意味 | 例文 (26件) |
the pants offとは 意味・読み方・使い方
Wiktionary英語版での「the pants off」の意味 |
the pants off
- (idiomatic) An intensifier used with some transitive action verbs to indicate that the action is performed with thoroughness, vigor, or complete success.
- 1937 April 5, "Miscellany," Time:
- "And did you also feel like you could whip the pants off any mother's son alive?"
- 1943 Dec. 13, "The Press: Scooped Again," Time:
- 1996 June 3, John Greenwald et al., "Magellan's New Direction," Time:
- 2001 March 16, Christopher Redman Bodelva, "Feast of Eden," Time:
- 2001 Sept. 7, Richard Corliss, "That Old Feeling: Brooks to Broadway: Get Happy," Time:
- 2004 April 12, Chris Taylor, "Video Games: You Ought to Be in Pixels," Time:
- 2006 June 25, Richard Lacayo, "The Making of America — Theodore Roosevelt," Time:
- 2010 March 29, Michael Schuman, "What Japan's Years of Paralysis Teach America," Time:
- 1937 April 5, "Miscellany," Time:
「the pants off」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 26件
By holding and pushing down the cuffs of pants by the instrument, the pants can be put off.例文帳に追加
パンツの裾をこの器具で挟み押し下げることで脱がせることが出来る。 - 特許庁
His tedious talk bored me stiff [bored the life out of me, 《口語》 bored the pants off me].発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
彼の退屈な長談義にはほとほとうんざりした. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
If you do that the again I'll beat the pants off you.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
同じことをまたやったら承知しませんよ。 - Tanaka Corpus
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
「the pants off」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 26件
The dog snapped off a piece of cloth from the intruder's pants発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
犬は侵入者のズボンからひとちぎりの生地を噛みついてとった - 日本語WordNet
To provide a pair of double bottom raincoat pants for preventing a pair of pants worn inside the raincoat pants from getting dirty when taking off or putting on after using the raincoat pants.例文帳に追加
雨合羽ズボンを使用後、脱いだり、着用するとき、雨合羽ズボンの内に履いているズボンを汚さないようにした二重裾雨合羽ズボンを提供する。 - 特許庁
In wearing and taking off the under short pants 1, fingers are introduced into the hanging parts 3 and the under short pants 1 are hung by the hanging parts and raid and lowered.例文帳に追加
パンツ1の脱ぎ着の際は、この引掛部3,3,…に指を挿入して引掛ることにより、パンツ1を上げ下ろしする。 - 特許庁
To provide a thick-soled foot cover intended for solving such problems that when wearing a pair of pants in a condition of covering a heel part of heel shoes, and taking off heel shoes and moving in a room, the bottom of the pants rubs a floor in a room to damage the pants and spoil feeling of wear and attachment design of the pants.例文帳に追加
ヒール靴のヒール部分まで覆う状態でズボンを着用し、ヒール靴を脱ぎ室内を移動する場合、ズボンの裾が室内床面を擦ってしまいズボンを損傷すると共にズボンの装着感とズボン装着デザインを損ねてしまう。 - 特許庁
As I see it, she failed in the push and pull. when that man tried to take off his pants例文帳に追加
俺が見るに 仕掛けるのに失敗したんだあの男がパンツを脱いだ時 - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
To provide a pants type disposable diaper which can be easily torn off when taking it off by making the strength of a side sealing part and a tearing property compatible.例文帳に追加
サイドシール部の強度と引き裂き性を両立させ、脱着時に引き剥がし易いパンツ型使い捨ておむつを提供すること。 - 特許庁
To provide pants with a body shape trimming member designed so as to raise the flabby buttocks to lift up the hip only through wearing it and prevent wrinkles from getting on the obverse side of the pants so as not to spoil the outline of the pants in spite of being extremely easy to put on or take off.例文帳に追加
体形補整部材付きパンツにおいて、着用・脱衣が極めて容易であるにも関わらず、着用するだけで臀部の弛みを引き上げてヒップアップでき、パンツの表側に皺等がよるのを防いで見栄えを損なわないこと。 - 特許庁
In order to house pants, a skirt, etc. by hanging it as it is taken off, a hanger stopper 3 of the pants, the skirt, etc. with a hanger function is provided at a conventional hanger function.例文帳に追加
従来のハンガー機能に、スラックス、スカート等を脱いだ状況のまま吊り下げ収納するために、ハンガー機能付きスラックス、スカート等のハンガーストッパー3を設けた。 - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (26件) |
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