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On Convex Ordered Hyperrings

Institute of Computing Science and Technology, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Department of Cognitive Computing, Institute of Computer Science and Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai 602105, India
Department of Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran 19989-63341, Iran
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Symmetry 2023, 15(1), 61; https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15010061
Submission received: 30 November 2022 / Revised: 13 December 2022 / Accepted: 21 December 2022 / Published: 26 December 2022


The concept of convex ordered hyperrings associated with a strongly regular relation was investigated in this study. In this paper, we first studied hyperatom elements of ordered hyperrings and then investigated characterizations of quotient ordered rings. Is there a strongly regular relation θ on a convex ordered hyperring R for which R / θ is a convex ordered ring? This leads to an ordered ring obtained from an ordered hyperring.

1. Introduction

The notion of a hypergroup was first developed by Marty in [1]. Later on, Krasner studied hyperrings in [2]. Krasner ( m , n ) -hyperrings were studied in [3].
The theory of ordered hyperstructures was first developed by Heidari and Davvaz [4] in 2011. There are some remarkable papers [5,6,7] on (weak) pseudo-orders of ordered hyperstructures.
The notion of ( m , n ) -hyperfilters in ordered hyperstructures was investigated by Rao et al. in [8], while Al-Tahan et al. [9] proposed the concept of ( m , n ) -quasi-filters in ordered structures. The convex ordered Γ -semi-hypergroups have been studied in connection with their strong regular relation [10]. Recently, pure hyperideals of an ordered semihyperring have been extensively investigated by Shao et al. in [11].
Posner [12] was the first to investigate derivations in rings. The strong derivation has roles in hyperring theory and semihyperring theory as we see in Asokkumar [13], Kamali and Davvaz [14], Rao et al. [15,16], etc.
The hyperatom elements in the content of an ordered semihyperring were investigated by Rao et al. [16]. Recently, Kou et al. [17] published an interesting article in an L R -graph of an ordered semihyperring. Hyperatom elements are used in the L R -graph of an ordered semihyperring, so it is very useful to study these elements. The concept of a convex ordered hyperring associated with a strongly regular relation was investigated in this study. Additionally, we studied hyperatom elements of ordered hyperrings and then investigated characterizations of quotient ordered rings. A construction of an ordered ring via a convex ordered hyperring was given.
Definition 1
([2,18]). A triple ( R , , ) is a Krasner hyperring if:
( R , ) is a canonical hypergroup;
( R , ) is a semigroup and x 0 = 0 = 0 x for all x R ;
The operationis distributive with respect to the hyperoperation ⊕.
Throughout this paper we consider a Krasner hyperring ( R , , ) . For E , F R , we set
E θ ¯ ¯ F e E , f F , e θ f .
Moreover, θ is called a strongly regular relation on R [18] if p , q , s R ,
p θ q ( p s ) θ ¯ ¯ ( q s ) and ( s p ) θ ¯ ¯ ( s q ) ;
p θ q ( p s ) θ ¯ ¯ ( q s ) and ( s p ) θ ¯ ¯ ( s q ) .
Definition 2.
Let ( R , , ) be a hyperring. If R admits a partial order relation ≤ such that for any p , q , s R ,
p q p s q s , s p s q , p s q s , s p s q .
Then, ( R , , , ) is called an ordered hyperring. Here, for every S 1 , S 2 R , we put
S 1 S 2 s 1 S 1 , s 2 S 2 ; s 1 s 2 ,
( S 1 ] : = { q R | q s 1 for some s 1 S 1 } .
Theorem 1.
If ( R , , , ) is a convex ordered hyperring associated with a strongly regular relation θ, then ( R / θ , , , ) is an ordered ring.
See Theorem 3.6 in [19]. □
Theorem 2.
If ( R , , , ) is a convex ordered hyperring associated with a d-strongly regular relation θ where d is an injective strong derivation of R, then there exists an injective strong derivation on ( R / θ , , , ) .
See Theorem 3.7 in [19]. □

