/Disadvantages |
Bag of 3D Points [59] | Depth maps | 2010 | Simple and fast/Low accuracy, viewpoint dependent. |
Lie Group Representation [23] | Skeletal data | 2014 | Robust to temporal misalignment and noise/Low accuracy. |
Hierarchical LSTM [37] | Skeletal data | 2015 | Fast and high accuracy/ Easy to overfit. |
Depth Motion Maps [69] | Depth maps | 2016 | Real-time latency/Low accuracy. |
ST-LSTM Trust Gates [40] | Skeletal data | 2016 | View-invariant representation, robust to noise and occlusion/High computational cost. |
Graph-Based Motion [36] | Skeletal data | 2016 | Robust to noise, high accuracy/Complex, parameter-dependent. |
ST-NBNN [70] | Depth maps | 2017 | Simple and low computational cost/Parameter-dependent. |
Ensemble TS-LSTM v2 [71] | Skeletal data | 2017 | High accuracy, robust to scale, rotation and translation/Data-hungry, high computational cost. |
Bi-LSTM [72] | Skeletal data | 2018 | Invariant representation/Complex, low accuracy. |
Our proposed method | Skeletal data | 2019 | View-invariant representation, real-time latency, high accuracy/Data-hungry, sensitive to data error of local fragments. |
AS1 | AS2 | AS3 |
[a02] Horizontal arm wave | [a01] High arm wave | [a06] High throw |
[a03] Hammer | [a04] Hand catch | [a14] Forward kick |
[a05] Forward punch | [a07] Draw x | [a15] Side kick |
[a06] High throw | [a08] Draw tick | [a16] Jogging |
[a10] Hand clap | [a09] Draw circle | [a17] Tennis swing |
[a13] Bend | [a11] Two hand wave | [a18] Tennis serve |
[a18] Tennis serve | [a12] Forward kick | [a19] Golf swing |
[a20] Pickup & Throw | [a14] Side-boxing | [a20] Pickup & Throw |
Action Set 1 | Action Set 2 | Action Set 3 |
Horizontal arm wave | High arm wave | Draw tick |
Two-hand wave | Side kick | Drink |
Bend | Catch cap | Sit down |
Phone call | Draw tick | Phone call |
Stand up | Hand clap | Take umbrella |
Forward kick | Forward kick | Toss paper |
Draw X | Bend | High throw |
Walk | Sit down | Horizontal arm wave |
Method (Protocol of [59]) | Year | AS1 | AS2 | AS3 | Aver. |
Bag of 3D Points [59] | 2010 | 72.90% | 71.90% | 71.90% | 74.70% |
Depth Motion Maps [69] | 2016 | 96.20% | 83.20% | 92.00% | 90.47% |
Bi-LSTM [72] | 2018 | 92.72% | 84.93% | 97.89% | 91.84% |
Lie Group Representation [23] | 2014 | 95.29% | 83.87% | 98.22% | 92.46% |
FTP-SVM [72] | 2018 | 95.87% | 86.72% | 100.0% | 94.19% |
Hierarchical LSTM [37] | 2015 | 99.33% | 94.64% | 95.50% | 94.49% |
ST-LSTM Trust Gates [40] | 2016 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 94.80% |
Graph-Based Motion [36] | 2016 | 93.60% | 95.50% | 95.10% | 94.80% |
ST-NBNN [70] | 2017 | 91.50% | 95.60% | 97.30% | 94.80% |
ST-NBMIM [83] | 2018 | 92.50% | 95.60% | 98.20% | 95.30% |
S-T Pyramid [84] | 2015 | 99.10% | 92.90% | 96.40% | 96.10% |
Ensemble TS-LSTM v2 [71] | 2017 | 95.24% | 96.43% | 100.0% | 97.22% |
SPMF Inception-ResNet-222 [48] | 2018 | 97.54% | 98.73% | 99.41% | 98.56% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 100, k = 12) (ours) | 2018 | 98.52% | 98.66% | 99.09% | 98.76% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 250, k = 24) (ours) | 2018 | 98.83% | 99.06% | 99.40% | 99.10% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 190, k = 40) (ours) | 2018 | 98.60% | 98.87% | 99.36% | 98.94% |
Method (Protocol of [60]) | Year | Acc. (%) |
Hand-crafted Features [60] | 2015 | 90.83% |
Posture Feature+Multi-class SVM [85] | 2016 | 97.20% |
