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「心尖」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 59



the tricuspid valve  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


a valve of the heart, called tricuspid valve  - EDR日英対訳辞書


The grommet 20 has a conical part 23, whose bus bar at its pointed part 25 is curved toward the axis of the conical part 23, so that the pointed part 25 is well sharpened, and its strength is enhanced because the part 25 is formed solid. - 特許庁


a bit with a sharp center point for guidance and two side cutters  - 日本語WordNet



It is preferable to form the tips of the both end parts into pointed shapes. - 特許庁



A center tip portion 24 is provided consecutively from the central portion, in which the cutting edges 23 are formed, and outer circumference tip portions 25 are formed at the outer circumference end portion. - 特許庁


The inclined end face 20 is inclined to the central axis A of the puncturing needle, a pointed end part 21 is formed in the distal end of the inclined end face 20, and the pointed end part 21 is curved to the central axis A side of the needle. - 特許庁


The cell is thereby easy to get in the artificial valve cusp for the implantation, because only the artificial valve cusp for the implantation is implanted to a blood vessel tissue of a patient, which is different from a case of implanting a blood vessel tissue including the cardiac valve, and the artificial valve cusp for the implantation is self-organized further. - 特許庁


The pointed ends 15 and 16 are bent horizontally and then heated and pressured to thermally bond them between adjacent core lines 19, whereby a flat cable being alternately formed with an integral portion 23 and a non- integral portion 24 can be provided. - 特許庁



This artificial valve cusp for the implantation has a shape simulated with a valve cusp of a human cardiac valve, is formed of a material derived from an animal tissue serving as a footing for regenerating a cell, and is constituted to make a DNA amount zero. - 特許庁



A guide rod 27 is projected out toward the main tube in the central part of the branch joint 24 and this guide rod 27 is provided with a pointed front end 27. - 特許庁


a severe disease chiefly of children and characterized by painful inflammation of the joints and frequently damage to the heart valves  - 日本語WordNet


Many of their upper ends were pointed in such shapes as of so called tongue, ficron, spearhead or Micoquien, egg, heart, almond and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the end of this cultural period (1.5 year ago or before), stone spear points appeared around Kanto and Chubu region.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Preferably, the nibs have a height between 0.12 and 0.19 inches and are offset from one another by a center-to-center distance of 0.5-0.8 inches. - 特許庁


The seedling cap does not require an iron material and has no anxiety of pointed wire that is left in a fallow soil and causes an injury. - 特許庁


A first base point (a) and a second base point b are designated on both sides of the mitral valve by a user, and also an apex c is designated at the apex cordis. - 特許庁


To make the tip parts of a central cone and others which are fitted to the end of a rotary cutting tool having a cutting blade of high hardness sintered body resistant to breakage. - 特許庁


A region of interest is set on a thin layer along the endocardium of the left ventricle wall for the ultrasonic apex long-axis tomogram of a patient taken when the patient is at rest, and the strain rate of the set region of interest is computed. - 特許庁


An end part of the contact 2 has a half-elliptic end face having a circular arc portion whose middle part projecting in the direction of the end part and inclined relative to its axial direction, and is worked into a sharp part 3 gradually narrowed toward its end, and the extreme end part of the sharp part 3 is worked into a sharp end part 4 gradually thinned toward its end. - 特許庁


In addition, the data processing part 4 generates tomographic images at the positions of the cardiac base part, the cardiac apex part and the papillary muscle respectively based on the moving image of the heart. - 特許庁


To provide a method for external heart base annuloplasty (an ECBAS or BACE system : basal Annuloplasty of the cardia externally) as well as treatment of reverse flows of the mitral valve and the valva tricuspidalis. - 特許庁


To prevent the occurrence of a thrombosis and bradycardia in the heart and to prevent the sticking of a blood removing cannula inserted into the left ventricular apex of the heart by maintaining cardiac rate of his or her own heart of a user above a certain specified number even at the time of wearing an auxiliary artificial heart. - 特許庁


The pointed end P of the spiny piece is engaged with a tapered hole H provided on each line connecting each corner D between reflection areas R at equal distance from the center of the polygon mirror 5, the pointed end P and the tapered hole H constitutes a means for positioning the pressing member. - 特許庁


The cleaning apparatus has the following construction: There is provided a scraper member 50 extending toward the axial direction of a draft roller 1b and equipped with a sharp edge 50a butted on the outer circumferential surface of the draft roller 1b, wherein the sharp edge 50a is butted in parallel to the central axis 1c of the draft roller 1b. - 特許庁


Disclose is the highly flexible tissue-type heart valve having a structural stent 46 in a generally cylindrical configuration with cusps and commissures that are permitted to move radially. - 特許庁


A highly flexible tissue-type heart valve is disclosed having a structural stent in a generally cylindrical configuration with cusps 60 and commissures 62 that are permitted to move radially. - 特許庁


A protrusion 19c with a sharp tip is formed on a part of the fitting 19 to be sandwiched between the primary bobbin and the iron core, and the tip of the protrusion is brought into contact with the iron core 11. - 特許庁


A guide wire 8 is inserted into a guide wire tube of a lead 10 and then, the lead 10 is inserted into the vein through the sheath from the part of an electrode 2 for a ventricle at the tip thereof to fix an electrode for a ventricle at a part closer to an apex cordis part of the ventricle of a patient. - 特許庁