2. Results and Discussion

Definition 3.
We say that an element q of an ordered hyperring ( R , , , ) is a hyperatom element if
for any r R , r q implies r = 0 or r = q ;
q r 0 implies ( q r ) p = r for some p R .
Example 1.
Let R = { 0 , p , q , r } and
0 p q r 0 0 p q r p p { 0 , q } { p , r } q q q { p , r } { 0 , q } p r r q p 0
0 p q r 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 p q r q 0 q q 0 r 0 r 0 r
: = { ( 0 , 0 ) , ( p , p ) , ( q , q ) , ( r , r ) , ( 0 , q ) , ( r , p ) } .
Then ( R , , , ) is an ordered hyperring. Obviously, 0 is the only hyperatom element in R.
Example 2.
Let R = { 0 , p , q , r } and
0 p q r 0 0 p q r p p { 0 , p } r { q , r } q q r 0 p r r { q , r } p { 0 , p }
0 p q r 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 q q r 0 0 q q
: = { ( 0 , 0 ) , ( p , p ) , ( q , q ) , ( r , r ) , ( 0 , p ) , ( q , r ) } .
Then ( R , , , ) is an ordered hyperring. Obviously, 0 and p are hyperatom elements in R.
Lemma 1.
A ( R ) : = { q R | q is a hyperatom element of ( R , , , ) } .
If p q p and p q p for all p , q A ( R ) , then A ( R ) is a subhyperring of R.
Clearly, 0 A ( R ) . Let p , q A ( R ) . By hypothesis, u p for every u p q . Since p A ( R ) , we get u = 0 or u = p . Thus,
p q { 0 , p } .
p q A ( R ) .
p q A ( R ) .
If t R and t p A ( R ) , then t = 0 or t = p . Thus, t A ( R ) and hence
( A ( R ) ] A ( R ) .
Therefore, A ( R ) is a subhyperring of R. □
Definition 4.
( R , ) is said to be a convex ordered hyperring associated with a strongly regular relation θ if
( p , q ) θ   a n d   p c q ( p , c ) θ .
Definition 5.
A mapping d of an ordered hyperring ( R , , , ) into itself is said to be a derivation if s 1 , s 2 R ,
d ( s 1 s 2 ) d ( s 1 ) d ( s 2 ) ;
d ( s 1 s 2 ) d ( s 1 ) s 2 s 1 d ( s 2 ) ;
s 1 s 2 d ( s 1 ) d ( s 2 ) .
Example 3.
In Example 1, obviously, d : R R , defined by
d ( l ) = 0 , l = 0 , r q , l = p , q ,
is a derivation on R.
Now, we are able to make the connections of ordered hyperrings with ordered rings.
Theorem 3.
Let θ be a strongly regular relation on an ordered hyperring ( R , , , ) . If for every ( p , q ) θ , q is a hyperatom element, then ( R / θ , , , ) is an ordered ring, where for all [ t ] θ , [ s ] θ R / θ = { [ t ] θ | t R } ,
[ t ] θ [ s ] θ = { [ p ] θ | p t s } ,
[ t ] θ [ s ] θ = [ t s ] θ ,
[ t ] θ [ s ] θ t [ t ] θ , s [ s ] θ such that t s .
Let ( p , q ) θ and p c q . We assert that
( p , c ) θ .
As q is a hyperatom element, we have
c = 0   or   c = q .
Case 1. c = 0 .
Since R is positive, we have p = 0 . Thus, ( p , c ) = ( 0 , 0 ) θ in this case.
Case 2. c = q .
By this hypothesis, we obtain ( p , c ) = ( p , q ) θ .
Therefore, R is a convex ordered hyperring associated with θ . Now, by Theorem 3.6 in [19], ( R / θ , , , ) is an ordered ring. □
Theorem 4.
Let d be an injective strong derivation and θ a strongly regular relation on ( R , , , ) such that
for every ( p , q ) θ , q is a hyperatom element;
( p , q ) θ ( d ( p ) , d ( q ) ) θ .
ψ : R / θ R / θ
defined by
ψ ( [ t ] θ ) = [ d ( t ) ] θ ,   [ t ] θ R / θ ,
is an injective strong derivation on ( R / θ , , , ) .
By Theorem 3, ( R / θ , , , ) is an ordered ring. Now, let ( p , q ) θ . Then, by condition (ii), we get
( d ( p ) , d ( q ) ) θ .
Hence, ψ ( [ p ] θ ) = ψ ( [ q ] θ ) and so ψ is well-defined.
