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- 17 pages
Width-based automated theorem proving is a framework where counter-examples for graph theoretic conjectures are searched width-wise relative to some graph width measure, such as treewidth or pathwidth. In a recent work it has been shown that dynamic programming algorithms operating on tree decompositions can be combined together with the purpose of width-based theorem proving. This approach can be used to show that several long-standing conjectures in graph theory can be tested in time 2^{2^{k^{O(1)}}} on the class of graphs of treewidth at most k. In this work, we give the first steps towards evaluating the viability of this framework from a practical standpoint. At the same time, we advance the framework in two directions. First, we introduce a state-canonization technique that significantly reduces the number of states evaluated during the search for a counter-example of the conjecture. Second, we introduce an early-pruning technique that can be applied in the study of conjectures of the form ℙ₁ → ℙ₂, for graph properties ℙ₁ and ℙ₂, where ℙ₁ is a property closed under subgraphs. As a concrete application, we use our framework in the study of graph theoretic conjectures related to coloring triangle free graphs. In particular, our algorithm is able to show that Reed’s conjecture for triangle free graphs is valid on the class of graphs of pathwidth at most 5, and on graphs of treewidth at most 3. Perhaps more interestingly, our algorithm is able to construct in a completely automated way counter-examples for non-valid strengthenings of Reed’s conjecture. These are the first results showing that width-based automated theorem proving is a promising avenue in the study of graph-theoretic conjectures.
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