An interpolation processing part 24 forms a plurality of interpolation curves from the cardiac apex to the side of the annulus part by interpolation processing utilizing the plurality of sample points made to correspond to each other over the plurality of cross sections and a reference point corresponding to the cardiac apex, and extends the respective interpolation curves to a reference plane corresponding to the annulus part. - 特許庁


The valve replacement system comprises a trocar or another suitable device for penetrating the heart at or near the apex of a heart, a delivery member that is movably disposed within the trocar, and a replacement cardiac valve disposed on the delivery member. - 特許庁

った部分を持つカーソル(矢印や指マークなど)においては、普通は先端部分をホットスポットにする。 対称な形を持つカーソル(十字や的など)においては、普通は中をホットスポットにする。例文帳に追加

For cursors with sharp tips (such as arrows or fingers), this is usually at the end of the tip; for symmetric cursors(such as crosses or bullseyes), this is usually at the center. - XFree86


The stent commissures 62 are constructed so that the cusps are pivotably or flexibly coupled together at the commissures to permit relative movement therebetween. - 特許庁


The stent commissures are constructed so that the cusps 60 are pivotably or flexibly coupled together at the commissures 62 to permit relative movement therebetween. - 特許庁


The virtual mouse 61 includes a sharp pointed pointer 73, and the pointer 73 is displayed in a position a prescribed distance away from a centroid of a position touched with the user's finger. - 特許庁


In such a manner, the three-dimensional contour line of the left ventricle comprising the plurality of interpolation curves connecting the reference point corresponding to the cardiac apex of the left ventricle and the reference plane corresponding to the annulus part of the left ventricle is formed. - 特許庁


The foundation pile 15 includes an upper cylinder part 17 of hollow cylinder shape that can insert the lower part of the post 11, and a pointed end 18 extended coaxially downward from the lower end of the upper cylinder part 17 and biting into the ground by striking. - 特許庁


To eliminate the fear that the person's face, eye or finger may hit a pointed extremity of an upward slip spindle fitting when he/she tries to quickly look for a slip spindle in a dark room, and to make the slip spindle not structurally complicated but formed in a shape convenient for use. - 特許庁


The dial can go into approximately five revolutions with one twist in spinning the cusped part 1-1 by taking it between balls of fingers like twisting paper into a string or topping a spin with its spindle. - 特許庁


By delivering the tool body 1, while rotating the tool body 1 around a center line O of the tip part 4, by using the tool, the fine machining is performed for the surface of the object to be machined made of the brittle material by the cutting blade part 6. - 特許庁


The annular weakening groove 6 surrounding the removable plug 7 has a groove part 6A having a pointed bill-shape toward the flow passage inner wall 2A at the symmetrical position passing through a cap center from a part with the stay part 7A being planted therein. - 特許庁


A contour extraction part 20 sets a plurality of cross sections corresponding to the minor axis cross section between a cardiac apex and an annulus part inside a three-dimensional data space and extracts the contour of the left ventricle for each cross section. - 特許庁


A guide pin 27 is projected to adjust the concentricity of shaft holes 9, 10 of the carrier 1 and the long pinion assembly W1, and a pointed end 28 of the guide pin 27 is fitted in a centering hole 38 of a pinion shaft 4A floatingly supported by a shaft holder 35 to adjust the concentricity. - 特許庁


The separating movement is stopped in a state where the tip Ca of the cake C is placed on a central seat 1a, a fork F is advanced and inserted through fork grooves 3d, 3e of the segment 3, and the tip Fa is inserted into an auxiliary groove 1b of the central seat 1a. - 特許庁

コ 受信装置は、その周波数が中周波数から九〇〇キロヘルツ偏位しており、かつ、その頭電力が最大感度に八〇デシベルを加えた電力以下である質問信号に対しては、七〇パーセント以上の応答率を有しないものであること。例文帳に追加

(gg) The receiving equipment shall be such that its frequency deviates from the central frequency by 900 kHz, and, it shall not have a response ratio of 70% or more to a query signal of which peak power is not more than the sum of the maximum sensitivity and 80 dB.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The plastic cushion material 20 is formed to a circular cone tapered off to the top end, and the area of the lower end side is made smaller than the area of the pile head 14, which is mounted on the pile head 14 so that the point end is located on the central axis of the pile head 14. - 特許庁


This hollow nail comprises a substantially bottomed cylindrical nail body 8 that has an axial hollow part 12 in it, a pointed head part 9 formed at the tip of the nail body 8, and a head part 10 formed at the rear end of the nail body 8 that has an opening 13 in its center. - 特許庁


To provide a pile driving method and a pile driving guide part forming device capable of driving even a pile whose acute part on the tip side is not positioned at the center, vertically to the ground surface by forming beforehand a guide part for guiding the pile in driving the pile into the ground. - 特許庁


A leg support apparatus is adapted, such that it comprises a leg support main structure 1 including a spike structure 4a, and a stand base 5 for supporting a core shaft of the head of the spike structure 4a, and the stand base 5 is integrated with the leg support main structure 1 in a free state. - 特許庁



The tip cleaner comprises a set of (1) a hexangular rod-like tip cleaner having pointed forward end for cleaning the central hole of the tip, and (2) a tip cleaner of a tube (2a) provided with a forward end cutter (2b) and a side face cutter (2c) for cleaning the outer circumferential hole of the tip. - 特許庁

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