Let [ p ] θ , [ q ] θ R / θ and ψ ( [ p ] θ ) = ψ ( [ q ] θ ) . Then [ d ( p ) ] θ = [ d ( q ) ] θ and hence ( d ( p ) , d ( q ) ) θ . As d is injective, we get ( p , q ) θ . Thus [ p ] θ = [ q ] θ and so ψ is injective. Now, by the proof of Theorem 3.7 in [19], ψ is a strong derivation on ( R / θ , , , ) . □
Theorem 5.
Let ( R , , , ) be a finite ordered hyperring and | R | 2 . Then,
p R \ { 0 } , q p A * ( R ) = A ( R ) \ { 0 } ; q p p .
Let p R \ { 0 } .
Case 1.p is a hyperatom element. Then take q p = p .
Case 2.p is not a hyperatom element. Then
p R \ { 0 , p } ; p p .
Subcase 1. p is a hyperatom element. Then take q p = p .
Subcase 2. p is not a hyperatom element.
p 1 R \ { 0 , p , p } ; p 1 p p .
As R is finite, we get
p s p s 1 p 1 p p ,
where p s R \ { 0 , p , p , p 1 , , p s 1 } . Hence, p s = 0 if 0 L R ( p ) or q p = p s A * ( R ) and q p p . □
Corollary 1.
Let ( R , , , ) be a finite ordered hyperring and | R | 2 . Then,
p R \ { 0 } , q R \ { 0 } ; q p A * ( R ) = { q } .
(⇒): We have
w A * ( R ) , q R \ { 0 } ; q w .
As q 0 and w A * ( R ) , we obtain q = w . Thus, A * ( R ) = { q } .
(⇐): Let A * ( R ) = { q } and p R \ { 0 } . By Theorem 5, q p . □
Remark 1.
θ i d = { ( p , q ) R × R | p = q } .
If R is an ordered ring, then R is a convex ordered ring associated with θ i d . Clearly, θ i d on an ordered hyperring R is not a strongly regular relation (see Example 1). Thus, R is not a convex ordered hyperring associated with θ i d .
Theorem 6.
Let ( R λ , λ , λ , λ ) be a convex ordered hyperring for all λ Λ . Then, λ Λ R λ is a convex ordered hyperring.
Clearly, λ Λ R λ = { ( q λ ) λ Λ | q λ R λ } is an ordered hyperring. Indeed: for any ( p λ ) λ Λ , ( q λ ) λ Λ λ Λ R λ , we set
( p λ ) λ Λ ( q λ ) λ Λ = { ( r λ ) λ Λ | r λ p λ λ q λ } ;
( p λ ) λ Λ ( q λ ) λ Λ = ( p λ λ q λ ) λ Λ ;
( p λ ) λ Λ ( q λ ) λ Λ p λ λ q λ , λ Λ .
Now, let ( p λ ) λ Λ ( q λ ) λ Λ . If ( u λ ) λ Λ ( r λ ) λ Λ ( p λ ) λ Λ , then u λ r λ λ p λ . As ( p λ ) λ Λ ( q λ ) λ Λ , we obtain
p λ λ q λ , λ Λ .
u λ r λ λ p λ λ r λ λ q λ .
Thus, there exists v λ r λ λ q λ such that u λ λ v λ . It means that
( u λ ) λ Λ ( v λ ) λ Λ .
( r λ ) λ Λ ( p λ ) λ Λ ( r λ ) λ Λ ( q λ ) λ Λ .
( r λ ) λ Λ ( p λ ) λ Λ ( r λ ) λ Λ ( q λ ) λ Λ .
Therefore, λ Λ R λ is an ordered hyperring.
Claim: If θ λ is a strongly regular relation on R λ for all λ Λ , then θ is a strongly regular relation on λ Λ R λ , where
( p λ ) λ Λ θ ( q λ ) λ Λ ( p λ , q λ ) θ λ , p λ , q λ R λ , λ Λ .
Let ( p λ ) λ Λ θ ( q λ ) λ Λ . Then
( p λ , q λ ) θ λ , p λ , q λ R λ , λ Λ .
( p λ λ r λ ) θ λ ¯ ¯ ( q λ λ r λ ) ,   r λ R λ , λ Λ .
( p λ ) λ Λ ( r λ ) λ Λ θ ¯ ¯ ( q λ ) λ Λ ( r λ ) λ Λ .
( p λ ) λ Λ ( r λ ) λ Λ θ ¯ ¯ ( q λ ) λ Λ ( r λ ) λ Λ .
Hence, θ is a strongly regular relation on λ Λ R λ .
Let ( ( p λ ) λ Λ , ( r λ ) λ Λ ) θ and ( p λ ) λ Λ ( q λ ) λ Λ ( r λ ) λ Λ . Then, ( p λ , r λ ) θ λ and p λ λ q λ λ r λ . As R λ is a convex ordered hyperring, we get ( p λ , q λ ) θ λ . Therefore, ( ( p λ ) λ Λ , ( q λ ) λ Λ ) θ . Hence, λ Λ R λ is a convex ordered hyperring. □
Remark 2.
Suppose that θ is a pseudo-order in a convex ordered hyperring ( R , , , ) . Then, ( R / θ * , , , θ * ) is a convex ordered ring, where
θ * = { ( p , q ) R × R | ( p , q ) θ and ( q , p ) θ } ,
θ * : = { ( θ * ( x ) , θ * ( y ) ) R / θ * × R / θ * | p θ * ( x ) , q θ * ( y ) such that ( p , q ) θ } .
Indeed: Let p q r and ( p , r ) θ * . Then [ p ] θ * θ * [ q ] θ * and [ q ] θ * θ * [ r ] θ * = [ p ] θ * . So, [ p ] θ * = [ q ] θ * . Thus ( p , q ) θ * and hence R / θ * is convex.