Key Postures+Multi-class SVM [86] | 2016 | 99.30% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 100, k = 12) (ours) | 2018 | 99.74% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 250, k = 24) (ours) | 2018 | 99.98% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 190, k = 40) (ours) | 2018 | 99.88% |
Method (Protocol of [61]) | Year | Acc. (%) |
Raw Skeleton [61] | 2012 | 49.70% |
Joint Features [61] | 2012 | 80.30% |
HBRNN [37] (reported in [91] ) | 2015 | 80.40% |
CHARM [87] | 2015 | 83.90% |
Deep LSTM [41] | 2017 | 86.03% |
Joint Features [88] | 2014 | 86.90% |
ST-LSTM [40] | 2016 | 88.60% |
Co-occurrence+Deep LSTM [41] | 2018 | 90.41% |
STA-LSTM [89] | 2017 | 91.51% |
ST-LSTM+Trust Gates [40] | 2018 | 93.30% |
ST-NBMIM [83] | 2018 | 93.30% |
Clips+CNN+MTLN [90] | 2017 | 93.57% |
CNN Kernel Feature Map [96] | 2018 | 94.36% |
Two-stream RNN [91] | 2017 | 94.80% |
GCA-LSTM network [92] | 2018 | 94.90% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 100, k = 12) (ours) | 2018 | 94.81% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 250, k = 24) (ours) | 2018 | 96.67% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 190, k = 40) (ours) | 2018 | 97.86% |
Method (Protocol of [39]) | Year | Cross-Subject | Cross-View |
Lie Group Representation [23] | 2014 | 50.10% | 52.80% |
Hierarchical RNN [37] | 2016 | 59.07% | 63.97% |
Dynamic Skeletons [93] | 2015 | 60.20% | 65.20% |
Two-Layer P-LSTM [39] | 2016 | 62.93% | 70.27% |
ST-LSTM Trust Gates [40] | 2016 | 69.20% | 77.70% |
Skeleton-based ResNet [51] | 2018 | 73.40% | 80.40% |
Geometric Features [74] | 2017 | 70.26% | 82.39% |
Two-Stream RNN [91] | 2017 | 71.30% | 79.50% |
Enhanced Skeleton [94] | 2017 | 75.97% | 82.56% |
Lie Group Skeleton+CNN [95] | 2017 | 75.20% | 83.10% |
CNN Kernel Feature Map [96] | 2018 | 75.35% | N/A |
GCA-LSTM [92] | 2018 | 76.10% | 84.00% |
SPMF Inception-ResNet-222 [48] | 2018 | 78.89% | 86.15% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 100, k = 12) (ours) | 2018 | 79.31% | 86.64% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 250, k = 24) (ours) | 2018 | 80.11% | 86.82% |
Enhanced-SPMF DenseNet (L = 190, k = 40) (ours) | 2018 | 79.28% | 86.68% |
Stage | Average Processing Time (Second/Sequence) |
1 | (Intel Core i7 3.2 GHz CPU) |
2 | 0.164 (GTX 1080 Ti GPU) |
3 | (CPU + GPU time) |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Pham, H.H.; Salmane, H.; Khoudour, L.; Crouzil, A.; Zegers, P.; Velastin, S.A. Spatio–Temporal Image Representation of 3D Skeletal Movements for View-Invariant Action Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Sensors 2019, 19, 1932.
Pham HH, Salmane H, Khoudour L, Crouzil A, Zegers P, Velastin SA. Spatio–Temporal Image Representation of 3D Skeletal Movements for View-Invariant Action Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Sensors. 2019; 19(8):1932.
Chicago/Turabian StylePham, Huy Hieu, Houssam Salmane, Louahdi Khoudour, Alain Crouzil, Pablo Zegers, and Sergio A. Velastin. 2019. "Spatio–Temporal Image Representation of 3D Skeletal Movements for View-Invariant Action Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks" Sensors 19, no. 8: 1932.
APA StylePham, H. H., Salmane, H., Khoudour, L., Crouzil, A., Zegers, P., & Velastin, S. A. (2019). Spatio–Temporal Image Representation of 3D Skeletal Movements for View-Invariant Action Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Sensors, 19(8), 1932.