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- 23 pages
The purpose of this paper is to identify programs with control operators whose reduction semantics are in exact correspondence. This is achieved by introducing a relation ≃, defined over a revised presentation of Parigot’s λμ-calculus we dub ΛM. Our result builds on two fundamental ingredients: (1) factorization of λμ-reduction into multiplicative and exponential steps by means of explicit term operators of ΛM, and (2) translation of ΛM-terms into Laurent’s polarized proof-nets (PPN) such that cut-elimination in PPN simulates our calculus. Our proposed relation ≃ is shown to characterize structural equivalence in PPN. Most notably, ≃ is shown to be a strong bisimulation with respect to reduction in ΛM, i.e. two ≃-equivalent terms have the exact same reduction semantics, a result which fails for Regnier’s σ-equivalence in λ-calculus as well as for Laurent’s σ-equivalence in λμ.
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