3. Conlusions

Strongly regular relations are interesting topics in hyperring theory. The concept of a convex ordered hyperring associated with a strongly regular relation was investigated in this study. Researchers in hyperstructure theory in recent years have seriously investigated the construction of ordered structures. Considering the convex ordered hyperring, a method was suggested to construct ordered rings using the strongly regular relations. In the future, we will study convex ordered superrings.

Author Contributions

Y.R. contributed to supervision, methodology, project administration, and formal analyzing. M.G. and N.A. contributed to investigation, resources, computations, and wrote the initial draft of the paper, which was investigated and approved by N.A., who wrote the final draft. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62172116, 61972109) and the Guangzhou Academician and Expert Workstation (No. 20200115-9).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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MDPI and ACS Style

Rao, Y.; Gheisari, M.; Abbasizadeh, N. On Convex Ordered Hyperrings. Symmetry 2023, 15, 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15010061

AMA Style

Rao Y, Gheisari M, Abbasizadeh N. On Convex Ordered Hyperrings. Symmetry. 2023; 15(1):61. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15010061

Chicago/Turabian Style

Rao, Yongsheng, Mehdi Gheisari, and Nategh Abbasizadeh. 2023. "On Convex Ordered Hyperrings" Symmetry 15, no. 1: 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15010061

APA Style

Rao, Y., Gheisari, M., & Abbasizadeh, N. (2023). On Convex Ordered Hyperrings. Symmetry, 15(1), 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15010061

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