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slap downとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 ピシャリと置く、(…を)強く抑える、拒絶する、反対する、(…を)厳しく批判する
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「slap down」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 4件
in sumo, an act of dodging the oncoming opponent and knocking him down with a slap to his shoulder発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
相撲で,向かってくる相手をかわしてその肩などをはたいて倒す技 - EDR日英対訳辞書
All right, so, then, booth thinks cello girl's dad might have done something worse than slap his kid down the stairs?例文帳に追加
きっとブースは 平手打ちした父親が 階段から落としたことより 何かもっと悪いことを したと考えてるな - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
To enable an elbow supporter, used as a means of coping with lateral humeral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), to sufficiently slap down the front side of origin site of extensor carpi radialis muscle, in addition, to continually slap down the extensor carpi radialis muscle correctly even on medial rotation or lateral rotation of the arm.例文帳に追加
上腕骨外上顆炎の対処法として用いられる肘サポータにおいて、撓側手根伸筋の起始部位の手前を十分に押さえつけ、しかも腕の内旋又は外旋に際しても撓側手根伸筋を正しく押さえ続けることができるようにする。 - 特許庁
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Wiktionary英語版での「slap down」の意味 |
slapdown (複数形 slapdowns)
- An instance of slapping down, especially a humiliation or rejection.
- 2023 October 8, “German state elections: voters turn to the right in rebuke to Scholz’s coalition”, in The Guardian[1], sourced from Reuters, →ISSN:
- Jens Spahn, a senior legislator for the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU), said rarely had a government been given such a comprehensive slapdown.
- (engineering) The period after the initial impact of an object with a surface through the subsequent impact of the object on that surface, as an aircraft landing or a container falling.
- (geology, physics, seismology) The impact of a layer of earth falling after having been lifted by an explosion or an earthquake or similar large-scale disturbance.
意味 | 例文 (4件) |
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